State Department Confirms The Suspicions The Most Americans Have Had About The Refugee Program


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This should surprise nobody. (Okay, let's wait for the Leftist attack on the source of this)
The whistle blower writer, in part:

As a refugee coordinator, I saw the exploitations, inconsistencies and security lapses in the program, and I advocated strongly for change. Nonetheless, during the past decade and specifically under the Obama administration, the Refugee Admissions Program continued to expand blindly, seemingly without concern for security or whether it served the best interests of its own citizens. For instance, the legally questionable resettlement of refugees from Malta to the United States grew substantially, despite the fact that as a European country with a functioning asylum system, “refugees” should have remained there under the internationally accepted concept of “the country of first asylum.” Similarly, the “special” in-country refugee programs in Cuba and Russia continue, although they are laden with fraud and far too often simply admit economic migrants rather than actual refugees.

Full letter @ Whistle Blower At State Department EXPOSES REFUGEE Program As A Complete FRAUD
I'm not at all surprised by this admission, in fact the use of 'testimony' alone thing was pointed out many times to Gowdy and the rest of the Subcomittee on ... crap damned videos, Security and Immigration I think it was, that they go off testimony alone. I'll see if I can find the video again, I'd linked it on here at some point. Update; bah I can't find it, Gowdy's too darned popular, Cruz video will have to do to the point.

Ah I'd forgotten Cruz got on them about testimony only stuff as well - skip to 1:50

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