Survivor. Are you watching?

Jim sure made it easier for Cochran by calling him a coward so vehemently twice.

One could attribute Jim's passion just to the heat of the moment, and maybe think that Cochran didn't get treated as badly as he said. I know how these shows can do their edits so maybe we saw every bad and semi-bad moment and he was treated better off camera. ... but remembering how he had been treated was bad enough to bring Dawn to tears so apparently it was pretty bad

... so .... welll ... just yay for Cochran. He made a big move. He should live to fight many more days due to this move. Good for him.

. . .or. . .(I used to write murder mystery stories with a twist :)). . .when Cochran said he would explain later, he could also be intentionally winning the Upolu tribe confidence and trust to enhance his role as double agent. I won't be entirely blind sided if that happens either. :)
I thought Cochran turning around and saying he could explain was sort of a bullied kid flinching because he did something brave and immediately regretted it coz the beating to come was going to be even harder. I didn't get the vibe that he had any real plan there. But maybe it will turn out that he did.

I thought fleetingly about a possible extra level of intrigue thing, where Cochran really was still working with Savii.

I thought I already wrote this. I remember typing it, but I don't see it so maybe I deleted. It was farfetched anyway. But I wondered if maybe possibly this could be some plan so sneaky that we didn't even get to see any of it on the screen.

But that doesn't make sense, not at the cost of voting Keith off and reducing their numbers ...

Savii didn't like the thought that maybe Ozzie was wrong about the merge happening. They didn't want to play with a strong guy gone for even one more challenge.
I thought it was a terrible move for Cochran to flip, now he is gone to be pagonged with the rest of his old tribe soon as he is expendable. Jim and Ozzie in some order are the next two out, and they won't need his voter anymore so it's doubtful he'll be the last Savaii standing. If he had stuck with his former tribe, he was in a perfect position to be everybody's F3 goat.

Ozzie and them should have voted him off to RI the week before. They saved him three times before that, too, Savaii should've dumped him first thing.
No comments on Wednesday's development?

On the few seasons I've watched, I've been peeved when people seemed to grasp that they were low man on the totem pole and seemed to toy with the idea of making a big move, but then stayed in line and marched dutifully toward their death.

So I thought it was cool that someone followed through on their plans for once and did what looks to me like a rational move to look out for himself.

I got sidetracked by real life after Wednesday night's episode, but yes a number of things were interesting. One was that Ozzy's intuition called it right and, despite my vigourous support for Christine, prevailed and made it back into the game. (I'm sure Cochrane was really REALLY hoping Christine would win too as the immunity idol would remain his.)

And Cochran as the 'double agent' was a fun new twist to the game, but I presume that you are referring to it being him who looked out for himself? I don't blame him. He is offered emotional and moral support from Upolo that he wasn't getting from his own team and he probably thought that his best bet.

I did have to smile when it happened though. :)

Yes, Cochran's decision to switch.

I was impressed with how quickly and nicely Coach disarmed the double agent plan. I wasn't happy with Coach after the prayer incidents last week but he seemed both smart and decent this week.

Dawn showed what people usually do - see the flaws of their group and toy with doing something brave and bold - but then rationalize. "They've been cruel and I want to take a stand ... but on the other hand there's something I like about all of them ... by which I mean that I'm not comfortable rocking the boat." (My paraphrase, obviously!)

I'm at least glad that she didn't use (doesn't seem to have tried to use) confidences between her and Cochran to try to earn points with Ozzy and Keith and Jim.

I don't think Dawn would have backed down except for the fact that she won immunity.
did anyone notice ozzys big *uck up? he wanted to show how smart he was so he played the idol for someone who got zero votes, what a tool/fool. hes toast.
:lol:Cochran screwed his own tribe :lol:

I was surprised that he'd do that considering that he's supposed to be such a fan of the show. Go back over the votes of the all seasons and you'll see that it's much more important that your original tribe likes you, than how the other tribe feels about you, if you expect to win.
Great episode tonight!

p.s., Looks like the Ozzy/Whitney idol was deemed out of play. I think that it was taken as Ozzy playing it on Whitney's behalf.
I think Coach's team isn't playing with integrity, they're being arrogant and belittling the other tribe . . . which is what they were bitching about when Cochran flipped. I don't like Coach at all. He's a phony, thinks he's brilliant, is smug and thinks he's invincible. I hope they blindside him and he goes.
But aren't there now three guys on Redemption Island? Keith, Ozzy, and Jim? No dual?

Maybe it's going to be a mass duel, when they all get there. Or maybe, since we got back-to-back tribals last night, we're going to get back-to-back duels next week.
Yeah, I was happier without redemption island, but I can see now how it does change the dynamics of the game when you know that a particularly disliked or favorite player can get back into the game. (I was really REALLY pulling for Christine before she finally got the final boot.)

I respect ZB's opinion that Upolu "isn't playing ethically" but I'm wondering what he sees that is any more unethical than any Suvivor tribe in power has been? Seems to me they've been up front with their intent that they intend to eliminate all the Savaii players. I look for Dawn to flip next though to buy her a little extra time and maybe a less dangerous opponent on Redemption Island. The three guys that are there now are all formidable when it comes to challenges. There's sure no guarantee that Ozzy can defeat Keith or Jim.

Where it starts getting interesting is the ethics involved when Upolu has to start voting itself off.
Yeah, I was happier without redemption island, but I can see now how it does change the dynamics of the game when you know that a particularly disliked or favorite player can get back into the game. (I was really REALLY pulling for Christine before she finally got the final boot.)

I respect ZB's opinion that Upolu "isn't playing ethically" but I'm wondering what he sees that is any more unethical than any Suvivor tribe in power has been? Seems to me they've been up front with their intent that they intend to eliminate all the Savaii players. I look for Dawn to flip next though to buy her a little extra time and maybe a less dangerous opponent on Redemption Island. The three guys that are there now are all formidable when it comes to challenges. There's sure no guarantee that Ozzy can defeat Keith or Jim.

Where it starts getting interesting is the ethics involved when Upolu has to start voting itself off.

Voting all the members of an opposing tribe off was used so successfully by Boston Rob that it would be a miracle if it wasn't repeated. Cochrane allied himself with Upolu and sold out his own tribe because he could tell where that was going. It will be this way as long as the the tribes are unevenly matched. It couldn't happen if both tribes were equally strong in the challenges and one wasn't able to consistently beat the other out.
Toward the end last season, they had four people competing at once on Redemption Island.

I think I remember that. And once that happens, Redemption Island is closed and everybody voted out thereafter becomes a part of the jury? Am I remembering that correctly?

You know what I would love to see? A challenge at something Cochrane was particularly good at--he defeats everybody on Redemption Island and he is the one who returns to the game. But either way, it would not be unreasonable for anybody to take him with them to the final. And if that happened, depending who else lasted to the end, Cochrane could win this.
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