Survivor. Are you watching?

Let's put it this way. It can't hurt.

No, but it could sort of leave a sour impression for folks that might otherwise find expressions of religious faith less offensive maybe? I dunno. No biggie in this case. But I do find it a bit wierd to see people who seem to be praying Dear God, let me cheat, lie, and manipulate better than everybody else in this game. :)

That's why the Good Lord made more than one channel. Anyone who doesn't like it is free to change it to something else.
Let's put it this way. It can't hurt.

No, but it could sort of leave a sour impression for folks that might otherwise find expressions of religious faith less offensive maybe? I dunno. No biggie in this case. But I do find it a bit wierd to see people who seem to be praying Dear God, let me cheat, lie, and manipulate better than everybody else in this game. :)

That's why the Good Lord made more than one channel. Anyone who doesn't like it is free to change it to something else.

But I'm sorta funny that way. I don't write off a person or actor or political candidate because of one characteristic I find annoying or offensive, and I don't stop reading a book just because I think the author blew an opportunity for a great scene, and I don't write off a movie TV series based on one characteristic or scene I would have left out.

I still love survivor despite some annoying stuff going on.

But that doesn't keep me from expressing my opinion about what I don't like. :)
Let's put it this way. It can't hurt.

No, but it could sort of leave a sour impression for folks that might otherwise find expressions of religious faith less offensive maybe? I dunno. No biggie in this case. But I do find it a bit wierd to see people who seem to be praying Dear God, let me cheat, lie, and manipulate better than everybody else in this game. :)

That's why the Good Lord made more than one channel. Anyone who doesn't like it is free to change it to something else.

God didn't make the channels, they evoved from lower forms, like radio. :poke:
I've watched this show for years. In S4, one tribe held group prayers and a big Bible-thumper won that season. They've been showing this religious aspect ever since. but last night's episode took the cake: "On your knees! On your knees!". Sheesh.

Christine is on a streak like Matt (another Bible-thumper) was on last year, although she never talks about God herself. I hope she beats this Ozzy person, but every time so far a person returned from RI, he/she got voted out at the very next TC. It still would be funny to see Ozzy get owned by a middle-aged lady cop.
I've watched this show for years. In S4, one tribe held group prayers and a big Bible-thumper won that season. They've been showing this religious aspect ever since. but last night's episode took the cake: "On your knees! On your knees!". Sheesh.

Christine is on a streak like Matt (another Bible-thumper) was on last year, although she never talks about God herself. I hope she beats this Ozzy person, but every time so far a person returned from RI, he/she got voted out at the very next TC. It still would be funny to see Ozzy get owned by a middle-aged lady cop.

Do you remember Season Six? One contestant refused to touch the immunity "idol"! I wanted to yell "It's just a game, woman" at the TV. :lol:
No comments on Wednesday's development?

On the few seasons I've watched, I've been peeved when people seemed to grasp that they were low man on the totem pole and seemed to toy with the idea of making a big move, but then stayed in line and marched dutifully toward their death.

So I thought it was cool that someone followed through on their plans for once and did what looks to me like a rational move to look out for himself.
No comments on Wednesday's development?

On the few seasons I've watched, I've been peeved when people seemed to grasp that they were low man on the totem pole and seemed to toy with the idea of making a big move, but then stayed in line and marched dutifully toward their death.

So I thought it was cool that someone followed through on their plans for once and did what looks to me like a rational move to look out for himself.

I got sidetracked by real life after Wednesday night's episode, but yes a number of things were interesting. One was that Ozzy's intuition called it right and, despite my vigourous support for Christine, prevailed and made it back into the game. (I'm sure Cochrane was really REALLY hoping Christine would win too as the immunity idol would remain his.)

And Cochran as the 'double agent' was a fun new twist to the game, but I presume that you are referring to it being him who looked out for himself? I don't blame him. He is offered emotional and moral support from Upolo that he wasn't getting from his own team and he probably thought that his best bet.

I did have to smile when it happened though. :)
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I actually liked Brandon for the first time last night when he looked at Keith and said, "You treating him like this is exactly how you got to where you are tonight." and put his hand on Cochran's shoulder reassuringly.
I don't blame Cochran for jumping ship, but . . . .he should have just kept his mouth shut instead of turning around at tribal saying 'it was me, I can explain' (or whatever he said).
Except for motives of revenge (from Cochranes original tribe) Cochrane is really in a good place now. He is smarter than the average bear I think, but he is really at a disadvantage physically over almost everybody. That could be a strong motive for keeping him around for awhile while some of the stronger players are eliminated since there are no more team challenges. Look for Upolo to methodically take out all the other tribe now though.
No comments on Wednesday's development?

On the few seasons I've watched, I've been peeved when people seemed to grasp that they were low man on the totem pole and seemed to toy with the idea of making a big move, but then stayed in line and marched dutifully toward their death.

So I thought it was cool that someone followed through on their plans for once and did what looks to me like a rational move to look out for himself.

I got sidetracked by real life after Wednesday night's episode, but yes a number of things were interesting. One was that Ozzy's intuition called it right and, despite my vigourous support for Christine, prevailed and made it back into the game. (I'm sure Cochrane was really REALLY hoping Christine would win too as the immunity idol would remain his.)

And Cochran as the 'double agent' was a fun new twist to the game, but I presume that you are referring to it being him who looked out for himself? I don't blame him. He is offered emotional and moral support from Upolo that he wasn't getting from his own team and he probably thought that his best bet.

