Social Security Reform Bill

Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017

Agroup of House Republicans is making a rare move that would force a vote on a bill to reform aspects of Social Security, stirring unrest in the conference.

The bill at the heart of the push, also dubbed the Social Security Fairness Act, seeks to do away with the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO), a proposal that backers on both sides of the aisle argue is long overdue.

The bill enjoys support from more than 100 House Republicans, and almost four dozen have cosigned the effort to use what’s known as a discharge petition to force consideration of the bill — and the strategy is rubbing some in the conference the wrong way.

It would be great if they did this before the election so that everyone can see where their elected reps fall on the issue before people vote.

It is long past overdue.

Agroup of House Republicans is making a rare move that would force a vote on a bill to reform aspects of Social Security, stirring unrest in the conference.

The bill at the heart of the push, also dubbed the Social Security Fairness Act, seeks to do away with the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO), a proposal that backers on both sides of the aisle argue is long overdue.

The bill enjoys support from more than 100 House Republicans, and almost four dozen have cosigned the effort to use what’s known as a discharge petition to force consideration of the bill — and the strategy is rubbing some in the conference the wrong way.

It would be great if they did this before the election so that everyone can see where their elected reps fall on the issue before people vote.

It is long past overdue.
SS and Medicare need to be fixed but I'd like to see more nuts and bolts.

Agroup of House Republicans is making a rare move that would force a vote on a bill to reform aspects of Social Security, stirring unrest in the conference.

The bill at the heart of the push, also dubbed the Social Security Fairness Act, seeks to do away with the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO), a proposal that backers on both sides of the aisle argue is long overdue.

The bill enjoys support from more than 100 House Republicans, and almost four dozen have cosigned the effort to use what’s known as a discharge petition to force consideration of the bill — and the strategy is rubbing some in the conference the wrong way.

It would be great if they did this before the election so that everyone can see where their elected reps fall on the issue before people vote.

It is long past overdue.
Both of those programs limit soc sec benefits to those who paid taxes to fund them. Soc sec is not fully funded. Why should we make that worse by "giving" people who didn't pay in benefits out, and let the gop score a point doing what they claim dems do ... unfunded benefits?

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