Space Time and Ghost


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
I create this thread while knowing that the explanation will not be simple eventually then I will do my best with some link of me.
I start with this link Past Present and Future Exist Now which talks about the fact that we invented the word time and hours etc... so I wonder if it is possible that the ghost i saw in the past was not a rip in the Space time ? Link : ghost woman (1850-1920) in Ottawa Courtyard

Perhaps I would had witnessed a moment in the life of this woman? and that it is not a ghost that would have appeared ?
I hope i explain myself well enough ?
I create this thread while knowing that the explanation will not be simple eventually then I will do my best with some link of me.
I start with this link Past Present and Future Exist Now which talks about the fact that we invented the word time and hours etc... so I wonder if it is possible that the ghost i saw in the past was not a rip in the Space time ? Link : ghost woman (1850-1920) in Ottawa Courtyard

Perhaps I would had witnessed a moment in the life of this woman? and that it is not a ghost that would have appeared ?
I hope i explain myself well enough ?
Thanks for your interesting post, Dalia. I've never thought about the possibility that a ghost could be a result of a rip in space time. I'll have to think about this before I can formulate a good opinion.
I create this thread while knowing that the explanation will not be simple eventually then I will do my best with some link of me.
I start with this link Past Present and Future Exist Now which talks about the fact that we invented the word time and hours etc... so I wonder if it is possible that the ghost i saw in the past was not a rip in the Space time ? Link : ghost woman (1850-1920) in Ottawa Courtyard

Perhaps I would had witnessed a moment in the life of this woman? and that it is not a ghost that would have appeared ?
I hope i explain myself well enough ?
Thanks for your interesting post, Dalia. I've never thought about the possibility that a ghost could be a result of a rip in space time. I'll have to think about this before I can formulate a good opinion.
I was sure that the woman who appeared to me was a ghost mainly because of the fact that she was sitting up on this picture and it did not make sense

But before it was a other building that can be seen on this picture below top left the woman appear on the oder side of the building , (i show the way the building was before)

I create this thread while knowing that the explanation will not be simple eventually then I will do my best with some link of me.
I start with this link Past Present and Future Exist Now which talks about the fact that we invented the word time and hours etc... so I wonder if it is possible that the ghost i saw in the past was not a rip in the Space time ? Link : ghost woman (1850-1920) in Ottawa Courtyard

Perhaps I would had witnessed a moment in the life of this woman? and that it is not a ghost that would have appeared ?
I hope i explain myself well enough ?

You always explain yourself well and yes there is. Ever seen "Ghost Loop"? One of the many paranormal shows on the tube. They always address the space time "ghost loops", do things like decorate the "place" as it was when the killing or whatever happened,,, then send the ghosties on their way and they are always happy to go. There is a bit of "belief of God" in the show and their methods,,,, so it's been off air close to a year, but a very good show.
I create this thread while knowing that the explanation will not be simple eventually then I will do my best with some link of me.
I start with this link Past Present and Future Exist Now which talks about the fact that we invented the word time and hours etc... so I wonder if it is possible that the ghost i saw in the past was not a rip in the Space time ? Link : ghost woman (1850-1920) in Ottawa Courtyard

Perhaps I would had witnessed a moment in the life of this woman? and that it is not a ghost that would have appeared ?
I hope i explain myself well enough ?
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