Supercore inflation catastrophe in the works

Interesting what is driving this...why the fuck is auto insurance up 22%.

Western states gasoline is skyrocketing again.... just in time for a campaign season...
That is false comment by you. Your Orange guy is gong to lose bigly.
Otay, election year shill. :itsok:

Would they cancel your check if you said something different?
That's not something you pay, huh?

It is, but mine has not gone up. I guess USAA is not into screwing it members.

That did not answer the question though, what is the excuse for it to go up 22% after it had went up more than 20% in Jan?
That may be....but it doesn't change the fact that the economy sucks and is getting worse fast.

Well, it does not suck for you as you have told us many times. In fact it does not suck for anyone on this forum except for one person who said she could no longer afford two eggs for breakfast...while complaining about her two dollar a cup coffee and the shitty areas she has to drive though on her way to the golf course.
Expenditures on the war against Russia taking more than 2 years to bear fruit, needs to be taken into consideration. If only for the lack of confidence that America can win a war against Russia when other countries of prominence have Russia's back!
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