Socialism is more popular than Project 2025

Nice tinfoil hat you’re wearing there.
Regardless, to summarize:
You’re not implying, with the title of this thread, that this election is between socialism and project 2025?
If you are implying that, is Kamala the socialist candidate?
project 1025 is certainly a consideration in the election. I personally think the disgusting lack of integrity from MAGAs is a larger issue, but others might disagree. Trump recently came out in support of government funded IVF. Is he a socialist now? Why?
Obviously, you say a lot of stupid stuff.


I make a statement
You prove me right
project 1025 is certainly a consideration in the election. I personally think the disgusting lack of integrity from MAGAs is a larger issue, but others might disagree. Trump recently came out in support of government funded IVF. Is he a socialist now? Why?

You really should stop using words that you don't know the meaning of.
project 1025 is certainly a consideration in the election. I personally think the disgusting lack of integrity from MAGAs is a larger issue, but others might disagree. Trump recently came out in support of government funded IVF. Is he a socialist now? Why?
Are you saying Trump is the socialist candidate, or Harris?
Did you watch the video I provided regarding socialism?
But what about securing the border? Are you not for that as well? Or the other two - more American energy production and deweaponizing the federal government?
Project 2025 is about increasing the authority of the president to the extent of removing all checks on the executive, save for the impeachment process and elections – where a president is above the law, in essence a despot and dictator.

Instrumental in the plan is to reclassify Federal employees allowing for their summary dismissal and replacement with Trump loyalists dedicated to serving Trump, not doing what’s best for the country.

Project 2025 is the product of Trump and the right’s delusional lie that Federal employees will refuse to implement Trump’s failed, wrongheaded policies as part of some nefarious ‘deep state’ conspiracy.

Project 2025 is further proof that conservatives are enemies of democracy and have contempt for consensus, the rule of law, and sound, responsible governance.

As already correctly noted: it has nothing to do with ‘the border.’
In a recent NBC survey of registered voters that gauged the popularity of several things, it was shown that Socialism has more likes and fewer dislikes than Project 2025. With MAGAs eager to classify anything they don't like as Socialism; it's telling to note that it is still more popular than the right-wing plan to purge the government of all whose allegiance is to the constitution rather than trump. When they put out a several hundred-page report about what they intend to do, we should pay attention and vote to stop such heinous actions.
Free stuff is always popular.

The problem is, it's not free.

Half the country can't be living on the backs of the working class, that's not sustainable.
Project 2025 is about increasing the authority of the president to the extent of removing all checks on the executive, save for the impeachment process and elections – where a president is above the law, in essence a despot and dictator.

Instrumental in the plan is to reclassify Federal employees allowing for their summary dismissal and replacement with Trump loyalists dedicated to serving Trump, not doing what’s best for the country.

Project 2025 is the product of Trump and the right’s delusional lie that Federal employees will refuse to implement Trump’s failed, wrongheaded policies as part of some nefarious ‘deep state’ conspiracy.

Project 2025 is further proof that conservatives are enemies of democracy and have contempt for consensus, the rule of law, and sound, responsible governance.

As already correctly noted: it has nothing to do with ‘the border.’

None of that is actually true, but you do you.
In a recent NBC survey of registered voters that gauged the popularity of several things, it was shown that Socialism has more likes and fewer dislikes than Project 2025. With MAGAs eager to classify anything they don't like as Socialism; it's telling to note that it is still more popular than the right-wing plan to purge the government of all whose allegiance is to the constitution rather than trump. When they put out a several hundred-page report about what they intend to do, we should pay attention and vote to stop such heinous actions.
Who cares.

We don't run the country (or at least we shouldn't) based on "what is more popular".

It would be more popular if nobody had to work, rather than going to work for 40,50,60 hours a week.

Nobody is suggesting that we pass a law that nobody needs to work any longer.
Project 2025 is about increasing the authority of the president to the extent of removing all checks on the executive, save for the impeachment process and elections – where a president is above the law, in essence a despot and dictator.

Instrumental in the plan is to reclassify Federal employees allowing for their summary dismissal and replacement with Trump loyalists dedicated to serving Trump, not doing what’s best for the country.

Project 2025 is the product of Trump and the right’s delusional lie that Federal employees will refuse to implement Trump’s failed, wrongheaded policies as part of some nefarious ‘deep state’ conspiracy.

Project 2025 is further proof that conservatives are enemies of democracy and have contempt for consensus, the rule of law, and sound, responsible governance.

As already correctly noted: it has nothing to do with ‘the border.’
You wish it was irrelevant. MAGAs went to the trouble of making a 900-page wish list. It's only fair that we look at it.
Trump disavowed it months ago. BTW, where does Hairy/Balz stand on anything except the status quo of failure that has been foisted on the US for the past 4 years? Economy, Inflation, Illegal Immigration, Homelessness, Affordable Housing, Two Wars, No Foreign Policy, Woke, DEI? Lets talk about reality, not some whack job irrelevant document that you pulled out of your derriere.
Trump disavowed it months ago. BTW, where does Hairy/Balz stand on anything except the status quo of failure that has been foisted on the US for the past 4 years? Economy, Inflation, Illegal Immigration, Homelessness, Affordable Housing, Two Wars, No Foreign Policy, Woke, DEI? Lets talk about reality, not some whack job irrelevant document that you pulled out of your derriere.
Actually, it came out of MAGAs ass. It's on the table for discussion. Isn't that what you crazies wanted when you released it?
Trump's remarks are useless when determining facts. Trump constantly lies about everything. His main supporters signed the document. Are you too stupid to see that?
Let me get this straight. Trump is in favor of the entire project 2025 agenda just because a few of his policies are aligned but Harris isn't in favor of Socialism just because some of the policies align. Brilliant.

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