Spooky Black - Take Back Vermont


Diamond Member
Aug 9, 2021
I'm sitting here in my closet, listening to this music, ranting about S81T:

Although this is one of the greatest cult albums every produced, IMHO, I am thinking about other things...

Here in my state, we had a loud popular movement called "Take Back Vermont" or something like that. It was painted on every barn, fence, and banners were hung with care across much of the state. A picture of one such looks like this (although I remember many more authentic ones painted with white-wash):


The problem is the reported history. The references to this strong movement all say something about "opposition to civil unions" in 2000. Well, nope, that wasn't it. Might have been one concern voiced by some, but this was not the reason for the slogan. Not even close.

It was a popular movement of citizens who felt the loss of power. The increase of taxation. The end of freedom. All caused by what we call "flat-landers".

You see, we always had a kind of island mentality here in Vermont. Live and let live. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Mind your own business.

But no. The folks that took over in our legislature during that time frame had no limits. No self-discipline. No modesty in their spending. No self-respect.

What they did possess was an iron-clad grip over the media and spin. What I see today is decimated people controlled by non-sensical opinion reports on our media outlets. A complete befoulment of fact in favor of ridiculous, biased, and leading opinion. Guided by tactics normally reserved for psychological war.

No. Take back Vermont is still the correct phrase. It's just been temporarily silenced by selfish, corrupt, and nefarious actors who are demonstrably incompetent.

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