Some on the Right have tried to draw a parallel between Biden's pardon of Hunter and trump's pardon

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Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
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of Roger Stone. The comparison they say is based on Stone being rewarded by trump for Roger's refusal to cooperate in the Mueller investigation. Especially with regard to his knowledge of communications between Stone and Assange over the release of material illegally hacked from DNC servers by the GRU and given to Wikileaks. Mueller would have liked to have known if trump directed Stone to make contact with Assange about the timing of the Wiki document dump coming so soon after the release of the Access Hollywood tape.
It's the contention of the Right that Hunter's pardon actually protects Joe because of the supposed corrupt acts they committed together as trump's pardon of Stone protected Baby Donald.

This disrupts that narrative.

FBI informant pleads guilty to lying about $10M Biden bribery payments to Joe, Hunter

A former FBI informant pleaded guilty on Thursday to lying about a $10 million bribe that a Ukrainian businessman paid to then-vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter to “protect” his firm from a looming corruption investigation.

Alexander Smirnov, 43, entered into a plea agreement with special counsel David Weiss and confessed to having created “a false and fictitious record” as part of a multi-year federal probe into the Bidens.

Trump should give all of his children a blanket pardon for at least 11 years because Biden admitted the DOJ is corrupt and will go after the children of a President for no reason.
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Presidents abuse the right and it should be ended.
No pardon should be allowed for any person with any kind of relationship to the prez. Like Hunter, Stone, Bannon, Flynn, Jared's dad, Manafort, etc.

The abuse is far more widespread than that. You can have a relationship with someone close to the office. Gave enough money to the office. Had something the office wants to remain under wraps.

End it.
The abuse is far more widespread than that. You can have a relationship with someone close to the office. Gave enough money to the office. Had something the office wants to remain under wraps.

End it.
The existing review board is designed to eliminate that kind of corruption. It needs to be given some teeth.
The abuse is far more widespread than that. You can have a relationship with someone close to the office. Gave enough money to the office. Had something the office wants to remain under wraps.

End it.
The current oddity remains though.

If Biden wants to pre-emptively pardon a bunch of people in his administration who haven’t committed any crimes, then why is the pardon necessary?

It’s “A few good men” logic
The current oddity remains though.

If Biden wants to pre-emptively pardon a bunch of people in his administration who haven’t committed any crimes, then why is the pardon necessary?

It’s “A few good men” logic
trump's election has created a situation unique in US history. Namely, an incoming admin promising to abuse their power. Internal discussion of pre-emptive pardons is a response to that situation.
Trump should give all of his children a blanket pardons for at least 11 years because Biden admitted the DOJ is corrupt and will go after the children of a President for no reason.


For once, a good point can be drawn from one of berg's dozen daily empty Trump-hate threads.

Thank you.

I realize threads, once started, often take on a life of their own. But this one is about how any pretense of a case against Joe Biden for criminal behavior while prez has completely fallen apart.
What Biden is doing is giving Trump cover for J6 blanket pardons, and those of you on the left will have nothing to say about it.
How absurd. Nothing will give him cover for the ultimate act of disrespect for the Capital police who were attacked that day and for their families.
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