Suicide Rates At Now Historic High With Joe Biden As President


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Having Joe Biden in office is driving more people than ever to off themselves.
Their preferred method of choice seems to be the gun.
Seems more and more people would rather than blow their brains out than live another day with Joe in office.
The question now is what will happen with Kamala in office? Will it go even higher still?
I guess the Biden economy is not as good as we are told and democrats really don't give a crap about seniors.
Seniors are the people who have contributed more to society than any other age group.
Seniors are the most knowledgeable and experienced with the highest level of accomplishment.
Under Joe Biden, even young people and kids are now choosing to off themselves too.
Everyone just wants OUT from another four years of democrat despotism.
Guess that really says an awful lot about how a president is really doing.
Maybe democrats intend to replace all of the dead voters with new illegal immigrants? Could this be the plan?
Or maybe they will just vote FOR them using their names on dead voter rolls.
Proving once again that democrats not guns are the real cause of most shootings.

Having Joe Biden in office is driving more people than ever to off themselves.
Their preferred method of choice seems to be the gun.
Seems more and more people would rather than blow their brains out than live another day with Joe in office.
The question now is what will happen with Kamala in office? Will it go even higher still?
I guess the Biden economy is not as good as we are told and democrats really don't give a crap about seniors.
Seniors are the people who have contributed more to society than any other age group.
Seniors are the most knowledgeable and experienced with the highest level of accomplishment.
Under Joe Biden, even young people and kids are now choosing to off themselves too.
Everyone just wants OUT from another four years of democrat despotism.
Guess that really says an awful lot about how a president is really doing.
Maybe democrats intend to replace all of the dead voters with new illegal immigrants? Could this be the plan?
Or maybe they will just vote FOR them using their names on dead voter rolls.
Proving once again that democrats not guns are the real cause of most shootings.

I doubt those suicides were because Biden is in office. But what we do now is that nearly 1 million people died unnecessarily because of Trump.

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