Socialism is more popular than Project 2025

Fuck off, BITCH. You are FULL OF SHIT.
It is YOU that was brainwashed by other IDIOTS to HATE your own country, all while you where to STUPID to recognize that you were being manipulated and LIED TO. You soaked up all that Marxist CRAP without the intelligence to resist such UN-AMERICAN PROPAGANDA.
Now you're spreading that sickness here and God knows where else.
You erroneously feel that everyone is as GULLIBLE AS YOU.
Fuck THAT!!! I'll call out your DUMB ASS every time I see it, scumbag!
These idiots don’t even know what’s in Project 2025, put together by the Herotage Foundation. It’s four main goals are:

1. Secure the border
2. Unleash American energy
3. Deweaponize fhe Government dismantle the Deep State
4. Improve esucation

I expect it’s #3 that has them most freaked out, followed by #4.
Oh, and here comes Smokin' dOPey with his batch of MSM bullshit PROPAGANDA. Not an original thought to offer.
Poor SeaSwab...

Why would I need to add anything?
Fuck off, BITCH. You are FULL OF SHIT.
It is YOU that was brainwashed by other IDIOTS to HATE your own country, all while you where to STUPID to recognize that you were being manipulated and LIED TO. You soaked up all that Marxist CRAP without the intelligence to resist such UN-AMERICAN PROPAGANDA.
Now you're spreading that sickness here and God knows where else.
You erroneously feel that everyone is as GULLIBLE AS YOU.
Fuck THAT!!! I'll call out your DUMB ASS every time I see it, scumbag!
You bet. You are convinced that I hate the only country I have ever known and want to destroy it. You're nuts.
These idiots don’t even know what’s in Project 2025, put together by the Herotage Foundation. It’s four main goals are:

1. Secure the border
2. Unleash American energy
3. Deweaponize fhe Government dismantle the Deep State
4. Improve esucation

I expect it’s #3 that has them most freaked out, followed by #4.
I'm all for improving esucation. We might boost up education too while we are at it.
These idiots don’t even know what’s in Project 2025, put together by the Herotage Foundation. It’s four main goals are:

1. Secure the border
2. Unleash American energy
3. Deweaponize fhe Government dismantle the Deep State
4. Improve esucation

I expect it’s #3 that has them most freaked out, followed by #4.
Those are some nice sprinkles on top, and of course those are great points, but there are other points in that "project" that are NOT endorsed by Trump.
Just the FACT that these leftist MORONS are trying SO HARD to peg Project 2025 on Trump is a HUGE RED FLAG.
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Those are some nice spinkles on top, and of course those are great points, but there are other points in that "project" that are NOT endorsed by Trump.
Just the FACT that these leftist MORONS are trying SO HARD to peg Project 2025 on Trump is a HUGE RED FLAG.
His closest allies produced it. Impossible for him not to be involved. He's probably too childish and stupid to have come up with most of it, but he supplied the Big Macs and Diet soda while they worked on it.
Those are some nice spinkles on top, and of course those are great points, but there are other points in that "project" that are NOT endorsed by Trump.
Just the FACT that these leftist MORONS are trying SO HARD to peg Project 2025 on Trump is a HUGE RED FLAG.
True, as there are two elements to the 2025 brainwashing:

1) that the agenda is some horrible plan to destroy democracy
2) that Trump has signed off in any of it
But what about securing the border? Are you not for that as well? Or the other two - more American energy production and deweaponizing the federal government?
Project 2025 isn't about securing the border. It's about purging the government of all but trump loyalists. Hard to produce much more energy than the highest production volumes ever achieved anywhere. That's where we are right now.
In a recent NBC survey of registered voters that gauged the popularity of several things, it was shown that Socialism has more likes and fewer dislikes than Project 2025.
Yeah, and premarital sex is more popular than abstinence… still doesn’t make it good, right or proper.
Project 2025 isn't about securing the border. It's about purging the government of all but trump loyalists. Hard to produce much more energy than the highest production volumes ever achieved anywhere. That's where we are right now.
You mean it’s about purging the government of biased activists, who will make up hoaxes and ridiculous claims to oust the president if they disagree with him?

And of course it’s about securing the border. That’s the #1 item in the list, as what the Dems are doing to flood the country with lowlife illegwls is destroying the nation.
Yeah, and premarital sex is more popular than abstinence… still doesn’t make it good, right or proper.
You got that right. Trump is massively popular among the crazy MAGAs, but that doesn't make it a good thing.
You mean it’s about purging the government of biased activists, who will make up hoaxes and ridiculous claims to oust the president if they disagree with him?

And of course it’s about securing the border. That’s the #1 item in the list, as what the Dems are doing to flood the country with lowlife illegwls is destroying the nation.
No, it's about purging those whose allegiance is to the constitution over trump.
You're talking about a movie. I'm talking about a recent poll of registered voters. Not the same thing.
No, your talking BULLSHIT.
There's only ONE poll that matters, and that comes in November.
There's not enough unfolded mail in ballots to get your "victory" this time.

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