Soon, I couldn’t visit a relative at the hospital.

My relative show some lost memorie after she was vaccinated but it is hard to prove that Pfizer is the cause of it but it seem that other did have the same symptoms.
Bonjour, Dalia,

Lost memory could be neurological deficit in meningioma, even without vaccine-related symptoms:
'....The most common presenting symptoms were intracranial hypertension and neurological deficits. Hypertension and diabetes were the most common comorbid diseases.'

It was while reading about meningiomas and the Merlin gene, that badger noticed it "translocates to the nucleus" which implicated SARS-CoV-2:

Neurofibromatosis Type II / Meningiomas / Merlin Gene
'mutations in the "Merlin" gene....also translocates to the nucleus and suppresses proliferation by inhibiting E3 ubiquitin ligase CRL4 (DCAF1).'

This study involved 16 authors:
Aug 2020: SARS-CoV-2 / E3 Ubiquitin Ligase / Cephalotaxus Homoharringtonine / University of Pittsburgh / Jiaoting University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
PubMed 32818215
'....homoharringtonine (approved for chronic myeloid leukemia) and halofuginone (in clinical trials for scleroderma and cilnidipine [a calcium-channel blocker, antihypertensive agent approved in Asia and in some European countries]) appear the most potent....and were effective in decreasing total TMPRSS2....drug-induced alteration in TMPRSS2 protein stablility....and CUL4-associated factor (DCAF1).'

During the Jurassic, Cephalotaxus grew in France, so this would be a mascot tree for those French susceptible to meningiomas, as well as an anti-COVID tree. It may be grown for some time in containers, perhaps in a bonsai planting.
Halofuginone links to the new IHU French variant of SARS-CoV-2, because the variant was found at Didier Raoult's institute, IHU Mediterranee Infection, Marseille, from a traveler returning to France from the Cameroons. Raoult would recognized halofuginone (from the Chinese plant Dichroa) because it is halogenated, like his hydroxychloroquine is halogenated. It is used against these pathogens listed, and hydroxychloroquine is included with halofuginone on this wikipage:

Hello and thank you for answering me according to your words and your links that I translated into French you confirm that this lady could have developed meningioma after being vaccinated? she wanted to follow Macaroni’s words and she’s a leftist but she’s a relative of mine even though I really don’t agree with her but politics I think creates strong ties between us Conservatives and that connection I could never have with her.
She was frightened from the start by the covid because of Macaroni media and followed like all the other leftist sheep.
And also she was assaulted on December 24th by three foreign womans because all the foreigners are the lefties favorite people and suddenly having the heart open towards her people and wanting to help them with their tokens for the caddy then for the thanked they stole her wallet.
Hello and thank you for answering me according to your words and your links that I translated into French you confirm that this lady could have developed meningioma after being vaccinated? she wanted to follow Macaroni’s words and she’s a leftist but she’s a relative of mine even though I really don’t agree with her but politics I think creates strong ties between us Conservatives and that connection I could never have with her.
She was frightened from the start by the covid because of Macaroni media and followed like all the other leftist sheep.
And also she was assaulted on December 24th by three foreign womans because all the foreigners are the lefties favorite people and suddenly having the heart open towards her people and wanting to help them with their tokens for the caddy then for the thanked they stole her wallet.
All this fear mongering and fear messaging did not occur by accident, it was planned. It is a vehicle to push The New World Order, Sustainable Development and the soon to come Global AntiChrist Government and Cashless Economy. May Jesus The Christ come and come quickly.
Last edited:
All this fear mongering and fear messaging did not occur by accident, it was planned. It is a vehicle to push The New World Order, Sustainable Development and the soon to come Global AntiChrist Government and Cashless Economy. May Jesus The Christ come and come quickly.
Death may be the only cure for being fucked up on religion.
Hello and thank you for answering me according to your words and your links that I translated into French you confirm that this lady could have developed meningioma after being vaccinated? she wanted to follow Macaroni’s words and she’s a leftist but she’s a relative of mine even though I really don’t agree with her but politics I think creates strong ties between us Conservatives and that connection I could never have with her.
She was frightened from the start by the covid because of Macaroni media and followed like all the other leftist sheep.
And also she was assaulted on December 24th by three foreign womans because all the foreigners are the lefties favorite people and suddenly having the heart open towards her people and wanting to help them with their tokens for the caddy then for the thanked they stole her wallet.
If you know the vaccine was mRNA vaccine, then it is much more possible that it exacerbated meningioma, even benign meningioma, because of the Merlin gene. There is nothing published on this aspect of COVID.
Death may be the only cure for being fucked up on religion.
Religion cannot save any man. All men are separated from God by sin, as God will not stand in the presence of sin but to judge it. Mankind made a deal with The Devil and is paying the consequences, but God loves us never-the-less. He has done to work to reconcile all those who would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, who is coming again to Judge The World and set up His Righteous Kingdom.

Victory over Death was achieved by Jesus Christ when He came as The Son of God in human form and divested Himself of all Heavenly and Godly power and voluntarily lived, suffered, and was tormented as a perfect and innocent man, and paid in full the wages of sin to reconcile man unto Himself and The Father, died on the cross, and was resurrected and seen by many for 40 days, ascended in to heaven and is coming again.

Placing your faith in a vaccine, in science, in mortal and fallible men will not save you either. Only Christ saves and there is no other way whereby we can be reunited with God when The Kingdom comes, and all sin, and all unrepentant sinners are no more part of this world.

