Socialism is more popular than Project 2025

BULLSQUEESE displaying lack of knowledge and SELF-AWARENESS.
How this poster is NOT embarrassed at this point in this thread says so much.
Good show, stupid.
Just to be clear, you're saying anything done with money once earned from a job can't be socialism. Is that your point?
Socialism is still more popular than Project 2025. Doesn't matter if you approve.
That just shows how brainwashed Americans are. I blame:

1. The dumbing down of Americans re the government schools
2. The media

And people like you don’t even know what’s in 2025. You’ve been told it’s baaaaaad. I looked at the goals: they’re all good.
Your precious socialism has FAILED throughout history.
It doesn't work.
What you are attempting to describe as socialism is not the SAME THING.
These people are so stupid I could throw up.

They are actually planning to vote to destroy America, and turn it into Venezuela. What the hell happened to Democrats?
That just shows how brainwashed Americans are. I blame:

1. The dumbing down of Americans re the government schools
2. The media

And people like you don’t even know what’s in 2025. You’ve been told it’s baaaaaad. I looked at the goals: they’re all good.
I'm sure it's disappointing to know most of the country disagrees with you.
Your precious socialism has FAILED throughout history.
It doesn't work.
What you are attempting to describe as socialism is not the SAME THING.
You have so overused the word till it just means something MAGAs don't like. Doesn't matter if you like socialism, it is still more popular than 2025. You really don't like Social Security, and Medicare?
You have so overused the word till it just means something MAGAs don't like. Doesn't matter if you like socialism, it is still more popular than 2025. You really don't like Social Security, and Medicare?
I used to like History class in school, then they changed it to Social Studies.
Nudge nudge........
These people are so stupid I could throw up.

They are actually planning to vote to destroy America, and turn it into Venezuela. What the hell happened to Democrats?
Crazy remarks like that are why people say you are crazy.
You can whine about mismanagement of road jobs all you want. They are still socialist projects.
more left wing BS, everything done by a government is not socialist. Under socialism the government OWNS everything, there is no private property or private ownership of anything. The people are slaves to the government, is that really how you want to live?
it's funny but Hiter and Mao said the same things the dems are saying today.
Hitler's addition of the word "socialist" to National Socialist Party was cynical ploy to exploit the popularity of socialism in Germany. It worked.

Nevertheless, Joseph Goebbels told capitalists that the Nazis had no intention of nationalizing their property. In campaign speeches in 1932 Hitler told businessmen he would reduce their personnel expenses.

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