Socialism is more popular than Project 2025

Calling liberals Marxists is as harmful to a rational discussion as calling conservatives racists.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck.... it's a duck. The left has thrown open the border, and let in the 3rd world because they think it helps their cause, and calls anyone who opposes it, racists.
Ah jeez he posted the definition :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

I was mocking you extremely stupid leftist

Define socialism, define communism ,define socialism that's never been tried ...define your twat...

No I never do question the roads ..but they're not socialism.

Simplistic spaz
So, what bastion of capitalism is responsible for our roads? If not socialism, how did they get built and maintained?
So, what bastion of capitalism is responsible for our roads? If not socialism, how did they get built and maintained?

Capitalism says that if there is value in the road it get's built.

Socialism says that we build roads so people stay employed.

Government is pretty stupid all the way around.
So, what bastion of capitalism is responsible for our roads? If not socialism, how did they get built and maintained?
What socialism built those 500year old pretty lil painted northern European houses you once posted and PROCLAIMED socialism built that ?

Do you remember my answer ......I do
You're in no position to educate anyone sweetheart
I thought you were a broad ...until one day you said you were a man

Soy latte to go
Calling Harris and Walz liberals is inaccurate because they are Marxists, even though liberalism is treading toward Marxism. America first. MAGA
There is little to no daylight between today's American liberals and subverted Marxists. The demented LEFT are too far gone and their lust for control over We, The People is antithetical to our country and Constitution. They must be defeated.
Calling liberals Marxists is as harmful to a rational discussion as calling conservatives racists.
There is definitely about a third of Democrats who embrace socialism, with Marxists leanings. These are the same third who said they think the country would be better off if Trump were murderered.
Not even remotely true. :eusa_hand:

Let’s clarify. On the conservative side, there is a very small contingent of racists. (On the Democrat side, there is a large contingent of antisemites, but I digress,)

On the liberal side, about a third are radical leftists who indeed want socialism, with a strong bend toward Marxism.
Let’s clarify. On the conservative side, there is a very small contingent of racists. (On the Democrat side, there is a large contingent of antisemites, but I digress,)

On the liberal side, about a third are radical leftists who indeed want socialism, with a strong bend toward Marxism.
Just about EVERYTHING they do and say has a racial aspect to it.
In fact, their racist determination to reduce the white population in this country was the Immigration Act of 1965.
They are determined to dilute our national population solely for their lust for power and control. They think "brown people" are easily herded to their conformity, and it doesn't get more disgustingly racist than that.
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