Speaking of Kamala Harris...


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
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Tell me that bitch wasn't three sheets to the wind yesterday. :laughing0301:

"Kamala Harris attended a Broadway show in NYC on Saturday and reminded everyone about her word salad and how lucky we are that she isn’t in the White House..."

"Kamala Harris attended a Broadway show in NYC on Saturday and reminded everyone about her word salad and how lucky we are that she isn’t in the White House..."

Ahhhh! Ohhhhhhh! Hmmmmmm!!! Seeeeee! :eusa_pray:

Such sweet insight! Thank you, Kammy, thank you! 🙏

Dear Lord! I have seen the light, I can SEE! 😎

That woman is on a whole nother level of Wokist DEI.
Tell me that bitch wasn't three sheets to the wind yesterday. :laughing0301:

"Kamala Harris attended a Broadway show in NYC on Saturday and reminded everyone about her word salad and how lucky we are that she isn’t in the White House..."

Some of you guys are getting too smart , Mr Salt .
Looks like she has a huge pill and / or booze problem .

But you are only getting the easy ones .

Look at the alleged Trump hit at Butler . And the even funnier one outside the Towers . Fakes .

And, My oh My . Who would have guessed there would be an incident in Munich at this very needed moment ?

Then there was the "missile" in Chernobyl , also by an amazing coincidence at the very time a Fake incident was required by Mad Midget .

Funny old life Mr S .
Tell me that bitch wasn't three sheets to the wind yesterday. :laughing0301:

"Kamala Harris attended a Broadway show in NYC on Saturday and reminded everyone about her word salad and how lucky we are that she isn’t in the White House..."

Absolutely, slurring speech, eyes and she's wobbling

America dodged a bullet
Dodged a bullet? More like a MOAB.
Tell me that bitch wasn't three sheets to the wind yesterday. :laughing0301:

"Kamala Harris attended a Broadway show in NYC on Saturday and reminded everyone about her word salad and how lucky we are that she isn’t in the White House..."

Oh yeah.

That loser bitch is either three sheets, or off her meds.

Or both.

Or maybe even a med overdose.

But it ain't good.
Can you imagine if that whore won and was drunk all the time and dealing with other countries?
"Speaking of Kamala Harris..."

Let's not and say we did...
So to make it a "really good fake" they murdered Corey Comparatore in front of his two daughters. Quit posting stupid shit you know nothing about.

I know much more than you will ever know .

It is doubtful if he was even killed. Another Topic far beyond the scope of this chat site

QUOTE----- Corey Comperatore. Unfortunately, his story doesn't addup, either. We are being told he was an ex-fire chief in Buffalo Township. But his LinkedIN profile doesn't mention being a firefighter. It says he has worked at JSP in Butler for 30 years. Plus, this deadguy is still posting at LinkedIN as of today"

But regardless , people have to be killed / injured to make a False Flag convincing to the Sheeple, and sentimental factors are irrelevant in a Deep State operation.

Make sure you have researched before becoming dogmatic
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