Socialism is more popular than Project 2025

Last century more have died under the ideology of socialism than religion, not even close.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. Hundreds of millions dead, all for social justice.

Try again.

Without a doubt, Left wing ideology is the most successful religion of the modern era.

It even has you in their cult, and you would probably pull the trigger on Trump if you could. At least, 1/3 of democrats polled said you would murder him if able.
Sorry, history proves you wrong,.
Trump disavowed it months ago. BTW, where does Hairy/Balz stand on anything except the status quo of failure that has been foisted on the US for the past 4 years? Economy, Inflation, Illegal Immigration, Homelessness, Affordable Housing, Two Wars, No Foreign Policy, Woke, DEI? Lets talk about reality, not some whack job irrelevant document that you pulled out of your derriere.
In 2023 Trump said((this is great work for our road map)
Walking that back because of lost votes?
Project 2025 Conservative's think tanks,240 former Trump administrators
Trump named 320 times.
NOW 2024 TRUMP said( I don't know any of these folks)
There are just more things that would cause damage,, than any POSSIBLE good .
In 2023 Trump said((this is great work for our road map)
Walking that back because of lost votes?
Project 2025 Conservative's think tanks,240 former Trump administrators
Trump named 320 times.
NOW 2024 TRUMP said( I don't know any of these folks)
There are just more things that would cause damage,, than any POSSIBLE good .
More woulda, coulda, shoulda. Now address the issues. You're obviously avoiding them.
your cartoon is bullshit and reflects the degree that you have been brainwashed by the lying media and dems who don't give a shit about you, healthcare, housing, or education. its lying propaganda and apparently you are too dumb to see it for what it is------------they are lying to you, wake up.
In 2023 Trump said((this is great work for our road map)
Walking that back because of lost votes?
Project 2025 Conservative's think tanks,240 former Trump administrators
Trump named 320 times.
NOW 2024 TRUMP said( I don't know any of these folks)
There are just more things that would cause damage,, than any POSSIBLE good .
where are these idiots and their far right ideas mentioned in any or trump's campaign or agendas? Answer: they are not.
Stop pissing on my leg and saying it's raining. Trump's major supporters are responsible for that insult to our constitution. You're either lying or stupid to say otherwise.
I post the truth, you are pissing into the wind and asking Kamala to dry your shoes. but she doesn't know how.
Socialism pays for nothing. I suspect you think the US government gets money from “ somewhere”, you just can’t identify what that “somewhere” is.
I wish we could go back in time and send all these Socialist Lovers to the Soviet Union for a year.
Of course, roads are needed, and the only way to have them is socialism.
Evidently, they thought it was needed when they built it. Doesn't matter either way. Socialist projects don't depend on if they are a good idea or not, just like capitalist projects don't have to be a good idea.

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