So, who is profiting off of the influx of illegal aliens? You might be surprised.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
First off, I give credit to the person who did the research to find this out, Michael Savage. Left-wing or right-wing, this is a must read and will surprise all. Keep in mind, Savage is registered as Independent, he isn't part of the two-party system. I will also note that I am posting this from memory from his show, I have a near photographic memory, so this will include the info he and his small staff found. I'm editing parts like where he brags about how he should get a Pulitzer Prize and such. Here it goes:

So who is making big money off of this surge of illegal aliens coming in? Who is getting the most out of this? Well, it is not just Obama and Democrats, it is Republicans as well. Democrats and Republicans have to pay back the big business interests that put them in power. Some of you might be aware of $32 aspirin in hospitals, but that is nothing compared to how companies are making big money off of housing illegal aliens in empty detention centers that prior to this influx of illegal aliens, were empty.

So who is making big profits off of this? GEO group, whose parent company was Wackenhut Corrections. In the past 6 years, GEO group, which runs prisons for profit, has been awarded $900 million in ICE contracts. GEO is an international organization that owns a lot of private prisons in the U.S., Australia, UK, and S. Africa. GEO funds, ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council). ALEC, is an lobbying organization that tells reps how to vote and how to operate. Some of the stockholders include: George Zoley, John Bulfin, Norman Carlson, Thomas Wierdsman. How about we take a look at major hedge funds and mutual funds involved in this (I found this link on my own) ====>>> Top Shareholders in CCA & GEO | Prison Divestment Campaign. There are others as well. Here is the board of directors of GEO, and they're profiting big time off of this,
George Zoley, chairman, Richard Glanton, CEO, Norman Carlson, former director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Ann Foreman, Clarence Anthony, of Government Solutions Inc., Chris Wheeler, Julia Wood.......all of them are pushing for amnesty for illegal aliens so they can line their pockets.

But it doesn't end there, who is making great profits off of this? None other than David and Charles Koch, the Koch brothers. They are big in wanting to add more money to their billions upon billions of dollars. These anti-America sell outs are major funders of ALEC, and they like many others want to profit off of filling up empty detention centers, and they want to make this profit off of the taxes of everyday working class people.

The Koch brothers are just as anti-American and rotten to the core as George Soros and communist billionaire communist ilk like him.

So now you can see why both Republicrats and Democans both want amnesty, both make good on it for the same reasons as well as different reasons.

So next time you see a Paul Ryan, John Boehner type, ask them how ALEC is telling them to vote and how much they're making off of it.
Why should I? I have railed for years and was told I was a socialist,,,A communist, what evah! The American politic has been up for sale since Reagan..
I'm one of those voters who doesn't give a shit if there's an (R) or (D) by the name.. if you're corrupt, fuck you and let the chips fall. Thank you for sharing this article. America is for sale and both parties have mortgaged our country for power.
Not only are people making big money off the illegals, but big money was spent getting them here. I can't believe that Obama wants us to believe that tens of thousands of "unaccompanied" children made their way to our southern border from all corners of the world. Travel is expensive. They need food and lodging and it's just not believable that they travelled any significant distance on their own. Someone funded their travel expenses and that had to be a big bill considering how many have come. Does anyone believe that poor families came up with over $2,000 per person to pay the coyotes in Mexico for getting them across the border? That doesn't include airfare for them getting to Mexico.

We aren't getting the real story and the media knows better than to ask any tough questions about the details of this clearly orchestrated surge. The wealthy know you have to spend money to make money, but whose money was spent to convince people from so many countries to sneak in here via Mexico? They are seeing the rewards as they move into nice condos and some are being sent to Hawaii. That is on the American tax payers for sure, but I still want to know who funded this conjured up crisis.
Why should I? I have railed for years and was told I was a socialist,,,A communist, what evah! The American politic has been up for sale since Reagan..

IDIOT HACK.. You're just as damn foolish as your cohorts and the lockstep partisans.. It went on before even Reagans term you bozo
This could be a lonely thread since no one really wants to acknowledge how despicable our leaders are and the private industry that they are in bed with.

I like acknowledging it. Both parties are taking huge bribes from the illegal alien lobby.
oh, there is two prongs in all this and it was planned

one is people are raking in the money off it and two they are trying to use it TO SHAME US into passing Amnesty

no one can give a good answer WHY all of sudden did this happen UNDER OBAMA? and where is their frikken government that aren't trying to stop this and why isn't Mexico keeping them?

this whole thing was planned and is being aided and abetted BY YOUR President and the Democrat party
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This bullshit is costing the American taxpayer up the ass.

These people need to go back to wherever the hell they came from.

The law that supposedly brought them here was for the victims of sex trafficing. Doubt any of those arriving fit the requirements.

One has to wonder what those Clowns in DC use for brains? Apparantly they have none.
Lol Koch?

Seriously sad leftists can't even imagine Obama is doing what Prog always do to society: weaken, sicken, and destruction.

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