Socialism is more popular than Project 2025

In a recent NBC survey of registered voters that gauged the popularity of several things, it was shown that Socialism has more likes and fewer dislikes than Project 2025. With MAGAs eager to classify anything they don't like as Socialism; it's telling to note that it is still more popular than the right-wing plan to purge the government of all whose allegiance is to the constitution rather than trump. When they put out a several hundred-page report about what they intend to do, we should pay attention and vote to stop such heinous actions.

That’s because most people don’t even know what is in project 2025 short of what their news channel of choice has told them. The average person isn’t going to read a 900 page document.

See, I haven’t read it either, but I’ve heard there are good things in it. This just shows you that my opinion is formed on the news that I consume, just like an opinion is formed based on those that consume other news. Neither of us really knows the truth about it.
In a recent NBC survey of registered voters that gauged the popularity of several things, it was shown that Socialism has more likes and fewer dislikes than Project 2025. With MAGAs eager to classify anything they don't like as Socialism; it's telling to note that it is still more popular than the right-wing plan to purge the government of all whose allegiance is to the constitution rather than trump. When they put out a several hundred-page report about what they intend to do, we should pay attention and vote to stop such heinous actions.
so.....demo'rats were heavily represented heh?
In a recent NBC survey of registered voters that gauged the popularity of several things, it was shown that Socialism has more likes and fewer dislikes than Project 2025. With MAGAs eager to classify anything they don't like as Socialism; it's telling to note that it is still more popular than the right-wing plan to purge the government of all whose allegiance is to the constitution rather than trump. When they put out a several hundred-page report about what they intend to do, we should pay attention and vote to stop such heinous actions.

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Kids like socialism because they don't see much hope...or they are young fools...or lazy...or like free stuff. Whatever the reason, kids love the commie way of life. The problem with this is...humans can't do it. Humans can't be good commies. Ants can be good commies. Bees can be good commies. Humans can't be good commies. Now, it is not just me saying is fact. Humans are not bees or ants. Humans are corrupt, greedy, evil & egomaniacal. Ants and bees do what is best for the collective. It is instilled in them by nature...they don't have to think things out. They don't have to demonstrate and burn things down. Humans do what they perceive as best for themselves.

Remember a while back they had some YT video of a liberal meeting. The liberals were all confused trying to out woke each other, arguing this or that was wrong. I think one liberal POS was stressed out from loud talking or something. Those F'ers are not authentic with their communism, they are posers. Ant's and bees don't do that. It is second nature to them. Communism is natural and no questions asked or needed with ants and bees. Ants and bees are authentic with their communism and very successful at it...because they are selfless.

Capitalism is not perfect. Capitalism sold off CA to Mehico for cheap labor. Capitalism sold off the USA to China for cheap goods. But at least capitalism allows for rewards based on personal effort. Our world was built on endless consumption and growth in a finite world. Take that endless consumption and growth away and you will collapse things, bub. It is just how we built our world.

Back in the 1800's people lived a more sustainable life, that was in the sodbuster era and before. That is how we would have to live to live 'somewhat' sustainable, along with a 90% to 95% die off in the world. That is the score, bub.

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That’s because most people don’t even know what is in project 2025 short of what their news channel of choice has told them. The average person isn’t going to read a 900 page document.

See, I haven’t read it either, but I’ve heard there are good things in it. This just shows you that my opinion is formed on the news that I consume, just like an opinion is formed based on those that consume other news. Neither of us really knows the truth about it.

Here's one of the biggest problems with it. And it's only a problem IF...if one believes that the federal government is far too big, far too corrupt and often malicious and that truly cutting it is the only real and meaningful solution to the sad state of affairs with which the country has been reduced as a consequence

The problem with it is that it is does little at all to change that. It's just lip service

For instance, it calls for cutting federal agencies, but if you actually read it, all they're really gonna do is keep them and move their offices to different federal agencies. They want to reorganize. Not cut.

It's basically a moderate's dream. Though the foreign policy aspects of it will certainly appeal to Bush-era neo-cons.

Of course, I'm biased in my personal view that the most dangerous faction to the cause of Individual liberty in America today is the moderate vote, as they're historically just okay with the majority of the bad, anti-liberty legislation coming from both sides of the party-of-one. All in the name of ''bi-partisanship and compromise,'' of course.

But you are right, though, in that hardly anyone is gonna read it.

Heck. That's why they make that stuff so long in the first place. Ha.

