Survivor. Are you watching?

I think that last year they had a coupla 4-way "duels" where just the bottom person went home.

And then in the final one, just the top person survived. Trying to read from Wikipedia. Looks like that was Andrea. Then she went back to the tribe and was voted out for good that same episode. maybe.
I could see Cochran pulling it off.

At this point it doesn't look like he'd be very popular in the jury, but I could see him making a winning argument and turning it around.
I think Coach's team isn't playing with integrity, they're being arrogant and belittling the other tribe . . . which is what they were bitching about when Cochran flipped. I don't like Coach at all. He's a phony, thinks he's brilliant, is smug and thinks he's invincible. I hope they blindside him and he goes.

You sound like all the crybabies that moan and groan when they get voted off.

The game has nothing to do with integrity. It's about out playing and out witting everyone else.

I think Coach's team isn't playing with integrity, they're being arrogant and belittling the other tribe . . . which is what they were bitching about when Cochran flipped. I don't like Coach at all. He's a phony, thinks he's brilliant, is smug and thinks he's invincible. I hope they blindside him and he goes.

You sound like all the crybabies that moan and groan when they get voted off.

The game has nothing to do with integrity. It's about out playing and out witting everyone else.


No shit, never said it does. I'm not the one whining over integrity, Coach's team is the one saying they play with integrity then turn around and belittle and mock the other team. If they were playing with integrity they'd shut up. Just pointing out that they're hypocrites.
Yeah, I was happier without redemption island, but I can see now how it does change the dynamics of the game when you know that a particularly disliked or favorite player can get back into the game. (I was really REALLY pulling for Christine before she finally got the final boot.)

I respect ZB's opinion that Upolu "isn't playing ethically" but I'm wondering what he sees that is any more unethical than any Suvivor tribe in power has been? Seems to me they've been up front with their intent that they intend to eliminate all the Savaii players. I look for Dawn to flip next though to buy her a little extra time and maybe a less dangerous opponent on Redemption Island. The three guys that are there now are all formidable when it comes to challenges. There's sure no guarantee that Ozzy can defeat Keith or Jim.

Where it starts getting interesting is the ethics involved when Upolu has to start voting itself off.

<sigh> Just pointing out that they claim to play with integrity yet turn around and belittle and mock the other tribe. They're hypocrites.

Hey, I'm not a "he"!
I think Coach's team isn't playing with integrity, they're being arrogant and belittling the other tribe . . . which is what they were bitching about when Cochran flipped. I don't like Coach at all. He's a phony, thinks he's brilliant, is smug and thinks he's invincible. I hope they blindside him and he goes.

You sound like all the crybabies that moan and groan when they get voted off.

The game has nothing to do with integrity. It's about out playing and out witting everyone else.


No shit, never said it does. I'm not the one whining over integrity, Coach's team is the one saying they play with integrity then turn around and belittle and mock the other team. If they were playing with integrity they'd shut up. Just pointing out that they're hypocrites.
I didn't mean anything personal by my comment. And their is only one person on coaches team who I perceive as a hypocrite and that's the Hanz boy.

As far as coach being pompous I don't see it that way. I see him as confident in himself. I think there is a difference. Of course my perception is just that, its mine.
I'm also tired of them bringing back players who have already been on Survivor 2 and 3 times. I hope next season it's all new players.

Hmmm, maybe I"m just tired of Survivor! lol
Yeah, I was happier without redemption island, but I can see now how it does change the dynamics of the game when you know that a particularly disliked or favorite player can get back into the game. (I was really REALLY pulling for Christine before she finally got the final boot.)

I respect ZB's opinion that Upolu "isn't playing ethically" but I'm wondering what he sees that is any more unethical than any Suvivor tribe in power has been? Seems to me they've been up front with their intent that they intend to eliminate all the Savaii players. I look for Dawn to flip next though to buy her a little extra time and maybe a less dangerous opponent on Redemption Island. The three guys that are there now are all formidable when it comes to challenges. There's sure no guarantee that Ozzy can defeat Keith or Jim.

Where it starts getting interesting is the ethics involved when Upolu has to start voting itself off.

<sigh> Just pointing out that they claim to play with integrity yet turn around and belittle and mock the other tribe. They're hypocrites.

Hey, I'm not a "he"!

Oops and I knew that too. Sorry g/f. :)

And it's okay. I suppose there are those who really like Ozzy but I wasn't that impressed. Seems to me he isn't that much of a leader. And I keep comparing him to Boston Rob who I did like and who WAS a leader and who I REALLY liked to just look at. (Sorry but I don't think Ozzy is anything special to look at. :))

And I have developed an appreciation for Coach's laid back but effective leadership style too.

