Some good news. NASCAR is dying


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
People are wising up and realize this "sport" is just human cock-fighting. 35,000 americans killed on our highways every year and NASCAR loves and encourages it!!!! These people are sick.

CEO says NASCAR 'not isolated' in fighting to attract fans

april 30 2017 RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — NASCAR Chairman and CEO Brian France says the challenge of connecting with a new, younger generation of fans is something that all sports are trying to figure out, and one that NASCAR will take some time to figure out.

Speaking at Richmond International Raceway before Sunday's Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race, France compared the challenge sports are facing to the one retailers are facing because of the popularity of online shopping.

NASCAR has seen crowds shrink at virtually every track, many of which have removed seats, and its television ratings have plummeted. At Richmond, which once routinely seated more than 100,000 fans for races in the premier Cup series, only 60,000 seats remain and they were not close to full for Sunday's 400-lap race.
People are wising up and realize this "sport" is just human cock-fighting. 35,000 americans killed on our highways every year and NASCAR loves and encourages it!!!! These people are sick.

CEO says NASCAR 'not isolated' in fighting to attract fans

april 30 2017 RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — NASCAR Chairman and CEO Brian France says the challenge of connecting with a new, younger generation of fans is something that all sports are trying to figure out, and one that NASCAR will take some time to figure out.

Speaking at Richmond International Raceway before Sunday's Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race, France compared the challenge sports are facing to the one retailers are facing because of the popularity of online shopping.

NASCAR has seen crowds shrink at virtually every track, many of which have removed seats, and its television ratings have plummeted. At Richmond, which once routinely seated more than 100,000 fans for races in the premier Cup series, only 60,000 seats remain and they were not close to full for Sunday's 400-lap race.

Motor sport isn't my thing, but I doubt people drive fast because of NASCAR, people drive fast because they want to drive fast. Giving them an outlet for their speed need is better than preventing it and forcing them onto roads. The US has a problem with deaths on roads, mainly for the same reason it has a high murder rate, a low educational rate, etc, because people can't deal with their problems in the US.
People are wising up and realize this "sport" is just human cock-fighting. 35,000 americans killed on our highways every year and NASCAR loves and encourages it!!!! These people are sick.

CEO says NASCAR 'not isolated' in fighting to attract fans

april 30 2017 RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — NASCAR Chairman and CEO Brian France says the challenge of connecting with a new, younger generation of fans is something that all sports are trying to figure out, and one that NASCAR will take some time to figure out.

Speaking at Richmond International Raceway before Sunday's Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race, France compared the challenge sports are facing to the one retailers are facing because of the popularity of online shopping.

NASCAR has seen crowds shrink at virtually every track, many of which have removed seats, and its television ratings have plummeted. At Richmond, which once routinely seated more than 100,000 fans for races in the premier Cup series, only 60,000 seats remain and they were not close to full for Sunday's 400-lap race.

They should up the ante and let them shoot at each other like Mad Max/

Like 3 bullets per race
People are wising up and realize this "sport" is just human cock-fighting. 35,000 americans killed on our highways every year and NASCAR loves and encourages it!!!! These people are sick.

CEO says NASCAR 'not isolated' in fighting to attract fans

april 30 2017 RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — NASCAR Chairman and CEO Brian France says the challenge of connecting with a new, younger generation of fans is something that all sports are trying to figure out, and one that NASCAR will take some time to figure out.

Speaking at Richmond International Raceway before Sunday's Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race, France compared the challenge sports are facing to the one retailers are facing because of the popularity of online shopping.

NASCAR has seen crowds shrink at virtually every track, many of which have removed seats, and its television ratings have plummeted. At Richmond, which once routinely seated more than 100,000 fans for races in the premier Cup series, only 60,000 seats remain and they were not close to full for Sunday's 400-lap race.

Motor sport isn't my thing, but I doubt people drive fast because of NASCAR, people drive fast because they want to drive fast. Giving them an outlet for their speed need is better than preventing it and forcing them onto roads. The US has a problem with deaths on roads, mainly for the same reason it has a high murder rate, a low educational rate, etc, because people can't deal with their problems in the US.

Alcohol, drugs, nicotine, caffeine, shopping, pharmaceuticals, and the internet isn't dealing?

what else is left?
Motor sport isn't my thing, but I doubt people drive fast because of NASCAR, people drive fast because they want to drive fast. Giving them an outlet for their speed need is better than preventing it and forcing them onto roads. The US has a problem with deaths on roads, mainly for the same reason it has a high murder rate, a low educational rate, etc, because people can't deal with their problems in the US.

Is Every Speed Limit Too Low?

Over the past 12 years, Lt. Megge has increased the speed limit on nearly 400 of Michigan’s roadways. Each time, he or one of his officers hears from community groups who complain that people already drive too fast. But as Megge and his colleagues explain, their intent is not to reduce congestion, bow to the reality that everyone drives too fast, or even strike a balance between safety concerns and drivers’ desire to arrive at their destinations faster. Quite the opposite, Lt. Megge advocates for raising speed limits because he believes it makes roads safer.

Traffic Engineering 101

Every year, traffic engineers review the speed limit on thousands of stretches of road and highway. Most are reviewed by a member of the state’s Department of Transportation, often along with a member of the state police, as is the case in Michigan. In each case, the “survey team” has a clear approach: they want to set the speed limit so that 15% of drivers exceed it and 85% of drivers drive at or below the speed limit.

This “nationally recognized method” of setting the speed limit as the 85th percentile speed is essentially traffic engineering 101. It’s also a bit perplexing to those unfamiliar with the concept. Shouldn’t everyone drive at or below the speed limit? And if a driver’s speed is dictated by the speed limit, how can you decide whether or not to change that limit based on the speed of traffic?

