Student loan program may come back to haunt.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
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Sure hope students didn't go out and buy a Ferrari or buy a six-month European vacation, those student loans may come back to haunt you.

Trump is poised to pull the plug on President Joe Biden’s yearslong push to cancel student debt for tens of millions of people as Republicans sweep into power in the coming months.

A federal judge has blocked Biden’s second attempt at mass debt cancellation after the Supreme Court rejected his first plan last year. Federal appeals courts have frozen Biden's loan-repayment program that offered lower monthly payments, setting off confusion over the amount that millions of borrowers must pay. And the Trump administration will have to decide how to resume the collection of defaulted student debt that’s been suspended since the beginning of the pandemic.

Sure hope students didn't go out and buy a Ferrari or buy a six-month European vacation, those student loans may come back to haunt you.

Trump is poised to pull the plug on President Joe Biden’s yearslong push to cancel student debt for tens of millions of people as Republicans sweep into power in the coming months.

A federal judge has blocked Biden’s second attempt at mass debt cancellation after the Supreme Court rejected his first plan last year. Federal appeals courts have frozen Biden's loan-repayment program that offered lower monthly payments, setting off confusion over the amount that millions of borrowers must pay. And the Trump administration will have to decide how to resume the collection of defaulted student debt that’s been suspended since the beginning of the pandemic.

So let me get this straight, you're saying that the incoming Trump Administration is going to force people to actually pay back the money they borrowed?

The Democrats were right, he is a fascist!
The .gov should not even be in the student loan business.

Make it to where they are able to discharge the loans in bankruptcy and then just bail on the whole student loan program.

Problem solved, problem staying solved.
So let me get this straight, you're saying that the incoming Trump Administration is going to force people to actually pay back the money they borrowed?

The Democrats were right, he is a fascist!
/---/ Remember, democRATs criminalized Trump for repaying his outstanding loans in full, on time, and with interest. Pure fascist.
The .gov should not even be in the student loan business.

Make it to where they are able to discharge the loans in bankruptcy and then just bail on the whole student loan program.

Problem solved, problem staying solved.

Remember when Elizabeth Warren was whining that the government was making too much
profit from the student loan program? Or when Obama was using the profits to pay for Obamacare?

Now it's going to cost us hundreds of billions in write-offs, Biden wanted to make it $1 trillion plus. Damn leftists and their economic idiocy.
I don't think very many loans have been forgiven... the courts have slapped Joe more than once... it was all election vote for me talk...

A lot were forgiven for government employees but nobody else which was probably why democratic turnout was unusually low. The Biden Department of Ed workers could only find time to forgive their own loans despite all the promises/lies about going from oldest borrowers first. Looking at reddit, it also appears that people who were approved 6 plus months ago for defrauded borrowers also never got theirs either.

Anyway, Trump has actually left some clues he may not be as heavy-handed as conservatives hope. He was the one who first used the emergency powers to pause them; he has previously stated he thought it was wrong that the government was using student loans to profit off taxpayers; and he has albeit no recently seemed to tilt toward one of the moderate conservative proposals that would still allow for relief for many---just not high-income doctors and lawyers and the like.

We'll see.
There has to be a way to fix the system, put real accountability back into it, without making it so that only rich people can go to college. Somebody’s gonna be giving somebody a loan. Somebody who takes a loan needs to pay it back.
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