Solar geoengineering materials can reduce global warming


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
Not sure just how big a problem global warming is, but I'm thinking eventually it won't be that bad.


ScienceDaily (Aug. 29, 2012) — A cost analysis of the technologies needed to transport materials into the stratosphere to reduce the amount of sunlight hitting Earth and therefore reduce the effects of global climate change has shown that they are both feasible and affordable.

Published August 31, 2012, in IOP Publishing's journal Environmental Research Letters, the study has shown that the basic technology currently exists and could be assembled and implemented in a number of different forms for less than USD $5 billion a year.

Shading Earth: Delivering solar geoengineering materials to combat global warming may be feasible and affordable
Oh no.. Not more options.. Now we'll never reach consensus on the thermostat.

It'll be more brutal than the skirmishes over that knob at home or at work..

We'll have REAL daylight savings then won't we? A couple degrees more in the Winter. A couple degrees less in the winter. Sounds like a riot.
Not sure just how big a problem global warming is, but I'm thinking eventually it won't be that bad.


ScienceDaily (Aug. 29, 2012) — A cost analysis of the technologies needed to transport materials into the stratosphere to reduce the amount of sunlight hitting Earth and therefore reduce the effects of global climate change has shown that they are both feasible and affordable.

Published August 31, 2012, in IOP Publishing's journal Environmental Research Letters, the study has shown that the basic technology currently exists and could be assembled and implemented in a number of different forms for less than USD $5 billion a year.

Shading Earth: Delivering solar geoengineering materials to combat global warming may be feasible and affordable

All such projects will have unforeseen consequences. What would have been far more intelligent would have been to prevented the need for such projects. But we have had the fruitloops with us, deniars of reality.

Getting any one of those projects implemented will mean getting most of the people on earth working together. And, as always, the changes created will have winners and losers. If the losers have strong military capability, it could get real unpleasant.

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