Spec Ops & Intelligence members to release video about Obama's OBL bragging & leaks


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Spec Ops & Intelligence members to release video about Obama's OBL bragging & leaks

Special ops group attacks Obama over bin Laden bragging, leaks | Reuters

A few quotes that stand out:

"As a citizen, it is my civic duty to tell the president to stop leaking information to the enemy," Smith continues. "It will get Americans killed."

"Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not,"

We all knew that Obama is the most anti military president of all time. And if you think they hated him in 2008, I cant wait to see the stats for 2012.

Flash back: Remember General Stanley McChrystal and General Jones?
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Spec Ops & Intelligence members to release video about Obama's OBL bragging & leaks

Special ops group attacks Obama over bin Laden bragging, leaks | Reuters

A few quotes that stand out:

"As a citizen, it is my civic duty to tell the president to stop leaking information to the enemy," Smith continues. "It will get Americans killed."

"Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not,"

We all knew that Obam is the most anti military president of all time. And if you think they hated him in 2008, I cant wait to see the stats for 2012.

Flash back: Remember General Stanley McChrystal and General Jones?

How is Obama anti-military?
I hope they mention that obama abandoned the man who REALLY got Bin Laden. Dr. Afridi helped us and got sent to prison without a single word from obama.
Obama didn't kill Bin Laden, in fact he was too chicken to do it until his other wife, Valerie Jarrett told him it was OK.

I'm sure the military members that helped with this and then lost some of their brothers aren't going to let Obama take credit for this, remember "You didn't do that by yourself", Liar-in-Chief.
Wow, resorting to a swiftboating. Sure, bring up the fact the Obama admin got the man that was ignored for 2 terms by Bush, and at least one term of clinton. Yes, bring up Obama's killing of america's most wanted in a fairly good attack. This is not kerry sailing down some river in vietnam shooting vienamese, this was america's number one enemy and the person portrayed as the mastermind of 9/11. His death brought on many celebrations that he was dead, and republicans looked really petty attacking Obama for doing something they wished they had done.

No really, great advertising tactic for Obama. Please remind us all that Mittens would have never done such a thing according to his own statements, and let us bring up Paul Ryan's opposition to one of the defining accomplishments of the obama administration.

really, who aside from republican robots actually thinks it was wrong to order the attacks that killed Osama because Obama had to order it being the president of the US and the commander in cheif? Is this supposed to make me angry with obama that he ordered the attack? Am I supposed to think that his orders, something Clinton and Bush failed to do, are somehow wrong because he took credit for doing something the last 2 presidents ran away from? Are we supposed to think Obama should have waited for a republican to be in the president's seat so that they would not complain about him getting the fucking job done?

you people are fucking amazing. Obama is not kerry and he will turn this shit around on your swiftboaters faster than you can whine about him being mean.
Wow, resorting to a swiftboating. Sure, bring up the fact the Obama admin got the man that was ignored for 2 terms by Bush, and at least one term of clinton. Yes, bring up Obama's killing of america's most wanted in a fairly good attack. This is not kerry sailing down some river in vietnam shooting vienamese, this was america's number one enemy and the person portrayed as the mastermind of 9/11. His death brought on many celebrations that he was dead, and republicans looked really petty attacking Obama for doing something they wished they had done.

No really, great advertising tactic for Obama. Please remind us all that Mittens would have never done such a thing according to his own statements, and let us bring up Paul Ryan's opposition to one of the defining accomplishments of the obama administration.

really, who aside from republican robots actually thinks it was wrong to order the attacks that killed Osama because Obama had to order it being the president of the US and the commander in cheif? Is this supposed to make me angry with obama that he ordered the attack? Am I supposed to think that his orders, something Clinton and Bush failed to do, are somehow wrong because he took credit for doing something the last 2 presidents ran away from? Are we supposed to think Obama should have waited for a republican to be in the president's seat so that they would not complain about him getting the fucking job done?

you people are fucking amazing. Obama is not kerry and he will turn this shit around on your swiftboaters faster than you can whine about him being mean.

Funny, the Swiftboater's claims have yet to be disproved.
THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who's responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children.

The first specious lie in this article on the new swiftboaters (OPSEC) is debunked.
Trying to get to the bottom of the serious national security leaks coming from the white house is very long overdue. obama should be in Leavenworth by now.
Obama you didn't kill OBL! Real men did!

He ordered the Seals to breach Pakistani territory, just like he said he would.

We've been over this before.

He cancelled the mission 3 times.

When he reluctantly gave the go-ahead he made plans to disassociate himself from it if anything went wrong. Looking at photos during the mission he was obviously not in charge. Now he uses it as a foreign-policy success when it is actually a military action. I see nothing diplomatic about double-tapping someone in the forehead.

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