Socialism is more popular than Project 2025

He said he didn't rape Ms Carrol, or cheat those victims of his college scam too. The man is a liar and a cheat. Only a fool would believe him if he said he went to bed last night.
Even the courts decided he didn't rape anyone. With the college deal, he agreed to pay a settlement, something a lot of innocent people do. It was a civil case. Lots of upstanding people lose civil cases.
Karl Marx made two assertions I agree with. First, the natural tendency of capitalism is to accumulate wealth and income at the top. Second, partly as a result of these capitalism will experience increasingly serious economic downturns.

That is what did happen from the publication of The Communist Manifesto in 1848 to the Stock Market Crash of 1929. President Franklin Roosevelt countered these tendencies with steeply progressive taxation, laws to introduce a minimum wage and protect labor unions, and similar reforms.

As a result, the United States recovered from the Great Depression. Recessions became milder.

The Reagan administration reversed Roosevelt's reforms. As a result, wealth and income again accumulate at the top. Recessions become longer and deeper.

Marx's other assertions were mistaken. His most critical mistake was to assume that among working class people loyalties of class are stronger than loyalties of race, nation, and ethnicity. Most of the time the opposite is the case.

Marx's assertion that the economy moves from primitive communism to slavery, to feudalism, and to capitalism was mistaken. Marx should have learned that by the revival of slavery in the New World.

Dialectical Materialism is not true at all.
Marxism is “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” - and it’s a sure-fire way to disincentive EVERYONE: the more capable and harder-working will figure, “why work so hard when it is taken from me?” and the less capable and minimally working will figure “why put forth the effort if I’m going to be given it anyway?”

Kamala has made remarks that she leans in this direction. She has said that some people need more, so you give it to them….and others have more, so they are able to provide it.

Fastest way to destroy a once-great country.
You claim to be intelligent, but your opinions consist of cliches.
You claim to be intelligent, but your opinions consist of cliches.
Not a cliche; I explained why socialism would destroy our country, just as it has every other.

No need to be a nasty Democrat and take a swipe at my intelligence. All it does is make you look like a Democrat who has to insult his enemy.
Not a cliche; I explained why socialism would destroy our country, just as it has every other.

No need to be a nasty Democrat and take a swipe at my intelligence. All it does is make you look like a Democrat who has to insult his enemy.
I do not really consider you to be my enemy. :)
In a recent NBC survey of registered voters that gauged the popularity of several things, it was shown that Socialism has more likes and fewer dislikes than Project 2025. With MAGAs eager to classify anything they don't like as Socialism; it's telling to note that it is still more popular than the right-wing plan to purge the government of all whose allegiance is to the constitution rather than trump. When they put out a several hundred-page report about what they intend to do, we should pay attention and vote to stop such heinous actions.
We are a capitalist society with a few social programs that everyone likes.
Even the courts decided he didn't rape anyone. With the college deal, he agreed to pay a settlement, something a lot of innocent people do. It was a civil case. Lots of upstanding people lose civil cases.
All true. It's often less expensive to enter into a settlement than to pay the enormous amounts it takes to defend a case in the courts. Trump's attorneys are smart enough to know this. Ms Carrol lied in court during her civil trial of Trump. Nobody (especially President Trump) would rape someone in broad daylight in a busy department store with people all over the place.
IMO, it all comes down to a couple things:
1. Do you support the government taking wealth from one citizen and using it to subsidize another, who provides nothing of value in return?
2. Do you believe those who earn a higher income than others should have higher taxation rates?

From those with ability, to those with needs.
You take yourself and politics too seriously.
I’ve got to. I have money in stocks that was meant to support me to the end, and with a socialist in charge, it’s all in question.

Also, maybe YOU should take what’s going on more seriously. You are about to vote for an airhead DEI candidate who will destroy this country.
I’ve got to. I have money in stocks that was meant to support me to the end, and with a socialist in charge, it’s all in question.

Also, maybe YOU should take what’s going on more seriously. You are about to vote for an airhead DEI candidate who will destroy this country.
I’ve got to. I have money in stocks that was meant to support me to the end, and with a socialist in charge, it’s all in question.

Also, maybe YOU should take what’s going on more seriously. You are about to vote for an airhead DEI candidate who will destroy this country.
Calm down. :cool-45:
Are we to believe you’re cutting and pasting from leftist addled NBC while you’re wearing a trendy Che Guevara tee shirt?

It’s always people like you, self-loathing leftists with no conception of the Marxist ideology you flail your Pom Poms for who are the first to praise your retrograde politico-religious ideology.
As expected, you spout memorized rhetoric.
All that proves is how dumbed down liberal-run government schools have become.

People don’t even know what’s IN Project 2025. I started a thread listing its goals, and asking people what’s so bad about it. Nobody could answer. Goals include:

1. Sealing the border
2. Increasing energy production
3. Keeping men out of women’s sports
4. Holding federal bureaucrats accountable

…and a few others I can’t recall. There was nothing in there that good Americans would not support.
SO you just posted what you do like? out of 924 pages of not so healthy intent?

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