South Carolina taking jobs from China...

It's the swing of the future, China is drying up on labor and inflation was 2.7% on consumer goods last month.
oh yeah and raise CEO pay by another 250%

That's the spirit! Blame the owners for everything but success! We all know the real reason this company will do well (if they do well) is if they pay more in taxes and their parole doubles! They can afford it because all CEO's makes 100 beeeeelllion dollars!
This assumes the bed wetters won't find an "endangered" cave spider and halt construction. Or the EPA will come an "inspect" the site immediately after a rain and declare it a wetland.

Never underestimate the moonbats ability to fuck up a good thing for everyone.

They call that "fair".
After the Shanghai stock market's last glitch I doubt very many people will be investing. The exchange lost and ave. of 9% last year on investments and these are good times for China.

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