Some NFL stadiums appear empth, is the boycott working?

The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

All losing teams and the NFL doesn't need bigots.
Since you obviously don't know the definition of bigot I supply it here: a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions:

Now reading your post, doesn't it actually prove you to be the bigot?
How can a fired player protest by kneeling on the sideline during the National Anthem? I get that they still have the right to protest in other manners, but their choice is to protest as they are as long as the NFL permits. Some folks are trying to deny them of that.

I agree that some people want to deny them the chance to protest as players on the sidelines during NFL games. My point is that the players do not have a Constitutional right to protest in that manner, and they lose no rights by being denied that specific venue for protest. The right to protest is not the right to protest as an NFL player at an NFL game.
That’s not exactly true. They can exercise those rights on the job if an employer allows it; which is the case here. And they have the right to protest in any fashion they want as long as it’s a) peaceful; b) lawful; and c) permissible. They choose the method they are engaging in, which meets all three of those criteria, because it is high profile and gets the attention they seek. Many on the right are boycotting the NFL, the only body other than the players themselves capable of stopping them, to coerce the NFL to stop them.

That they can protest on the job does not mean that protesting on the job is a right. There are innumerable things that a person can do legally that are not Constitutional rights. Protesting on the sidelines of an NFL game is not a Constitutional right. Being employed by the NFL is not a Constitutional right. The NFL having people watch their product or pay for their merchandise is not a Constitutional right. Because those things are all true, people boycotting the NFL in no way infringes upon the Constitutional rights of the players. Will the players lose their right of protest if people stop watching the NFL? No. Whether people do or do not watch football has no affect on the right to protest of NFL players, it only has an affect on whether those people pay attention to the protests or perhaps on whether the NFL decides to change its policy regarding player conduct during the playing of the anthem.

Again, it is not the rights of the protesting players that is affected by any boycott. They maintain exactly the same rights whether they are NFL players or not, whether the NFL allows the protests to continue on the sidelines or not, whether the NFL even exists or not.

Let me bring up two further points.

First, a boycott is a form of protest. If you oppose people boycotting the NFL, are you not trying to suppress their right to protest as much as they are doing with NFL players?

Second, a hypothetical: Let's imagine I go to a friend's house to watch a football game. During the playing of the national anthem, I take a knee. After the game, the friend tells me I am no longer welcome at his home to watch games. Have my rights been taken away?
The difference, of course, is I’m not taking any action to prevent them from exercising their rights; whereas they are.
You just won't keep from lying, what a shame and a sham.
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

All losing teams and the NFL doesn't need bigots.
I seriously doubt you know the definition of bigot so I will supply it here:

chauvinist · partisan · sectarian · racist · sexist · homophobe · dogmatist · jingoist

Now, using that definition, isn't it YOU who are acting as the bigot?

How do you jump to that wild assertion that I'm a racist for responding to a post claiming success in a boycott with pictures of stadiums less than full from losing teams?

Or are you in support of having bigots in the NFL?
Again, any boycott will not "squash that right," because the players do not have a right to boycott at NFL games, nor a right to be NFL players. If there is a right to boycott at NFL games, then I could not be prevented from entering any NFL game I want to, going onto the field, and taking a knee during the anthem. The reality, of course, is that I can do no such thing.

If boycotts were to shut down the entire NFL, no NFL player would have lost their right to protest. Not a single one. The right to protest is not predicated on the location of the protest; there is no right to protest at your place of employment, no right to protest on someone else's private property, no right to have your protest broadcast on television.

People boycotting the NFL certainly seem to want the protests to stop, but stopping them does not violate anyone's Constitutional rights, and this is not a Constitutional issue.
How can a fired player protest by kneeling on the sideline during the National Anthem? I get that they still have the right to protest in other manners, but their choice is to protest as they are as long as the NFL permits. Some folks are trying to deny them of that.

I agree that some people want to deny them the chance to protest as players on the sidelines during NFL games. My point is that the players do not have a Constitutional right to protest in that manner, and they lose no rights by being denied that specific venue for protest. The right to protest is not the right to protest as an NFL player at an NFL game.
That’s not exactly true. They can exercise those rights on the job if an employer allows it; which is the case here. And they have the right to protest in any fashion they want as long as it’s a) peaceful; b) lawful; and c) permissible. They choose the method they are engaging in, which meets all three of those criteria, because it is high profile and gets the attention they seek. Many on the right are boycotting the NFL, the only body other than the players themselves capable of stopping them, to coerce the NFL to stop them.