As far as the hypocrisy, manipulation, manuveuring, back stabbing, lies, etc. go on Survivor, I don't judge anybody there because that's the kind of game it is. It was not designed to promote a better society but rather a game of strategy that includes social interaction and a study of how the people in the game maneuver within that social structure. So I don't see Coach's team as any more arrogant than Savaii because I guarantee you Savaii would be just as 'arrogant' if they were the ones in control.

But yeah, Survivor isn't everybody's cup of tea. But I have to admit I'm still hooked. There are rumors that Jeff may leave after this season and I may not like it as well then, but we'll see. I didn't think American Idol would survive without Simon and Paula either, but it did. And soon, we may know whether America's Got Talent will survive without Piers Morgan and with Howard Stern as a host. (gag)
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Yeah, I was happier without redemption island, but I can see now how it does change the dynamics of the game when you know that a particularly disliked or favorite player can get back into the game. (I was really REALLY pulling for Christine before she finally got the final boot.)

I respect ZB's opinion that Upolu "isn't playing ethically" but I'm wondering what he sees that is any more unethical than any Suvivor tribe in power has been? Seems to me they've been up front with their intent that they intend to eliminate all the Savaii players. I look for Dawn to flip next though to buy her a little extra time and maybe a less dangerous opponent on Redemption Island. The three guys that are there now are all formidable when it comes to challenges. There's sure no guarantee that Ozzy can defeat Keith or Jim.

Where it starts getting interesting is the ethics involved when Upolu has to start voting itself off.

<sigh> Just pointing out that they claim to play with integrity yet turn around and belittle and mock the other tribe. They're hypocrites.

Hey, I'm not a "he"!

Oops and I knew that too. Sorry g/f. :)

And it's okay. I suppose there are those who really like Ozzy but I wasn't that impressed. Seems to me he isn't that much of a leader. And I keep comparing him to Boston Rob who I did like and who WAS a leader and who I REALLY liked to just look at. (Sorry but I don't think Ozzy is anything special to look at. :))

And I have developed an appreciation for Coach's laid back but effective leadership style too.

As far as the hypocrisy, manipulation, manuveuring, back stabbing, lies, etc. go on Survivor, I don't judge anybody there because that's the kind of game it is. It was not designed to promote a better society but rather a game of strategy that includes social interaction and a study of how the people in the game maneuver within that social structure. So I don't see Coach's team as any more arrogant than Savaii because I guarantee you Savaii would be just as 'arrogant' if they were the ones in control.

But yeah, Survivor isn't everybody's cup of tea. But I have to admit I'm still hooked. There are rumors that Jeff may leave after this season and I may not like it as well then, but we'll see. I didn't think American Idol would survive without Simon and Paula either, but it did. And soon, we may know whether America's Got Talent will survive without Piers Morgan and with Howard Stern as a host. (gag)

I agree with the first two sentences of the bolded, above.

I know a guy who is a lot like Coach. He's "well read" (well, he's read a lot and believes that makes him more intelligent than the average bear) and likes to come off as if he's one smart dude. In reality he isn't but that doesn't stop him from pointing out all that he knows ... well, all that he thinks he knows. The problem with people like this is that they toot their own horn all the time in order for you to know how smart they are. I find they're really insecure jerks, which is why they toot their own horn all the time. "Me, me, me; I, I, I". Blarg. That's how I see this guy I know and that's how I see Coach. If he wants to play the game 'with integrity' . . . that's fine. Just don't spout that then turn around and mock the other tribe. I also think he was very condescending to Cochran when Cochran tried to play double-agent with him. Again, fine that Coach saw through Cochran's charade but I found Coach's response/tone to be one of "oh, you can't fool me little Cochran grasshopper . . . I am far too wise and smart for you to fool". So Coach plays with 'integrity' but turns around and is smug and superior to a 'lesser' player. :rolleyes: I don't know, I just see him as a phony and after watching him on three Survivors I'm really sick of him. If his tribe was smart they'd de-throne him next week.

Completely agree w/you about Botson Rob. He lead without hogging the spotlight and he never put other players down. And he was finnne to watch!
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I didn't like the wave to Jimbo as he left - it was patronizing and smug.

Next week is another double boot, get it over with. It's going to be interesting to see when his adopted tribe cuts Cochran loose.

:lol: @Ozzie for voting for "Cockring".
How funny would it be if cochran beat monkeyboy in the next duel. Too funny if he gets beaten by the one he spared weeks earlier for strategy.
every notice how the challenges seem slanted to allow certian players to advance....arm strength was needed in the holding the the advantage to ozzie

so will the duet between ozzie and dweeb be physical or mental
every notice how the challenges seem slanted to allow certian players to advance....arm strength was needed in the holding the the advantage to ozzie

I thought the height advantage helped too. Ozzie had a little better chance of putting his dishes on evenly. Seemed to me.

But Ozzie seemed more single-minded in his task than Dawn was. Don't know about Whitney but Dawn kept taking her eye off her dishes and looking over at Ozzie's stack.

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