Survivor. Are you watching?

How funny would it be if cochran beat monkeyboy in the next duel. Too funny if he gets beaten by the one he spared weeks earlier for strategy.

That would be awesome.

I want Cochran to kick some Ozzy tush!

I agree that Ozzy is too smug for his own good, but I can't root for Cochran. For a Harvard student and supposed Survivor genius, he violated the First Law. Don't screw your own tribe. Any student of the game should realize that it's much more important what your own tribe thinks of you than your opponents. Screw them! They expect it and may vote for you anyway. Screw your own team, like Cochran did, and he already has 5 votes against and very little possibility of winning unless the entire other tribe votes for him and his tribe splits 3-2. How likely is that and why didn't he think of it?
How funny would it be if cochran beat monkeyboy in the next duel. Too funny if he gets beaten by the one he spared weeks earlier for strategy.

That would be awesome.

I want Cochran to kick some Ozzy tush!

I agree that Ozzy is too smug for his own good, but I can't root for Cochran. For a Harvard student and supposed Survivor genius, he violated the First Law. Don't screw your own tribe. Any student of the game should realize that it's much more important what your own tribe thinks of you than your opponents. Screw them! They expect it and may vote for you anyway. Screw your own team, like Cochran did, and he already has 5 votes against and very little possibility of winning unless the entire other tribe votes for him and his tribe splits 3-2. How likely is that and why didn't he think of it?

Well not that I really care all that much WHO wins--I watch for the entertainment value of the dynamics--I have to defend Cochran a little bit. He was made to feel unloved, unwanted, unappreciated, and unvalued by his own tribe and he knew he would not be kept on. Because he is so miserably inept in challenges he knew he would not survive if sent to Redemption Island and his only chance to survive was by being kept as a 'non threat'. It was one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't things.

His only hope was to break up the alliance of five in the old Upolo tribe so it was a calculated risk. But the alliance held together last night so he's off to Redemption Island anyway. And will no doubt become a member of the jury after the next dual.
I still think he should have stayed with his tribe and tried for a little magic later on when the newbies got tired of Coach and Ozzy. I feel he jumped the gun, making a big move way too early.
I still think he should have stayed with his tribe and tried for a little magic later on when the newbies got tired of Coach and Ozzy. I feel he jumped the gun, making a big move way too early.

That is possible, but I am pretty sure he knew he would be out for sure if he stayed with his tribe. He was just hoping to fare better with Upolo, and he did until all the old Savoi tribe had been dispatched. That's what makes Survivor so much fun. What would I do in that case? Etc. etc. etc.
What I'm saying is, even if he had gotten in with Upolo, he was playing for second place at best, because the votes are stacked against him now.
What I'm saying is, even if he had gotten in with Upolo, he was playing for second place at best, because the votes are stacked against him now.

But you have NO chance to get to even second place, let alone win, if you're voted out. And when Cochrane knew he would be voted out early by his tribe, I think he played the only card he thought he had.
So, am I the only one rooting for Ozzy? lol I like him. I don't find him smug I find him honest. He IS good at the whole Survivor thing. He's taking full advantage of Redemption Island . . eating well, sleeping, mentally preparing for when he joins the tribe. I hope he kicks Cochran to the curb and rejoins the tribe.

I was wondering what Coach was going to do last week after his snore-fest long speech about which path he should take, quoting Shakespere no less. :rolleyes: Sorry I just don't like him. But were I Coach I'd also have chosen to boot Cochran. If he had gone w/those who wanted Rick off, thus breaking that 5 alliance? Then it would turn around and bite him in the ass because those in his alliance would vote him off for betraying the alliance. At least that's how I'd see it.

I don't find this season to be one of the more entertaining ones. It's just kinda 'meh'. When Rick actually spoke my husband was like 'who is that' :lol:

I will say, again . . I'm sick of former players being on the show. I hope next season it's all new people, 100%.
I thought Coach was going to make sure he saved and took Cochran to the end since he knew everyone either hated or disrespected him. I was wrong.

Is anyone else tired of hearing how honorable Coach says he is. The very first thing he does is go back on his word to Cochran. Coach, please stop with this mess.

(My prediction for the winner is Albert. He is the only one even hinting at actually doing something against Coach.) I hope its him moreso than Sophie. She has no backbone. Edna is a sheep. That Hanz boy has a lot, a lot of issues. The cowboy, I am not even sure if he can actually speak.
The way they edited it tonight, I was pretty sure that Edna was gonna be voted out at tribal. They were trying too hard to make it seem like she had a chance of staying.