The answer lies in realizing that the speed limit really is just a number on a sign, and it has very little influence on how fast people drive. “Over the years, I’ve done many follow up studies after we raise or lower a speed limit,” Megge tells us. “Almost every time, the 85th percentile speed doesn’t change, or if it does, it’s by about 2 or 3 mph.”

As most honest drivers would probably concede, this means that if the speed limit on a highway decreases from 65 mph to 55 mph, most drivers will not drive 10 mph slower. But for the majority of drivers, the opposite is also true. If a survey team increases the speed limit by 10 mph, the speed of traffic will not shoot up 10 mph. It will stay around the same. Years of observing traffic has shown engineers that as long as a cop car is not in sight, most people simply drive at whatever speed they like.

Luckily, there is some logic to the speed people choose other than the need for speed. The speed drivers choose is not based on laws or street signs, but the weather, number of intersections, presence of pedestrians and curves, and all the other information that factors into the principle, as Lt. Megge puts it, that “no one I know who gets into their car wants to crash.”

So if drivers disregard speed limits, why bother trying to set the “right” speed limit at all?

One reason is that a minority of drivers do follow the speed limit. “I’ve found that about 10% of drivers truly identify the speed limit sign and drive at or near that limit,” says Megge. Since these are the slowest share of drivers, they don’t affect the 85th percentile speed. But they do impact the average speed -- by about 2 or 3 mph when a speed limit is changed, in Lt. Megge’s experience -- and, more importantly, the variance in driving speeds.

This is important because, as noted in a U.S. Department of Transportation report, “the potential for being involved in an accident is highest when traveling at speed much lower or much higher than the majority of motorists.” If every car sets its cruise control at the same speed, the odds of a fender bender happening is low. But when some cars drive 55 mph and others drive 85 mph, the odds of cars colliding increases dramatically. This is why getting slow drivers to stick to the right lane is so important to roadway safety; we generally focus on joyriders’ ability to cause accidents -- and rightly so -- but a car driving under the speed limit in the left (passing) lane of a highway is almost as dangerous.

Traffic engineers believe that the 85th percentile speed is the ideal speed limit because it leads to the least variability between driving speeds and therefore safer roads. When the speed limit is correctly set at the 85th percentile speed, the minority of drivers that do conscientiously follow speed limits are no longer driving much slower than the speed of traffic. The choice of the 85th percentile speed is a data-driven conclusion -- as noted Lt. Megge and speed limit resources like the Michigan State Police’s guide -- that has been established by the consistent findings of years of traffic studies.

Yet most speed limits are set below the 85th percentile speed. We first investigated this topic at the urging of the National Motorists Association, a “member-supported driver advocacy organization” that has made raising speed limits to the 85th percentile one focus of its efforts.
People are wising up and realize this "sport" is just human cock-fighting. 35,000 americans killed on our highways every year and NASCAR loves and encourages it!!!! These people are sick.

CEO says NASCAR 'not isolated' in fighting to attract fans

april 30 2017 RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — NASCAR Chairman and CEO Brian France says the challenge of connecting with a new, younger generation of fans is something that all sports are trying to figure out, and one that NASCAR will take some time to figure out.

Speaking at Richmond International Raceway before Sunday's Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race, France compared the challenge sports are facing to the one retailers are facing because of the popularity of online shopping.

NASCAR has seen crowds shrink at virtually every track, many of which have removed seats, and its television ratings have plummeted. At Richmond, which once routinely seated more than 100,000 fans for races in the premier Cup series, only 60,000 seats remain and they were not close to full for Sunday's 400-lap race.
It's not cock fighting when you voluntarily build a car and go race it. I'm sure TV coverage is causing ticket sales to decline. So what? Not sure how this translates to highway deaths.
I don't care if it causes warts on eyeballs... I love me some NASCAR.
During the season hubby and I go to the races around here. My favorite is throwing a cooler in the back of the truck and backing up to the fence to watch the local drags. Everyone's parked in tight, snarfin beer and tailgate cuisine and having a hell of a good time.
Till my ass goes dead from sitting on the tailgate and I gotta nonchalantly put one of the lawn chairs out
People are wising up and realize this "sport" is just human cock-fighting. 35,000 americans killed on our highways every year and NASCAR loves and encourages it!!!! These people are sick.

CEO says NASCAR 'not isolated' in fighting to attract fans

april 30 2017 RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — NASCAR Chairman and CEO Brian France says the challenge of connecting with a new, younger generation of fans is something that all sports are trying to figure out, and one that NASCAR will take some time to figure out.

Speaking at Richmond International Raceway before Sunday's Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race, France compared the challenge sports are facing to the one retailers are facing because of the popularity of online shopping.

NASCAR has seen crowds shrink at virtually every track, many of which have removed seats, and its television ratings have plummeted. At Richmond, which once routinely seated more than 100,000 fans for races in the premier Cup series, only 60,000 seats remain and they were not close to full for Sunday's 400-lap race.

What does NASCAR have to do with roadway deaths? Fact is NASCAR technology has GREATLY contributed to car design and safety. Those "safer" barriers are a model to reduce guardrail deaths. The self -sealing fuel system are a model for reducing vehicle fires on collision. When you crash at 180 mph and walk away with a Pepsi in your hand -- there are CLUES there to prevent road carnage.

NASCAR itself is screwing it up with the new rules. But Obama's economy is what really infected it and made it terminally ill..
It's actually getting interesting again, with the New kids running up front.

I never understood the appeal of cars turning left really fast. But then again I like to watch baseball which is guys hitting a ball running and turning left really fast.

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