That they can protest on the job does not mean that protesting on the job is a right. There are innumerable things that a person can do legally that are not Constitutional rights. Protesting on the sidelines of an NFL game is not a Constitutional right. Being employed by the NFL is not a Constitutional right. The NFL having people watch their product or pay for their merchandise is not a Constitutional right. Because those things are all true, people boycotting the NFL in no way infringes upon the Constitutional rights of the players. Will the players lose their right of protest if people stop watching the NFL? No. Whether people do or do not watch football has no affect on the right to protest of NFL players, it only has an affect on whether those people pay attention to the protests or perhaps on whether the NFL decides to change its policy regarding player conduct during the playing of the anthem.

Again, it is not the rights of the protesting players that is affected by any boycott. They maintain exactly the same rights whether they are NFL players or not, whether the NFL allows the protests to continue on the sidelines or not, whether the NFL even exists or not.

Let me bring up two further points.

First, a boycott is a form of protest. If you oppose people boycotting the NFL, are you not trying to suppress their right to protest as much as they are doing with NFL players?

Second, a hypothetical: Let's imagine I go to a friend's house to watch a football game. During the playing of the national anthem, I take a knee. After the game, the friend tells me I am no longer welcome at his home to watch games. Have my rights been taken away?
To answer your last question, no they were not taken away, you never actually had the right to protest in a person's home.
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The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

All losing teams and the NFL doesn't need bigots.
I seriously doubt you know the definition of bigot so I will supply it here:

chauvinist · partisan · sectarian · racist · sexist · homophobe · dogmatist · jingoist

Now, using that definition, isn't it YOU who are acting as the bigot?

How do you jump to that wild assertion that I'm a racist for responding to a post claiming success in a boycott with pictures of stadiums less than full from losing teams?

Or are you in support of having bigots in the NFL?
When and where did I use the word racist? For that matter until now you didn't use the term. But now you once again play that card because you were found out.

You seem intolerant of my opinion that millionaires should not be protesting the very country that made them millionaires. You sound intolerant, that is the definition I provided.
I do not see empty stadiums once play has begun. Well except for 49ers games but they have a real reason as the stadium sucks.
I will bet money that the NFL pays big not to show empty seats.
roll joe here though,he ignores pesky facts like this and waht you mentioned since it does not go along with his babble.hee hee.

Uh, guy, by your own admission in your ramble, you admit that the attendance problem long predates the Anthem protests.

and the chart posted by Sonny Boy shows that attendance really isn't down. It's actually up a bit for teams participating in the protests.

obviously a chart thats trolls like you dont get it that attendance has been dropping year after year drastically starting from 8 years ago NOT because of the protests but because the cheatriots have ruined and tainted a great sport.:biggrin: I know MANY posters that used to post here in the past that dont anymore cause they said right before they left,they are sick of them cheating and getting away with it all the time with goddel having his head up robert krafts ass so they are done with the NFL.i guarantee there are THOUSANDS of them around the country as as well same as me and them.a fact many here are in denial mode on hating to come to grips with that reality because they dont want to face reality,a sport that is near and dear to them has been tainted.,just to clear that up there.:biggrin:

whatever discussion you are involved in with him here.

I wasnt agreeing with him on him saying you are clueless in your ramblings on THIS topic/Lol just to cleat that

Anybody that knows you knows that you ignore pesky facts on government corruption trolling defending their version of events no matter how absurd and ludicrous their explanation is and ignore evidence and facts that they have lied in their explanations.:cuckoo:therefore of their corruption.:rolleyes: therefore,you have no credibility here on this board.:asshole:

you and USMB'S resident troll WRONGwinger,should get a room together,you are two peas in a pod.put sealybobo in there with you as well,a troll who is objective to the corruption of the republicans but covers his ears and closes his eyes when his hero's the democrats are exposed for being just as corrupt as the repubs.:D
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The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

All losing teams and the NFL doesn't need bigots.
I seriously doubt you know the definition of bigot so I will supply it here:

chauvinist · partisan · sectarian · racist · sexist · homophobe · dogmatist · jingoist

Now, using that definition, isn't it YOU who are acting as the bigot?

How do you jump to that wild assertion that I'm a racist for responding to a post claiming success in a boycott with pictures of stadiums less than full from losing teams?

