Somebody tell is a "fact pattern" and how does it bear on the Bergdahl snafu?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011

QUESTION: So you’re saying that the guys on television last night – his squad mates, platoon mates – were not correct?
MS. HARF: I’m saying we don’t know the fact pattern yet here. We don’t. Nobody knows exactly what happened that night. As the facts emerge, as he’s able to discuss them with the Department of Defense, we will see where that takes us.
QUESTION: Going back to –
MS. HARF: That happened five years ago. This is a situation –
QUESTION: So you’ve had all this time, five years, to determine whether he was a deserter or not. That’s a long time.
MS. HARF: He’s been in captivity, Lucas. I think he’s probably the person who knows best what happened on that night.
QUESTION: But – well, I think that his squad mates have the best indication what happened that night.
MS. HARF: I don’t think that that’s the case."

Sliming the soldiers who really do put their lives on the line for the sake of a fucking taliban spy.


Also notice the other terminology...they don't know the "fact pattern" and they won't know the "facts" until they hear them from the traitor.

Soldier: Army told us to lie about Bergdahl?s capture « Hot Air
a fact pattern is simply just that and applies to virtually everything being considered for evaluation ... even the stock market.

obviously you would know more about a speculation pattern, facts be damned.
Fact pattern = lie pattern, the maobama bureaucratic answer to everything. They are already starting to spin this story to justify the release of 5 mass murders back to Afghanistan.

Analysis: Talks in Bergdahl release had wider goal

PeoplePC - News
Fact pattern = lie pattern, the maobama bureaucratic answer to everything. They are already starting to spin this story to justify the release of 5 mass murders back to Afghanistan.

Analysis: Talks in Bergdahl release had wider goal

PeoplePC - News

least we forget the spin pattern ...:lol:
The thing that they are hiding is that even if he was an exemplary soldier, Obama still should not have given the Taliban Dream Team for him. The terrorists are correct, they won that one big time.

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