I did have to smile when it happened though. :)

Yes, Cochran's decision to switch.

I was impressed with how quickly and nicely Coach disarmed the double agent plan. I wasn't happy with Coach after the prayer incidents last week but he seemed both smart and decent this week.

Dawn showed what people usually do - see the flaws of their group and toy with doing something brave and bold - but then rationalize. "They've been cruel and I want to take a stand ... but on the other hand there's something I like about all of them ... by which I mean that I'm not comfortable rocking the boat." (My paraphrase, obviously!)

I'm at least glad that she didn't use (doesn't seem to have tried to use) confidences between her and Cochran to try to earn points with Ozzy and Keith and Jim.
I actually liked Brandon for the first time last night when he looked at Keith and said, "You treating him like this is exactly how you got to where you are tonight." and put his hand on Cochran's shoulder reassuringly.

That was a good moment. Simple and to the point.
What I don't understand is why did Ozzie give Whitney the immunity idol? Why would they think that the other tribe would vote her out? To me it was obvious they'd vote one of the 3 strongest players and Ozzie had immunity so that left Jim or Keith and . . . have you seen Keith's physique? Yeah, how'd they miss giving him the idol. :rolleyes:
I don't blame Cochran for jumping ship, but . . . .he should have just kept his mouth shut instead of turning around at tribal saying 'it was me, I can explain' (or whatever he said).

Yes, that was awkward.

I was glad the Upolu team shielded him at that point.
Except for motives of revenge (from Cochranes original tribe) Cochrane is really in a good place now. He is smarter than the average bear I think, but he is really at a disadvantage physically over almost everybody. That could be a strong motive for keeping him around for awhile while some of the stronger players are eliminated since there are no more team challenges. Look for Upolo to methodically take out all the other tribe now though.

I don't blame Cochran for jumping ship, but . . . .he should have just kept his mouth shut instead of turning around at tribal saying 'it was me, I can explain' (or whatever he said).

Yes, that was awkward.

I was glad the Upolu team shielded him at that point.

Ok I'm just gonna say this. I can never, ever remember the tribes names or who is on which tribe name. I wish they'd call them Tribe A and Tribe B. :lol:
I don't blame Cochran for jumping ship, but . . . .he should have just kept his mouth shut instead of turning around at tribal saying 'it was me, I can explain' (or whatever he said).

Yes, that was awkward.

I was glad the Upolu team shielded him at that point.

Ok I'm just gonna say this. I can never, ever remember the tribes names or who is on which tribe name. I wish they'd call them Tribe A and Tribe B. :lol:

Ozzy's tribe was Savaii
Coach's tribe was Upolu
The merged tribe is Te Tuna
I don't blame Cochran for jumping ship, but . . . .he should have just kept his mouth shut instead of turning around at tribal saying 'it was me, I can explain' (or whatever he said).

Yes, that was awkward.

I was glad the Upolu team shielded him at that point.

Ok I'm just gonna say this. I can never, ever remember the tribes names or who is on which tribe name. I wish they'd call them Tribe A and Tribe B. :lol:

I google it to make sure I've got the names right. Usually before I hit enter. Sometimes I try to be brave and hit enter without doublechecking, but then I fold and doublecheck. :cool:

What I don't understand is why did Ozzie give Whitney the immunity idol? Why would they think that the other tribe would vote her out? To me it was obvious they'd vote one of the 3 strongest players and Ozzie had immunity so that left Jim or Keith and . . . have you seen Keith's physique? Yeah, how'd they miss giving him the idol. :rolleyes:

They explained their strategy on that, didn't they? I kinda vaguely remember something about it but I'm not sure I understood at the time.

But it wouldn't have mattered since Cochran told Upolu who was getting the idol. ... unless they figured out that Cochran was going to flip and found a believable way to feed him false information. Edit: well it sort of could have mattered since then Keith would have been safe, but then another guy would have been gone so it was sort of a push.

Now that would have been an intriguing night if they'd figured out what Cochran was doing. But if Savii as a whole, other than Dawn, was aware of that possibility then a whole lot more cracks would probably have shown through and changed the dynamic further so I better give up trying to predict what would have happened.

oh my head
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I don't blame Cochran for jumping ship, but . . . .he should have just kept his mouth shut instead of turning around at tribal saying 'it was me, I can explain' (or whatever he said).

Yes, that was awkward.

I was glad the Upolu team shielded him at that point.

Yes those of us who have ever felt like we didn't 'fit in' or were the 'odd man out' or the 'least popular' or the last chosen for teams on the playground probably relate to Cochran at some level.

And I can appreciate his own conflicts as he dealt with being uncomfortable in the 'double agent' role, and hating being the most unwanted in a group, and constantly knowing there was a target on your back and you were out at the first chance they had to vote you out.

And after being talked down to and treated like a pariah, it would be really tempting to join a group that made you feel wanted and accepted but still not being willing to betray others and pretend like you didn't.

(Of course if he is as smart as I think he is, he would also suspect some ulterior motives there too. :))
Jim sure made it easier for Cochran by calling him a coward so vehemently twice.

One could attribute Jim's passion just to the heat of the moment, and maybe think that Cochran didn't get treated as badly as he said. I know how these shows can do their edits so maybe we saw every bad and semi-bad moment and he was treated better off camera. ... but remembering how he had been treated was bad enough to bring Dawn to tears so apparently it was pretty bad

... so .... welll ... just yay for Cochran. He made a big move. He should live to fight many more days due to this move. Good for him.
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