Or are you in support of having bigots in the NFL?
When and where did I use the word racist? For that matter until now you didn't use the term. But now you once again play that card because you were found out.

You seem intolerant of my opinion that millionaires should not be protesting the very country that made them millionaires. You sound intolerant, that is the definition I provided.

The athletes are not protesting the country as you claim. They're protesting the inequity in treatment of minorities in our country after many shootings of unarmed African-American people by police.

Additionally, those athletes became wealthy by their efforts to win contracts from NFL teams. The country did not make them millionaires and they don't owe dick to you as you imply.

Is not racism part of the definition of bigot that you provided?
I do not see empty stadiums once play has begun. Well except for 49ers games but they have a real reason as the stadium sucks.

you are forgetting the chargers as well.:biggrin:

taxman and Jcl4,,if you can,PLEASE read through my next post after this one.I know its pretty long but its well worth the read.:)If you have a real interest in the REAL reason why the Rams left LA in 1995, this spells it all out for you in this informative piece of mine i must say myself.:)
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Here are some stats, some teams up, some down. Overall it looks like the attendance is down maybe 4-5 percent.

2017 NFL Football Attendance - National Football League - ESPN

Okay, now here are some facts you've actually presented. So let's look at which teams are protesting.

Green Bay has been taking a knee, their attendance is up.
Chicago has been taking a knee, their attendance is up slightly, even though they are having a shitty year.
Pittsburgh - They are about flat.
San Francisco, where all this stuff started. They are up 102% at home.

So there seems to be no correlation between the teams making protests and a drop in attendance.
never seen either Green Bay or the Bears players take a knee. You are mistaken. again, you can't use attendance because that counts as paid attendance. most nfl teams have full season ticket holder fan bases. In order to get season tickets one has to go on a waiting list. hmmmm your point isn't valid. Last week 1/4 of Soldier field was empty. you know, no asses in the seats.

this troll reminds me of some of the idiots around here who said the Rams had good support in st louis the last serveral years,he uses the same old retarded logic that because of the attendance listed,they had good support.:cuckoo::lmao::haha: the paid attendance and the actual butts that show up for the games are two entirely different things.:lmao:

I dont know about the bears situation but with the RAMS the last several years there,the attendance was so horrible that it was pretty obvious that stan kroneke was buying up the seats there to make the numbers look like they had a pretty good showing with the stats saying they had like 55,000 in attendance for 65,000 seat capacity stadium.

problem is I went to one of their games out there like five years ago and the actual BUTTS in the seats were i would estimate to be only like 25,000 or so,it was so empty and such a ghostown it was easy as pie to get a good seat up close to the field in the LOWER LEVEL section no less.:lmao:

and most the fans there were the same as what is happening in LA with the chargers,the majority being fans of the opposing

if not for the opposing teams fans that showed up,i would say there would have been no more than 10,000 people in the whole stadium.:lmao:

here is what you ACTUALLY saw if you went to Rams games in st louis the last 15 years or so.:D

any wonder kroneke wanted out of st louis so bad when he took over as owner just five years ago or so.:lmao::rofl:


sounds to me like this is what is going on at Bear games in chicago as well? hee hee.

troll joe here though,he ignores pesky facts like this and waht you mentioned since it does not go along with his babble.hee hee.
Why’d they leave LA to begin with? And how many times have they left?

are you talking about how many times the Rams have moved to different cities or just leaving LA? IF leaving LA just once.

To answer your question though the reason they left LA is because of the evil bitch owner Georgia Frontiere. Many posters here are not aware of the REAL facts.they have fallen for the propaganda media by the mainstream media that LA is not a a pro football town. No it has always been a pro football town for the RAMS,it just has never been a pro football town for either the raiders or chargers.

Contrary to the myth that many people have fallen for over the years when the Rams were in LA that LA was not an NFL town,the majority of their time there they were ALWAYS in the top five in league attendance.

Here below is the REAL reason the Rams left LA back in 1995.

Those are fair questions.:thup:

To answer them,the first question is true.Second one is not.could not be further from the truth.

Here are the facts for question one.
1.The lack of attendance/interest in LA for Chargers games was for sure the reason they did leave LA for san diego after being there for one year. The Chargers could not compete with the Rams in attendance.The Rams dominated the market.