I think Ozzy has good odds for the win now. The jury is full of his former tribe members.

Coach's team may wanna vote him right back out as soon as he returns but first they have to beat him at the challenges.
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ssshhhhhhh it doesn't come on for another 30 minutes!!!

not looking not looking not looking at what you posted!!! :lol:
I have developed a measure of respect for Ozzy who I haven't liked all that much. As it will be all Upolo tribe members voted out for the next several weeks, at least until Ozzy returns to the game - again - it will be interesting if Coach's latest strategy actually plays out. That is, it is Coach and Ozzy at the end with who.....Albert? No, I don't think so. I think it actually might be Rick as neither would see him as a threat or particularly popular. Or maybe Brandon as being so wierd he won't get jury votes?

So if it is Ozzy or Coach, each with pretty much the same number from their own tribes on the jury, how will they vote? Ozzy for being laid back? Or Coach for forming as solid an alliance as Boston Rob did last season?

Will be interesting to watch.
I watched the first one and as it became clear that it was purely about gamesmanship I lost interest. I watched the first season of the Colony as well and it was a tad better. Still some pretty dumb things happened though. I hate it when the producers feel a need to "drama" things up artificially. Just leave the nincompoops alone, they'll give you more drama than you can handle!
I have developed a measure of respect for Ozzy who I haven't liked all that much. As it will be all Upolo tribe members voted out for the next several weeks, at least until Ozzy returns to the game - again - it will be interesting if Coach's latest strategy actually plays out. That is, it is Coach and Ozzy at the end with who.....Albert? No, I don't think so. I think it actually might be Rick as neither would see him as a threat or particularly popular. Or maybe Brandon as being so wierd he won't get jury votes?

So if it is Ozzy or Coach, each with pretty much the same number from their own tribes on the jury, how will they vote? Ozzy for being laid back? Or Coach for forming as solid an alliance as Boston Rob did last season?

Will be interesting to watch.

Follow me on this. If its Ozzy vs. Coach at the end, Ozzy wins. From this point on, Coach will have to screw over the rest of his team and Ozzie's old team is all for him.

Please survivor, no more vets. Its not fair to the other players. Not at all.
By the way. The show has not been unpredictable since they voted off Russel LAST season. Every single person voted out could easily be seen coming a mile away right down to Edna being voted off tonight? Who saw that coming? Everyone. Just like Cochran being voted off last week.

Come on Survivor. Its so predictable. Great show, but come on.
By the way. The show has not been unpredictable since they voted off Russel LAST season. Every single person voted out could easily be seen coming a mile away right down to Edna being voted off tonight? Who saw that coming? Everyone. Just like Cochran being voted off last week.

Come on Survivor. Its so predictable. Great show, but come on.

I wasn't nearly as sure about Cochran last week as I was about Edna tonight.

They had me going a little.
I have developed a measure of respect for Ozzy who I haven't liked all that much. As it will be all Upolo tribe members voted out for the next several weeks, at least until Ozzy returns to the game - again - it will be interesting if Coach's latest strategy actually plays out. That is, it is Coach and Ozzy at the end with who.....Albert? No, I don't think so. I think it actually might be Rick as neither would see him as a threat or particularly popular. Or maybe Brandon as being so wierd he won't get jury votes?

So if it is Ozzy or Coach, each with pretty much the same number from their own tribes on the jury, how will they vote? Ozzy for being laid back? Or Coach for forming as solid an alliance as Boston Rob did last season?

Will be interesting to watch.

Follow me on this. If its Ozzy vs. Coach at the end, Ozzy wins. From this point on, Coach will have to screw over the rest of his team and Ozzie's old team is all for him.

Please survivor, no more vets. Its not fair to the other players. Not at all.

I agree with pretty much all of that. Especially the no more vets.

But I don't think Survivor will listen. It's NOT fair to the other players ... but what has it done for the ratings?

Big Brother was horrible this summer with their 6 vets and 8 new players. The newbies were vacillating between star struck and trying to figure out which old player's you-know-what to kiss. It was very sad. Next to impossible for them to show off any admirable skills in a way which would make them look good in the end. The old players are admired for their domination. The new players are looked down upon for the only strategy which was left for them to play once the seasoned players walked into the room.

BUT ... Big Brother had their best ratings ever. Do you think they're gonna go back to all newbies again?
The only thing to do is have a show of all vets or all newbies but don't mix them.

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