Stupid Mob Post Celebratory Social Media While They Defraud Bank for $38K in ATM Scheme, THEN Return To The Bank To COMPLAIN


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022


When the toothless meth-addled white hill billies engage in this absolutely surreal, absurdist behavior?

Let us know, Lefties.

I mean, they're literally running around shouting as if they pulled off a complicated heist for the ages - and then posting it all over the interwebs.

How dumb do you have to be to do that?

As Salty says, Leftists are the ones constantly telling us to notice race.

So here ya go.

If nothing else, this is mind bending evidence that our education system is dead - and the Democrat constructed welfare to grave dynamic clearly is not working.


When the toothless meth-addled white hill billies engage in this absolutely surreal, absurdist behavior?

Let us know, Lefties.

I mean, they're literally running around shouting as if they pulled off a complicated heist for the ages - and then posting it all over the interwebs.

How dumb do you have to be to do that?

As Salty says, Leftists are the ones constantly telling us to notice race.

So here ya go.

If nothing else, this is mind bending evidence that our education system is dead - and the Democrat constructed welfare to grave dynamic clearly is not working.

assholes come in all colors. criminals are only following the mob boss.

let us know just as soon as trump stops appearing on tv bragging about his crimes.
It's amazing how racist love to start threads of crimes committed by folks of color

It's amazing how racist whites posing as blacks online feign to lecture the rest of us about "racism".

And yet you apparently have no desire to actually converse regarding the actual topic at hand.

It's the same pattern with your deranged Leftists.

Over and over and over and over again.
OK Leftards:

Imma engage in a little experiment here.

I just altered the title of the thread to not include race.

Now, is the thread still racist?
What about all those Jan 6 white "patriots" whose brave exploits were posted on social media, which led to their arrests and subsequent legal punishments?

Oh, wait, those were ANTIFA, BLM, FBI plants, etc. My bad.
What about all those Jan 6 white "patriots" whose brave exploits were posted on social media, which led to their arrests and subsequent legal punishments?

Oh, wait, those were ANTIFA, BLM, FBI plants, etc. My bad.

How is this thread political?

I removed "Black" from the title so as not to trigger you.

Yet, in a strangely unrelated screed - you opt to bring up January 6th?

Quite odd, to say the very least.
How is this thread political?

I removed "Black" from the title so as not to trigger you.

Yet, in a strangely unrelated screed - you opt to bring up January 6th?

Quite odd, to say the very least.
LMAO @ "how is this thread political?"

Selected bits quoted from your posts* , with some words bolded

As Salty says, Leftists are the ones constantly telling us to notice race.

It's the same pattern with your deranged Leftists.

OK Leftards: Imma engage in a little experiment here.

Do be a little more imaginative and/or intelligent with threads meant to troll. TIA.

ETA: * (to prevent quotes posted in their entirety from getting truncated while viewing, which would not allow folks to see the bolded parts visible without clicking view)
LMAO @ "how is this thread political?"

Selected bits quoted from your posts, with some words bolded

Do be a little more imaginative and/or intelligent with threads meant to troll. TIA.

Fair enough.

Let me rephrase the question:

How is the incident itself, political? ;)


When the toothless meth-addled white hill billies engage in this absolutely surreal, absurdist behavior?

Let us know, Lefties.

I mean, they're literally running around shouting as if they pulled off a complicated heist for the ages - and then posting it all over the interwebs.

How dumb do you have to be to do that?

As Salty says, Leftists are the ones constantly telling us to notice race.

So here ya go.

If nothing else, this is mind bending evidence that our education system is dead - and the Democrat constructed welfare to grave dynamic clearly is not working.

I guess I just lack patience

The presenter wastes my time with comments before even explaining simply and clearly what happened

Cant we just get to the point without all the hot air?

And I say this even though I tend to agree with the point that the presenter is trying to make
I guess I just lack patience

The presenter wastes my time with comments before even explaining simply and clearly what happened

Cant we just get to the point without all the hot air?

And I say this even though I tend to agree with the point that the presenter is trying to make

The entire video is 7 minutes long - and the last minute or so of that is "outro", so you only have 6 minutes of actual content.

Clearly American attention spans are dead.
The entire video is 7 minutes long - and the last minute or so of that is "outro", so you only have 6 minutes of actual content.

Clearly American attention spans are dead.
Why do so many people on the internet work backwards?

His comments might make more sense if he bothered to tell us what he is commenting on

But I guess for monetary gain he needs to keep us around as long as possible

And that means putting the cart before the horse
Why do so many people on the internet work backwards?

His comments might make more sense if he bothered to tell us what he is commenting on

Actually, since the video is perfectly decipherable to anyone with a rudimentary K-12 education, it's either:

A) You're so biased you do not care to address the uncomfortable conclusion the incident implies - particularly when it went viral on "black" social media


B) Ya dumb.

I admit, either designation is likely.

In the meantime, perhaps we should revisit the conduct of Democrat teacher's unions, District Attorneys and social welfare networks.

Because as a once and future President pointed out regarding another subject altogether:

They aren't sending us their best.

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