Despite being a playoff team and winning the division with a winning record of 8-4 and making it to the AFC title game,the Chargers average attendance per game that season was just 14,000. Many times they could only fill about 10% of the seating capacity in the LA coliseum.

That same season,the Rams had the same record but was on the losing side going 4-8 yet their average crowds they drew were around 77,000 which was impressive especially back then when baseball was americas favorite pastime and football took a back seat to it.That was the average attendance around the NFL. The majority of the time the Rams were in LA,they were always in the top five in league attendance.

Dont take my word for it on those attendance numbers for the rams and chargers,you can look it up and see for yourself.:)

Here is an article from Chargers owner Barron Hiltons interview to the LA TIMES back then talking how he could not compete with the Rams in attendance and why he needed the move to SD.:)

San Diego Chargers have long history of flirting with Los Angeles move

According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, the Chargers sometimes filled just ten percent of capacity at The Coliseum in 1960 — their first and only season in the city.

As Jack Wang noted, here’s what former Chargers owner Barron Hilton said about the Rams and Chargers playing in the same stadium:

“There’s no doubt in my mind that we’ve got to get out of Los Angeles. We can’t compete in the same market with the Rams. A lot of cities would like to have us. . . . I’d prefer to put the club in San Diego.”

Facts for question two.
2. As I said before,the majority of the time the Rams were in LA they were always in the top five in league attendance.They even set a record for the highest attended game in NFL history that has yet to be broken.

It actually wasnt until the early 90's that the Rams started having attendance problems and that was not because of the lack of interest in the Rams but because they hated the OWNER of the team.She was a bitch.She was smart in one way though.

She was a showgirl from st louis,so she intentionally gutted the team trading away their great players Eric Dickerson,all pro Kevin Greene,pro bowler and future hall of famer Toby Harrah still in his prime and many other talented players so they would be a crappy team and the fans would hate her so much they would stop showing up for games and she would get her wish to move the team to her hometown in st louis and claim she to the fellow owners she had such bad fan support she needed to move them. It worked because like i said,the fans stopped showing up for games because they hated the OWNER of the team,not because of the poor play on the field.the fans BEGGED her to sell the team and she refused.:mad: she is burning in hell right now along with Al Davis and Dean Spanos will later join them.

whats funny is the tables have been turned on for the fans in st louis because Kroneke did EXACTLY what that bitch Georgia Frontiere did.He was never serious about winning in st louis.He knew first hand from living in st louis how the fans there are fair weather fans,how they wont support losers so he hired the worst coach in the world possible which was the reason he kept him for so long in st louis.:D

But now that he is in LA,he is NOW trying to win as he has proven with the firing of Fisher and the hiring of offensive minded Sean Mcvey to tutor Jared Goff and by going out and getting a legitimate number one reciever and home run threat in Sammy Watkins.:thup:

It wont happen all of s sudden this year that they have a winning record of course,they are still rebuilding but at least now that they are in LA,Kroneke has proven he is serious about winning.:thup: a couple of years from now,i see them being a playoff contender.

The Rams moving to Stank Louis was the most retarded thing in the world to be allowed by the NFL and the Chargers going to LA is right up there with them..Economists correctly back then said that was a horrible mistake to make leaving the second biggest media market in the country for a small no name hicktown .:rolleyes: what a joke.

The city never even wanted them. The first year they were there,and the last SEVERAL years they were there in stank louis,this is what the crowds ALWAYS looked like at all their games.Thats what the st louis papers would always claim was rocking the dome.

This was a game against the Vikings a few years ago.If not for the Viking fans that showed up,you would have only like 5,000 fans in the place,no joke.themajority were viking fans.:lmao:

I went to stank louis one year,their last year there to see your Seahawks,a division rival and a team that has been in back to back superbowls.samething,I looked around and it looked like there were no more than 20,000 people in the stands with 15,000 of them being Seahawks fans for the HOME OPENER no less.:lmao:

well that it what is going to go on year after year in LA for the chargers as well.this rivals that move as the most asinine move in NFL history.:rolleyes:

There is a REASON the Rams survived in LA for over 50 years.The majority of their time in LA,it was not uncommon at all to see crowds like this over the five decades they were there.:) Neither the Chargers OR Raiders were ever embraced in LA,nobody cared about them.They DID however LOVE the Rams as evidence in these pics in videos below.

