Socialism is more popular than Project 2025

Hitler's addition of the word "socialist" to National Socialist Party was cynical ploy to exploit the popularity of socialism in Germany. It worked.

Nevertheless, Joseph Goebbels told capitalists that the Nazis had no intention of nationalizing their property. In campaign speeches in 1932 Hitler told businessmen he would reduce their personnel expenses.
And WHAT????????
No jodas. :eusa_hand:
And what do you think public works are? Roads are the use of public funds for the benefit of the public is certainly not capitalism, unless you're talking about privately owned toll roads. The means of financing and producing public roads, even though the construction might be contracted out to private companies, is still in the control and at the order of the public through our representatives. You can't deny that even if the word socialism embarrasses you.
Public works are public works.

That IS NOT socialism you illiterate dolt

THERE ARE NO private companies under socialism
Hitler's addition of the word "socialist" to National Socialist Party was cynical ploy to exploit the popularity of socialism in Germany. It worked.

Nevertheless, Joseph Goebbels told capitalists that the Nazis had no intention of nationalizing their property. In campaign speeches in 1932 Hitler told businessmen he would reduce their personnel expenses.
then as now, the left lies
more left wing BS, everything done by a government is not socialist. Under socialism the government OWNS everything, there is no private property or private ownership of anything. The people are slaves to the government, is that really how you want to live?
So, who owns the roads?
Public works are public works.

That IS NOT socialism you illiterate dolt

THERE ARE NO private companies under socialism
I suppose that under a 100% socialist system all business would be in the hands of the people, but nobody has ever advocated for that. A healthy system requires a mix of capitalist and socialist entities. That doesn't matter in this thread anyway. This thread is about socialism being more popular than Project 2025.
Besides killing Social security, Medicare, switching more of the the tax burden on the working class.
What do you think of making the states pay for all disasters in there state, no mater how severe .
You could look and see if you live in one of the high danger states like California, Texas,, Florida,, Oklahoma.
PS Texas is number one for disasters. READ 2025 FOR YOUR SELF.
I suppose that under a 100% socialist system all business would be in the hands of the people, but nobody has ever advocated for that. A healthy system requires a mix of capitalist and socialist entities. That doesn't matter in this thread anyway. This thread is about socialism being more popular than Project 2025.
popularity is irrelevant.
I suppose that under a 100% socialist system all business would be in the hands of the people, but nobody has ever advocated for that. A healthy system requires a mix of capitalist and socialist entities. That doesn't matter in this thread anyway. This thread is about socialism being more popular than Project 2025.
Yes they advocate for that all the time

It is not a 100% pure state of affairs. Socialism is the ideology that the state ( never the people ) own it all.

That is what most socialists want. Except for those who simply conflate communism and socialism

Public works is not socialism

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