Stop Picking on Presdent Trump going for a CARRIDE. How CHILDISH!!! It's JUST a Carride!!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013

Who amongst YOU has not taken a three year old for a carride to get them to sleep. Why I even recall just leaving my child in her car seat in the garage when I went in to pee. I locked the garage and then turned off the car, for sure, first. EVERYONE does it. Lighten up. MAGA

Who amongst YOU has not taken a three year old for a carride to get them to sleep. Why I even recall just leaving my child in her car seat in the garage when I went in to pee. I locked the garage and then turned off the car, for sure, first. EVERYONE does it. Lighten up. MAGA

Who amongst YOU has not taken a three year old for a carride to get them to sleep. Why I even recall just leaving my child in her car seat in the garage when I went in to pee. I locked the garage and then turned off the car, for sure, first. EVERYONE does it. Lighten up. MAGA
The Demmies are putting on their best fake reality moves. Pity
If this is what gets a person all worked up, they may suffer from "not having a life",
Talk to your doctor today to see if Xanax and Tequila is right for you.

Who amongst YOU has not taken a three year old for a carride to get them to sleep. Why I even recall just leaving my child in her car seat in the garage when I went in to pee. I locked the garage and then turned off the car, for sure, first. EVERYONE does it. Lighten up. MAGA

Anyone do this? Each and every time I click a link like this, I literally don't read any of the article (stopped reading at "infected and contagious") and scroll down directly to the comments.

This time, I was dismayed to find the following:

"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and p
assions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting."


Looks like whoever runs yahoo news was butthurt by too many pro-Trump comments

Who amongst YOU has not taken a three year old for a carride to get them to sleep. Why I even recall just leaving my child in her car seat in the garage when I went in to pee. I locked the garage and then turned off the car, for sure, first. EVERYONE does it. Lighten up. MAGA
Holy people (and I use the term "people" loosely) have lost your minds.
Oh no, I understand it's important for trump's supporters to see him in real.
It highlights Trumps indifference to infecting others

Who amongst YOU has not taken a three year old for a carride to get them to sleep. Why I even recall just leaving my child in her car seat in the garage when I went in to pee. I locked the garage and then turned off the car, for sure, first. EVERYONE does it. Lighten up. MAGA

Other than helping his campaign, this hurts you how, dog?

Who amongst YOU has not taken a three year old for a carride to get them to sleep. Why I even recall just leaving my child in her car seat in the garage when I went in to pee. I locked the garage and then turned off the car, for sure, first. EVERYONE does it. Lighten up. MAGA

So, social distancing doesn't work then?

Who amongst YOU has not taken a three year old for a carride to get them to sleep. Why I even recall just leaving my child in her car seat in the garage when I went in to pee. I locked the garage and then turned off the car, for sure, first. EVERYONE does it. Lighten up. MAGA

Anyone do this? Each and every time I click a link like this, I literally don't read any of the article (stopped reading at "infected and contagious") and scroll down directly to the comments.

This time, I was dismayed to find the following:

"Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and p
assions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting."


Looks like whoever runs yahoo news was butthurt by too many pro-Trump comments

In order for morons like bend over for the dog to have faux OUTRAGE, OUTRAGE I TELLS YA - we have to say that social distancing doesn't work. It's a predicament for the commies. They need to hate Trump like junkies need a fix, but they are arguing against their own bullshit.
Oh no, I understand it's important for trump's supporters to see him in real.

So, Social Distancing doesn't work then? Wuhan can travel 100 yards and target Trump supporters (but not democrat terrorists out rioting - Wuhan be woke yo)?

Who amongst YOU has not taken a three year old for a carride to get them to sleep. Why I even recall just leaving my child in her car seat in the garage when I went in to pee. I locked the garage and then turned off the car, for sure, first. EVERYONE does it. Lighten up. MAGA
WTF is a "carride"?

Who amongst YOU has not taken a three year old for a carride to get them to sleep. Why I even recall just leaving my child in her car seat in the garage when I went in to pee. I locked the garage and then turned off the car, for sure, first. EVERYONE does it. Lighten up. MAGA

Okay, real hard to tell if you are being satirical or not. God, I hope so....

Who amongst YOU has not taken a three year old for a carride to get them to sleep. Why I even recall just leaving my child in her car seat in the garage when I went in to pee. I locked the garage and then turned off the car, for sure, first. EVERYONE does it. Lighten up. MAGA
WTF is a "carride"?

Bends over for the dog is a leftist. Most of them never made it past 3rd grade.

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