This pretty much debunks the myth that LA does not love the Rams. they only dont like the Raiders and Chargers.:biggrin:you wont find ONE EMPTY SEAT in any of these videos or pics in these games played in LA of Rams games.







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The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

All losing teams and the NFL doesn't need bigots.
I seriously doubt you know the definition of bigot so I will supply it here:

chauvinist · partisan · sectarian · racist · sexist · homophobe · dogmatist · jingoist

Now, using that definition, isn't it YOU who are acting as the bigot?

How do you jump to that wild assertion that I'm a racist for responding to a post claiming success in a boycott with pictures of stadiums less than full from losing teams?

Or are you in support of having bigots in the NFL?
When and where did I use the word racist? For that matter until now you didn't use the term. But now you once again play that card because you were found out.

You seem intolerant of my opinion that millionaires should not be protesting the very country that made them millionaires. You sound intolerant, that is the definition I provided.

The athletes are not protesting the country as you claim. They're protesting the inequity in treatment of minorities in our country after many shootings of unarmed African-American people by police.

Additionally, those athletes became wealthy by their efforts to win contracts from NFL teams. The country did not make them millionaires and they don't owe dick to you as you imply.

Is not racism part of the definition of bigot that you provided?
Did you see racism in the definition provided? Didja? Quit acting stupid you already have the part.
I'm sorry, but you are entirely incorrect here. No NFL player will be prevented from speaking or protesting because of a boycott. The most that could happen is that the NFL players might be prevented from using the NFL as a way to protest, and that is in no way a Constitutional right. You are conflating the right to speak or protest with the right to do so as part of an NFL game. Boycotting a product is not in any way a suppression of anyone's Constitutional rights. No one has a Constitutional right for their product to be purchased, nor does anyone have a Constitutional responsibility to purchase a particular product. No one is guaranteed the right to protest during an NFL game as a member of an NFL team.

A more apt analogy would be if there were a popular television show, and members of the KKK were given the opportunity to speak about their cause on the show. If viewers decided to stop watching the show and stop buying products based on the show, it would in no way be preventing the KKK members from speaking; at most, it would end up with the KKK members no longer being provided that particular venue to broadcast their speech.
Not exactly. The players, for the most part, are able to express their right to protest in the fashion they are. There are folks who are using a boycott to pressure the NFL to squash that right.

Again, any boycott will not "squash that right," because the players do not have a right to boycott at NFL games, nor a right to be NFL players. If there is a right to boycott at NFL games, then I could not be prevented from entering any NFL game I want to, going onto the field, and taking a knee during the anthem. The reality, of course, is that I can do no such thing.

If boycotts were to shut down the entire NFL, no NFL player would have lost their right to protest. Not a single one. The right to protest is not predicated on the location of the protest; there is no right to protest at your place of employment, no right to protest on someone else's private property, no right to have your protest broadcast on television.

People boycotting the NFL certainly seem to want the protests to stop, but stopping them does not violate anyone's Constitutional rights, and this is not a Constitutional issue.
How can a fired player protest by kneeling on the sideline during the National Anthem? I get that they still have the right to protest in other manners, but their choice is to protest as they are as long as the NFL permits. Some folks are trying to deny them of that.

I agree that some people want to deny them the chance to protest as players on the sidelines during NFL games. My point is that the players do not have a Constitutional right to protest in that manner, and they lose no rights by being denied that specific venue for protest. The right to protest is not the right to protest as an NFL player at an NFL game.
That’s not exactly true. They can exercise those rights on the job if an employer allows it; which is the case here. And they have the right to protest in any fashion they want as long as it’s a) peaceful; b) lawful; and c) permissible. They choose the method they are engaging in, which meets all three of those criteria, because it is high profile and gets the attention they seek. Many on the right are boycotting the NFL, the only body other than the players themselves capable of stopping them, to coerce the NFL to stop them.
Gosh darn it, if they have to be allowed then it isn't a right. Buy a freaking dictionary.
Two comments look at the attendance and you will see few minorities especially blacks, and considering most players are black that seem strange that blacks mostly don't attend the games. Basically its a sea of white faces and that also holds true to all other major sports in the US.. Two: did you notice in the game last night between Miami and Baltimore the stands were almost empty in the forth quarter.
Two comments look at the attendance and you will see few minorities especially blacks, and considering most players are black that seem strange that blacks mostly don't attend the games. Basically its a sea of white faces and that also holds true to all other major sports in the US.. Two: did you notice in the game last night between Miami and Baltimore the stands were almost empty in the forth quarter.

