Some NFL stadiums appear empth, is the boycott working?

BTW, why did this get move to sports? Wouldn't current events make more sense? Are the moderators working for the NFL? :dev3:
Here are some stats, some teams up, some down. Overall it looks like the attendance is down maybe 4-5 percent.

2017 NFL Football Attendance - National Football League - ESPN

Okay, now here are some facts you've actually presented. So let's look at which teams are protesting.

Green Bay has been taking a knee, their attendance is up.
Chicago has been taking a knee, their attendance is up slightly, even though they are having a shitty year.
Pittsburgh - They are about flat.
San Francisco, where all this stuff started. They are up 102% at home.

So there seems to be no correlation between the teams making protests and a drop in attendance.
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

People need to stop watching them on TV and buying their merchandise. Ticket sales and even concession sales are a small part of their profits
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

People need to stop watching them on TV and buying their merchandise. Ticket sales and even concession sales are a small part of their profits
Why do you hate the Constitution?
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

People need to stop watching them on TV and buying their merchandise. Ticket sales and even concession sales are a small part of their profits
Why do you hate the Constitution?
No. But if you don't like what they did, you get to exercise you rights too. Plus, I'm, total waste of time, so you're better off doing other things anyway
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

People need to stop watching them on TV and buying their merchandise. Ticket sales and even concession sales are a small part of their profits
Why do you hate the Constitution?
No. But if you don't like what they did, you get to exercise you rights too. Plus, I'm, total waste of time, so you're better off doing other things anyway
Never said you can’t exercise your rights too. But you’re against them exercising theirs.
BTW, why did this get move to sports? Wouldn't current events make more sense? Are the moderators working for the NFL? :dev3:
Oh dear.....triggered.

The NFL is sports. BTW, last night's game......the stands sure looked full to me.
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

People need to stop watching them on TV and buying their merchandise. Ticket sales and even concession sales are a small part of their profits
Why do you hate the Constitution?
It has nothing to do with the Constitution and you damn well know it. So what does that make you?
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

People need to stop watching them on TV and buying their merchandise. Ticket sales and even concession sales are a small part of their profits
Why do you hate the Constitution?
No. But if you don't like what they did, you get to exercise you rights too. Plus, I'm, total waste of time, so you're better off doing other things anyway
Never said you can’t exercise your rights too. But you’re against them exercising theirs.
If it were are right you would be correct, but since it is not, you are wrong once again.
^^^ a rightwing putz running away from the thread topic.
Hardly, snowflake. I have posted links to articles in the past about stadiums being which snowflakes have responded how those have only been the stadiums of losing teams.

I have posted published photos of nowhere-near 'filled to capacity stadiums', as snowflakes have claimed, proviing they lied, and they always lie / deny / justify their lies.

I'm still standing here, not running, still dealing with snowflake BS. I just don't have the same interest in this issue, as it is one of the lesser piss-poor partisan political attacks on Trump and a distraction from the recently further revealed treason and criminal activities of Mueller, Obama, Holder, and the Clintons regarding the KNOWN wide-spread Russian Bribery / Extortion / Influence Purchasing of the Russians in 2009.
they don't understand that attendance numbers are counted as paid attendance, not the numbers in the stadium. funny.

The numbers I posted were the number of people to walk through the gate.

So you want us to believe skewed numbers or pictures?
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

People need to stop watching them on TV and buying their merchandise. Ticket sales and even concession sales are a small part of their profits
Why do you hate the Constitution?
It has nothing to do with the Constitution and you damn well know it. So what does that make you?
Of course it does. It’s their Constitutional right to protest the government by not standing for the National Anthem. That’s what our armed forces fight to defend. So why do you hate the Constitution?
^^^ a rightwing putz running away from the thread topic.
Hardly, snowflake. I have posted links to articles in the past about stadiums being which snowflakes have responded how those have only been the stadiums of losing teams.

I have posted published photos of nowhere-near 'filled to capacity stadiums', as snowflakes have claimed, proviing they lied, and they always lie / deny / justify their lies.

I'm still standing here, not running, still dealing with snowflake BS. I just don't have the same interest in this issue, as it is one of the lesser piss-poor partisan political attacks on Trump and a distraction from the recently further revealed treason and criminal activities of Mueller, Obama, Holder, and the Clintons regarding the KNOWN wide-spread Russian Bribery / Extortion / Influence Purchasing of the Russians in 2009.
they don't understand that attendance numbers are counted as paid attendance, not the numbers in the stadium. funny.

The numbers I posted were the number of people to walk through the gate.

So you want us to believe skewed numbers or pictures?
What a pity you have no evidence to show those numbers are skewed. The pictures certainly fail to prove the numbers are wrong since every single picture is from the opening kickoff or even earlier.

Someone capable of critical thinking would wonder why no one is posting pictures of half empty stadiums during the second quarter....

You’re being played and you don’t even know it.
Here are some stats, some teams up, some down. Overall it looks like the attendance is down maybe 4-5 percent.

2017 NFL Football Attendance - National Football League - ESPN

Okay, now here are some facts you've actually presented. So let's look at which teams are protesting.

Green Bay has been taking a knee, their attendance is up.
Chicago has been taking a knee, their attendance is up slightly, even though they are having a shitty year.
Pittsburgh - They are about flat.
San Francisco, where all this stuff started. They are up 102% at home.

So there seems to be no correlation between the teams making protests and a drop in attendance.
never seen either Green Bay or the Bears players take a knee. You are mistaken. again, you can't use attendance because that counts as paid attendance. most nfl teams have full season ticket holder fan bases. In order to get season tickets one has to go on a waiting list. hmmmm your point isn't valid. Last week 1/4 of Soldier field was empty. you know, no asses in the seats.
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

People need to stop watching them on TV and buying their merchandise. Ticket sales and even concession sales are a small part of their profits

the ONLY time i watch them is down at my local sports bar. I cant do anything about THEM showing the games of

i wont give the NFL a dime.
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)
I noticed the Bears stadium only 3/4 full yesterday. hmmmmmm

and Bear fans have ALWAYS been loyal to their team win or lose PLUS you would think with that worthless Cutler FINALLY gone,they would pack them in droves now.hee hee.
Our stadium has been full for every game and I'm in the heartland not on the left coast.

thats because YOUR team always wins.It is the losing teams like cleveland,Miami and the Bears and many others that are having problems which was never a problem in the past with these teams. Back in the 80's when the chiefs were terrible,they had to close off the upper deck seats.Oakland is the only California NFL sports team that IS packing them in.

Chargers are bombing just as everybody knew they would,always will no matter how good they are as long as they are in LA.same with the niners in santa clara. The Rams?

Only thing i can think of on that one is they are pissed that they did not bring back the LA colors and are still wearing those ugly ass colors from stank louis.the fact that asshole stan Kroneke is ignoring what the fans want their LA colors,i really cant blame them.

Back in the old days at the LA coliseum,they were always in the top five in league attendance when the game was not corrupt as it is you do the math.

the NFL is bombing with the chargers in LA with no fan support,if the raiders go to vegas,that will be the final nail in the coffin for the NFL when they start having empty seats as well same as they did when they were in LA but as hard as it is to believe,they will draw even much worse in vegas than they did in LA.
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