So you have before you a choice, Eternal Life, or Eternal Death.
And Christ is that Life, The Way, and The Truth.

The World and the god of this world, that father or lies and deception only leads to Eternal Death.
Bonjour Dalia,

C'est un plaisir de signaler une connection francaise aux coronavirus. Macquart etait le grand diptere francais qui a decrit de nombreux insectes, dont Pseudolynchia canariensis Macquart, 1840 (Histoire naturelle des Iles Canaries). Il s'agit D'une mouche pou qui parasite les oiseaux, notamment les pigeons. Il existe un lien coronavirus avec les pigeons, le Breseil et les Etat-Unis.

Dec 2010 Pigeon Coronaviruses: Brazil, Massachusetts, Arkansas, Connecticut

Les virus Wuhan Louse Fly Viruses 6 & 7 sont des Mononegavirales de la famille, tout comme le virus Ebola. De la meme famille est Wuhan Tick Virus 2. Il y a plus a apprende.

Au Revoir
Bonjour Dalia,

Ces insectes sont porteur de microorganismes Rickettsia. Je viens d'apprendre que Didier Raoult, qui ete le pionnier du traitement COVID-19 en France, est un rickettsiologique. Rickettsia raoulti porte son nom: Il a ete trouve ches les yacks.

18 Sep 2021 Post # 737: Yaks
'....Par consequent, nos resultats suggerent que le SARS-CoV-2 humain, responsable de l'epidemie actuelle de COVID-19, pourrait egalement provenir du yack en tant qu'hote intermediaire.'
Didier's rickettsia was found in the proposed yak intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2:

'....Sequences obtenues a partir de yaks groupes avec les clades Rickettsia slovaca et Rickettsia raoulti avec des isolats identifies a partir de Dermacentor spp. et Homo sapiens. Nos decouvertes ont montre la premiere preuve d'ADN pathogen humain, la rickettsie du groupe de la fievre pourpree (Spotted Fever Group, SFG) provenant d'animaux de la region du plateau Qinghai-Tibet (QTPA).'
Bonjour, Dalia,

Didier Raoult, worked-published with a Russian rickettsiologist from the Gamaleya Institute. Gamaleya produced Sputnik V COVID vaccine, with which President Putin was vaccinated. Rickettsia will link to the origins of SARS-CoV-2, and Russia will develop this trajectory (trajectoire medicinale):

16 Nov 2021 Vedomosti

Pfizer to Test New COVID Drug in Russia
Pfizer ispytaet novyi preparat ot COVID v Rossii

On 15 November 2021, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashko said in an interview with TASS that Russia is developing a drug that will help cure coronavirus in the early stages.
15 noiabria ministr zdravookhraneniia Mikhail Murashko soobashchil v interv'iu TASS o tom, chto v Rossii vedetsia razrabotka preparata, kotoryi pomozhet vylechit'sia ot koronavirusa na rannikh stadiakh.

He did not specify what kind of drug he was talking about.
O kakom imenno lekarstve idet rech', on ne utochnil.'

Au Revoir
Of over 3,000 patients, there was 24.7% aerophagia. This may be a connection for you:

Oct 2019 Harvard Medical School / Aerophagia / Ehlers-Danlos
Another report for aerophagia:

(1988) Cricopharyngeus / Aerophagia
'Le tissue conjonctif endomysial a ete nettement augmente dans le cricopharyngeus et les fuseaux musculaire n'ont pas ete trouves.
Endomysial connective tissue was markedly increased in the cricopharynegeus and muscle spindles were not found.

Cette decouverte est coherent avec la fonction proposee de ce muscle dans son role sphincterien dans le deglutition, les vomissements, les eructations et dans le controle de l'aerophagie.
This finding is consistent with the proposed function of this muscle in its sphincteric role in deglutition, vomiting, eructation and in the control of aerophagia.'
Bonjour, Dalia,

Lost memory could be neurological deficit in meningioma, even without vaccine-related symptoms:
'....The most common presenting symptoms were intracranial hypertension and neurological deficits. Hypertension and diabetes were the most common comorbid diseases.'

It was while reading about meningiomas and the Merlin gene, that badger noticed it "translocates to the nucleus" which implicated SARS-CoV-2:

Neurofibromatosis Type II / Meningiomas / Merlin Gene
'mutations in the "Merlin" gene....also translocates to the nucleus and suppresses proliferation by inhibiting E3 ubiquitin ligase CRL4 (DCAF1).'

This study involved 16 authors:
Aug 2020: SARS-CoV-2 / E3 Ubiquitin Ligase / Cephalotaxus Homoharringtonine / University of Pittsburgh / Jiaoting University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
PubMed 32818215
'....homoharringtonine (approved for chronic myeloid leukemia) and halofuginone (in clinical trials for scleroderma and cilnidipine [a calcium-channel blocker, antihypertensive agent approved in Asia and in some European countries]) appear the most potent....and were effective in decreasing total TMPRSS2....drug-induced alteration in TMPRSS2 protein stablility....and CUL4-associated factor (DCAF1).'

During the Jurassic, Cephalotaxus grew in France, so this would be a mascot tree for those French susceptible to meningiomas, as well as an anti-COVID tree. It may be grown for some time in containers, perhaps in a bonsai planting.
Pardon, we will post a link that works:

Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan, China
'....The most common presenting symptoms were intracranial hypertension and neurological deficit....Hypertension and diabetes were the most common comorbid diseases.'

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