1. I've never noticed that. I have never tried to look, though.

2. A nearly empty stadium in the 4th quarter of a blowout seems pretty normal. Even when the home team is winning a blowout, people will try to beat traffic. :)
Two comments look at the attendance and you will see few minorities especially blacks, and considering most players are black that seem strange that blacks mostly don't attend the games. Basically its a sea of white faces and that also holds true to all other major sports in the US.. Two: did you notice in the game last night between Miami and Baltimore the stands were almost empty in the forth quarter.

1. I've never noticed that. I have never tried to look, though.

2. A nearly empty stadium in the 4th quarter of a blowout seems pretty normal. Even when the home team is winning a blowout, people will try to beat traffic. :)

I never noticed that either however i DID notice that while watching the dodgers/astros world series game that everytime they showed the fans in the stands,most the crowds in the LA stadium were indeed white.:biggrin:
Two comments look at the attendance and you will see few minorities especially blacks, and considering most players are black that seem strange that blacks mostly don't attend the games. Basically its a sea of white faces and that also holds true to all other major sports in the US.. Two: did you notice in the game last night between Miami and Baltimore the stands were almost empty in the forth quarter.
Your first point, if blacks attend football games in the same proportion to their percentage of the population they still would be lost in a sea of white. I realize that looking at the TV and sports one would conclude that over 1/2 of America is black, not so, only 13 percent. Which is actually less then other groups, blacks just know how to get attention.

Point two. Since I will no longer watch the NFL I don't know who was beating whom in the Miami game but if it were empty in the 1st quarter that is saying something, the fourth, it just says a lousy game.
I agree that the majority of fans in the stands are white. I would say less than 5% of the crowd is of color. In any sport. they do not support their teams at the parks.
The wife and I are holding firm. It would appear that in some city the same can be said. I am not sure how performers can piss off their core audience and then expect loyalty. Or maybe these team just suck and no one wants to pay 300 dollars to see them play.

NFL HELL: Several Stadiums Nearly Empty As Anthem Protest Backlash Rolls Into Week 7 (PHOTOS)

All losing teams and the NFL doesn't need bigots.
I seriously doubt you know the definition of bigot so I will supply it here:

chauvinist · partisan · sectarian · racist · sexist · homophobe · dogmatist · jingoist

Now, using that definition, isn't it YOU who are acting as the bigot?

How do you jump to that wild assertion that I'm a racist for responding to a post claiming success in a boycott with pictures of stadiums less than full from losing teams?

Or are you in support of having bigots in the NFL?
When and where did I use the word racist? For that matter until now you didn't use the term. But now you once again play that card because you were found out.

You seem intolerant of my opinion that millionaires should not be protesting the very country that made them millionaires. You sound intolerant, that is the definition I provided.

The athletes are not protesting the country as you claim. They're protesting the inequity in treatment of minorities in our country after many shootings of unarmed African-American people by police.

Additionally, those athletes became wealthy by their efforts to win contracts from NFL teams. The country did not make them millionaires and they don't owe dick to you as you imply.

Is not racism part of the definition of bigot that you provided?
You sound as spoiled as do millionaires who would not make the money they make, for doing what they do, in any other country.

Most of them are not protesting civil injustice, because if they were they would have been protesting months ago not weeks. No, they are protesting Trump saying they should be fired and there ain't nothing that rich spoiled millionaires like less than being told what to do.
Two comments look at the attendance and you will see few minorities especially blacks, and considering most players are black that seem strange that blacks mostly don't attend the games. Basically its a sea of white faces and that also holds true to all other major sports in the US.. Two: did you notice in the game last night between Miami and Baltimore the stands were almost empty in the forth quarter.

1. I've never noticed that. I have never tried to look, though.

2. A nearly empty stadium in the 4th quarter of a blowout seems pretty normal. Even when the home team is winning a blowout, people will try to beat traffic. :)

I never noticed that either however i DID notice that while watching the dodgers/astros world series game that everytime they showed the fans in the stands,most the crowds in the LA stadium were indeed white.:biggrin:

I guess my comments made some people notice the make up of the games attendance. For instance in the NBA the majority of players are black and the majority of fans are white.....The fact is most sports fans don't really care what race the players are and the race make up watching the games proves it.

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