Socialism is more popular than Project 2025

LOL, you are as ignorant as road kill. Socialism pays, but only after all the crooks at the top get their cut, what's left isn't enough to do the job. you have been scammed and you don't even know it.
You can whine about mismanagement of road jobs all you want. They are still socialist projects.
Socialism pays for nothing. I suspect you think the US government gets money from “ somewhere”, you just can’t identify what that “somewhere” is.
Of course, I can identify where money for socialist projects come from. Our representatives, both R and D, approve spending, and then the money is taken from taxes. Every spending bill voted on is a socialist spending bill. Our collective taxes pay for them.
I’ve got to. I have money in stocks that was meant to support me to the end, and with a socialist in charge, it’s all in question.

Also, maybe YOU should take what’s going on more seriously. You are about to vote for an airhead DEI candidate who will destroy this country.
The Stock Market grew under Biden. What are you worried about?
No they are not

Socialism is not public works

It is YOU looking dumb
And what do you think public works are? Roads are the use of public funds for the benefit of the public is certainly not capitalism, unless you're talking about privately owned toll roads. The means of financing and producing public roads, even though the construction might be contracted out to private companies, is still in the control and at the order of the public through our representatives. You can't deny that even if the word socialism embarrasses you.
With the media and academia selling socialism 24/7, you would think it would be more popular than it is.

But alas, there is a thing called history, where Marxism has murdered hundreds of millions more people than any ideology in human history, so there is that.
Actually that was Stalin and Mao that murdered millions.
In a recent NBC survey of registered voters that gauged the popularity of several things, it was shown that Socialism has more likes and fewer dislikes than Project 2025. With MAGAs eager to classify anything they don't like as Socialism; it's telling to note that it is still more popular than the right-wing plan to purge the government of all whose allegiance is to the constitution rather than trump. When they put out a several hundred-page report about what they intend to do, we should pay attention and vote to stop such heinous actions.
Socialism sounds fun until you actually experience it. Come, what of your property are you willing to give me?
Socialism sounds fun until you actually experience it. Come, what of your property are you willing to give me?
I suppose that's up to our elected representatives to decide. That's what they were elected to do. Either way, socialism is still more popular than project 2025.
And what do you think public works are? Roads are the use of public funds for the benefit of the public is certainly not capitalism, unless you're talking about privately owned toll roads. The means of financing and producing public roads, even though the construction might be contracted out to private companies, is still in the control and at the order of the public through our representatives. You can't deny that even if the word socialism embarrasses you.
And where does the money COME from for those works? From taxpaying employees of businesses!
Ok. That doesn't make it a capitalist transaction.
Bit it DEPENDS on capitalism.

You leftists really DO think money grows on trees, don’t you? If you kill off all the businesses, where is the money going to come from for the roads?
Bit it DEPENDS on capitalism.

You leftists really DO think money grows on trees, don’t you? If you kill off all the businesses, where is the money going to come from for the roads?
Socialism is still more popular than Project 2025. Doesn't matter if you approve.

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