Soon we’ll be free of insufferable spin on who is ahead ...

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
I can’t stand the dumb threads about who is ahead according to the latest polls. How about you?

Irrespective of who you are voting for, or whether you are not voting, won’t it be great when all the dumb partisan “predictions” are a thing of the past? I never could understand why folks argue as if their side being “ahead” in the polls is so important. As if their side’s “victory” will really and truly vindicate them or their positions.

I understand why folks may want their side to win — that is only natural. But some people act as if it will prove they personally (or their party’s policies) are ... correct. I find that strange, considering that our country is where it is after over 150 years of our present two-party duopoly, with each party taking turns in power and changing positions over time. Why is everyone so sure that their party today is on the right track?

Maybe I just feel this way only because I don’t think much of either party, usually don’t vote for any major presidential candidate, and only rarely vote for a “lesser evil” ... and always without illusions.

As much as I hate one candidate in this election with particular vehemence, I’m hoping the vote isn’t too close — either way. A drawn out close election giving both sides grounds to accuse the other of stealing the election would probably be the worst possible outcome. At least in my opinion.

Speaking in a non-partisan manner for just a moment, what do you think? Can folks say a few non-partisan words about how they feel about this election?
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I can’t stand the dumb threads about who is ahead according to the latest polls. How about you?

Irrespective of who you are voting for, or whether you are not voting, won’t it be great when all the dumb partisan “predictions” are a thing of the past? I never could understand why folks argue as if their side being “ahead” in the polls is so important. As if their side’s “victory” will really and truly vindicate them or their positions.

I understand why folks may want their side to win — that is only natural. But some people act as if it will prove they personally (or their party’s policies) are ... correct. I find that strange, considering that our country is where it is after over 150 years of our present two-party duopoly, with each party taking turns in power and changing positions over time. Why is everyone so sure that their party today is on the right track?

Maybe I just feel this way only because I don’t think much of either party, usually don’t vote for any major presidential candidate, and only rarely vote for a “lesser evil” ... and always without illusions.

As much as I hate one candidate in this election with particular vehemence, I’m hoping the vote isn’t too close — either way. A drawn out close election giving both sides grounds to accuse the other of stealing the election would probably be the worst possible outcome. At least in my opinion.

Speaking in a non-partisan manner for just a moment, what do you think? Can folks say a few non-partisan words about how they feel about this election?
It would be nice if we had a non-partisan Main Stream Media. OR , if that is not [possible, then a media that is balanced OR even pro-American.
I can’t stand the dumb threads about who is ahead according to the latest polls. How about you?

Irrespective of who you are voting for, or whether you are not voting, won’t it be great when all the dumb partisan “predictions” are a thing of the past? I never could understand why folks argue as if their side being “ahead” in the polls is so important. As if their side’s “victory” will really and truly vindicate them or their positions.

I understand why folks may want their side to win — that is only natural. But some people act as if it will prove they personally (or their party’s policies) are ... correct. I find that strange, considering that our country is where it is after over 150 years of our present two-party duopoly, with each party taking turns in power and changing positions over time. Why is everyone so sure that their party today is on the right track?

Maybe I just feel this way only because I don’t think much of either party, usually don’t vote for any major presidential candidate, and only rarely vote for a “lesser evil” ... and always without illusions.

As much as I hate one candidate in this election with particular vehemence, I’m hoping the vote isn’t too close — either way. A drawn out close election giving both sides grounds to accuse the other of stealing the election would probably be the worst possible outcome. At least in my opinion.

Speaking in a non-partisan manner for just a moment, what do you think? Can folks say a few non-partisan words about how they feel about this election?

I agree with you. The up-to-the-minute coverage, polling, and arguments about which candidate is ahead is always either funny or annoying. I particularly dislike the possibility that media coverage of that sort might convince some people not to bother voting, if they think a particular candidate already has the election in their state wrapped up.

Of course a presidential election doesn't prove any person or party correct. Neither does it prove any sort of 'mandate from the American people,' the sort of phrase that gets tossed about far too often. The last president to get even 60% of the vote was Nixon in 72. At best, elections might be called mandates from around 50% of voters over the past half-century or so.

I would actually prefer this to be a close election in which some third party candidate gets a significant portion of the vote...but I'm pretty sure that this isn't going to be that sort of year. There is no Ross Perot running for those who don't support either of the 2 major parties to get behind. I was fairly young when Perot got about 19% of the vote, but I remember him coming off as slightly nutty. Still, I think I'd be thrilled to vote for 1992 Ross Perot over Trump or Biden. I wasn't impressed with the third party options that made it on the ballot, sadly. Jorgenson seems to be more of a libertarian purist, rather than the libertarian-lite of Gary Johnson; I actually liked Johnson's more mainstream stances, he just ended up too flaky. I'm no socialist, the Green party seems to want to spend massive amounts of government money, Don Blankenship of the Constitution party definitely seems like a joke...there just wasn't a lot to vote FOR this presidential election. That's often true, but it just seems like it's worse than usual this year. 2020 is so full of crap. :lol:

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