Congress doesn't even read the bills they pass that the lobbyists write...

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Massive tax breaks and repeal of safety and environmental requirements that put the poor and middle class at even more disadvantage.

Massive tax breaks

Which massive tax breaks? How is that "free stuff"?

What safety and environmental stuff did he repeal?
Or is this what he is promising? Any specifics?
Well, progressives like Harris have embraced socialism while Trump has repeatedly denied being with project 2025.
He said he didn't rape Ms Carrol, or cheat those victims of his college scam too. The man is a liar and a cheat. Only a fool would believe him if he said he went to bed last night.
That’s because most people don’t even know what is in project 2025 short of what their news channel of choice has told them. The average person isn’t going to read a 900 page document.

See, I haven’t read it either, but I’ve heard there are good things in it. This just shows you that my opinion is formed on the news that I consume, just like an opinion is formed based on those that consume other news. Neither of us really knows the truth about it.
You're gonna have to do a lot better than that.
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Kids like socialism because they don't see much hope...or they are young fools...or lazy...or like free stuff. Whatever the reason, kids love the commie way of life. The problem with this is...humans can't do it. Humans can't be good commies. Ants can be good commies. Bees can be good commies. Humans can't be good commies. Now, it is not just me saying is fact. Humans are not bees or ants. Humans are corrupt, greedy, evil & egomaniacal. Ants and bees do what is best for the collective. It is instilled in them by nature...they don't have to think things out. They don't have to demonstrate and burn things down. Humans do what they perceive as best for themselves.

Remember a while back they had some YT video of a liberal meeting. The liberals were all confused trying to out woke each other, arguing this or that was wrong. I think one liberal POS was stressed out from loud talking or something. Those F'ers are not authentic with their communism, they are posers. Ant's and bees don't do that. It is second nature to them. Communism is natural and no questions asked or needed with ants and bees. Ants and bees are authentic with their communism and very successful at it...because they are selfless.

Capitalism is not perfect. Capitalism sold off CA to Mehico for cheap labor. Capitalism sold off the USA to China for cheap goods. But at least capitalism allows for rewards based on personal effort. Our world was built on endless consumption and growth in a finite world. Take that endless consumption and growth away and you will collapse things, bub. It is just how we built our world.

Back in the 1800's people lived a more sustainable life, that was in the sodbuster era and before. That is how we would have to live to live 'somewhat' sustainable, along with a 90% to 95% die off in the world. That is the score, bub.

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I'm sure that was very moving at your last Proud Boys meeting. Non-conspiracy theory nuts disagree.
Massive tax breaks

Which massive tax breaks? How is that "free stuff"?

What safety and environmental stuff did he repeal?
Or is this what he is promising? Any specifics?
You should first educate yourself on what that greedy narcissist has actually said if you want to discuss him.

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole:
Do you question the benefit of our system of roads?
So who controls the building and upkeep of our roads? Which bastion of capitalism pays for, and is in charge of all that? Same with public libraries, parks, police and fire departments, etc.

Ah jeez he posted the definition :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I was mocking you extremely stupid leftist

Define socialism, define communism ,define socialism that's never been tried ...define your twat...

No I never do question the roads ..but they're not socialism.

Simplistic spaz
In a recent NBC survey of registered voters that gauged the popularity of several things, it was shown that Socialism has more likes and fewer dislikes than Project 2025. With MAGAs eager to classify anything they don't like as Socialism; it's telling to note that it is still more popular than the right-wing plan to purge the government of all whose allegiance is to the constitution rather than trump. When they put out a several hundred-page report about what they intend to do, we should pay attention and vote to stop such heinous actions.
Hmmm….thats so weird. Flood a nation with 50 million brown cockroaches and the next thing you know people start to embrace ‘SOCIALISM’.
Gee, nobody saw this coming.
Deja Vu. This reminds me of the Contract With America from 1994. Same scare tactics.
Exactly. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Democrats were saying Republicans were going to throw granny off the cliff for 50 years, until granny became more of a Republican voter, so you don't see much of that any longer. Now, the scare tactics are, those nasty Republicans are going to take away your "right" to abort your baby. Wash, rinse, repeat. The democrats will be using abortion against the Republicans long most of us are gone from this planet.
Nobody is scared by socialism. That has been around in various forms for decades. It's Marxism that America first Republicans are against, and Harris-Walz are Marxists. MAGA
Calling liberals Marxists is as harmful to a rational discussion as calling conservatives racists.

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