Socialism is more popular than Project 2025

Like all long documents, most people don't know all the details involved. This one is 900 pages. Enough credible sources have described its contents to see it is not supportive of American government as we know it.

not supportive of American government as we know it.

You say that like it's a bad thing.
That angle is for low IQ simplistic morons such as yourself ..

You like roads ...roads are good socialism good

Define socialism

Pfft fucking idiot

I'm sorry

Fucking useful idiot

So shallow so dense ...

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole:
Do you question the benefit of our system of roads?
So who controls the building and upkeep of our roads? Which bastion of capitalism pays for, and is in charge of all that? Same with public libraries, parks, police and fire departments, etc.

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole:
Do you question the benefit of our system of roads?
So who controls the building and upkeep of our roads? Which bastion of capitalism pays for, and is in charge of all that? Same with public libraries, parks, police and fire departments, etc.
Now, look up: Conflation.
Hey shit for brains. Educational quality was far better before 1978 when Jimmah Cahtah established the department.
Nowadays, high school graduates couldn’t tell you what century WWI was in or write a grammatically correct sentence, but they sure know that there are 54 genders, that blacks are still “oppressed” and deserve reparations, and that Trump is a threat to democracy.
Nowadays, high school graduates couldn’t tell you what century WWI was in or write a grammatically correct sentence, but they sure know that there are 54 genders, that blacks are still “oppressed” and deserve reparations, and that Trump is a threat to democracy.
No joke. And it was Bill Bennett, SecEd under Reagan, who was trying to expose and rectify it.
I will wait for people to surrender their cushy jobs and nice salaries to quit their jobs and teach. Heck 38 grand is a great salary.
In a recent NBC survey of registered voters that gauged the popularity of several things, it was shown that Socialism has more likes and fewer dislikes than Project 2025. With MAGAs eager to classify anything they don't like as Socialism; it's telling to note that it is still more popular than the right-wing plan to purge the government of all whose allegiance is to the constitution rather than trump. When they put out a several hundred-page report about what they intend to do, we should pay attention and vote to stop such heinous actions.
Well, progressives like Harris have embraced socialism while Trump has repeatedly denied being with project 2025.

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