Souls travel


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Many years ago I was with my dad in a small town in Nevada.
My dad was friends with a guy who lived there, the guy really had no other friends.
They went out for Christmas dinner.
Later that night approx. 3am to 4am , i was sleeping and I felt (what seemed like) a soul enter me, then, I heard a loud scream in my head "LET ME OUT OF HERE!" and I felt this "soul" bottleneck up out of my head.
It was disturbing enough that i jumped out of bed, and thought about it for another 15 to 20 minutes before i fell asleep again.

Later that day my dad had to go searching for his friend and found he died at his house.
My dad said "he died sometime during the night"
I said "Ya it was between 3 and 4 am" (he didn't know what i was talking about)


in 2014 i had went to Arizona to visit my mom.
A short time later i was back in L.A. and i was sitting at my computer.
I felt a very strange sensation and what i would describe as an artificial happy feeling.
It was enough that i stopped what i was doing and said "that was fkn weird"
Within 30 minutes i got a call from my aunt telling me my mom died.


I feel it's my obligation to tell anyone who will listen , i feel I've witnesses proof death is not the end
I believe every word of it. When I as just 3 or 4 years old, I had a spirit that would come pee in my bed several nights each week. I guess when I got older he must have gone to pee in somebody else's bed.
Many years ago I was with my dad in a small town in Nevada.
My dad was friends with a guy who lived there, the guy really had no other friends.
They went out for Christmas dinner.
Later that night approx. 3am to 4am , i was sleeping and I felt (what seemed like) a soul enter me, then, I heard a loud scream in my head "LET ME OUT OF HERE!" and I felt this "soul" bottleneck up out of my head.
It was disturbing enough that i jumped out of bed, and thought about it for another 15 to 20 minutes before i fell asleep again.

Later that day my dad had to go searching for his friend and found he died at his house.
My dad said "he died sometime during the night"
I said "Ya it was between 3 and 4 am" (he didn't know what i was talking about)


in 2014 i had went to Arizona to visit my mom.
A short time later i was back in L.A. and i was sitting at my computer.
I felt a very strange sensation and what i would describe as an artificial happy feeling.
It was enough that i stopped what i was doing and said "that was fkn weird"
Within 30 minutes i got a call from my aunt telling me my mom died.


I feel it's my obligation to tell anyone who will listen , i feel I've witnesses proof death is not the end
There are many near death stories detailing people's awareness leaving their bodies that sure seem to suggest that we are more than just our bodies. I believe that something is our souls. I see no reason why someone's soul wouldn't/couldn't visit someone after death.

Wolfstrike, what's happened to you is amazing. Thank you for sharing it.
See? Until we know exactly when a soul is given us we should stop aborting human life!

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