Somebody Had to Say This

Yeah, I love this new standard where no one actually shot at the alleged victim, but yet everyone runs around with their hair on fire CLAIMING that it was an "assassination attempt."

I LOVE this for us.
Okay, when does an assassination attempt start and is it no longer an attempt if it is thwarted at any point before the trigger is pulled or the bomb goes off? We attempted to assassinate both Hitler and Castro multiple times but were never successful. Do we still call them attempts? Yes, we do.
Nobody shot at trump that day. Nobody. That is the fact of the last claim of assassination. The guy who was captured voted for Trump. The guy in PA was a republican.

Now its time to let these guys speak.

Who Shot at Ya? | MiniPod | Native Land Pod​

^^^How brainwashed and just plain retarded do you have to be to believe Trump was shot by one of his own supporters?

You people are dumb as fuck, and that's why the DemoKKKrats love you.
Liberals are beyond desperate and afraid if they have to resort to semantics about assassination attempts. All while ignoring the letter the would assassin penned stating his intent. November is going to be hilarious.

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