Survivor. Are you watching?

I like having all newbies, but they do 'survive' better with a veteran with them. Somebody to show them where to find water, what they can and can't eat, how to catch fish, how to build a shelter, the importance of getting a waterproof shelter built, etc. I think without those skills they may have really have had some health problems in the past and that would be a concern. Probably a concern for the well fed camera crews too who had to watch them be hungry, thirsty, etc. and unable to help them. The Survivor All Stars was good too with all veterans who knew the strategies from Day One.

So I don't know. It is all a different dynamic. I would be happy to go back to all newbies and ditch Redemption Island. After two seasons I still don't like it and resent giving up the 'rewards' challenge to make time for it. The only redeeming feature of it is that getting voted out isn't the game ender anymore.
I like having all newbies, but they do 'survive' better with a veteran with them. Somebody to show them where to find water, what they can and can't eat, how to catch fish, how to build a shelter, the importance of getting a waterproof shelter built, etc. I think without those skills they may have really have had some health problems in the past and that would be a concern. Probably a concern for the well fed camera crews too who had to watch them be hungry, thirsty, etc. and unable to help them. The Survivor All Stars was good too with all veterans who knew the strategies from Day One.

So I don't know. It is all a different dynamic. I would be happy to go back to all newbies and ditch Redemption Island. After two seasons I still don't like it and resent giving up the 'rewards' challenge to make time for it. The only redeeming feature of it is that getting voted out isn't the game ender anymore.

For me, part of the fun of the show was watching them learn to SURVIVE. Hence the name.

Oh and at this point, before you try to get on a show like this, wouldn't you hone your skills on how to build a fire, fish, make shelter etc? Do they really need vets to show them or could they get a local professional near their hometowns before they go on the show.

Oh and here is a question for all of you. Have you ever seen Coach win a challenge, ever? If not, how can such a horrible player have this much power? Technically he was as useful/weak as cochran.
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Next week's preview was making it look like Edna beat Ozzy. :eek: I hope it was just teaser stuff cause Edna does not deserve to get back into the game.

So they're talking Coach, Ozzy and Albert as the final three? Coach wants that because he wants the final choice to be between the 'best, most honorable' players. And yet, for all his 'integrity' talk he isn't any different than most other players. He talks the talks but fails to walk the walk He gave Cochran the boot despite Cochran putting himself totally on the line by jumping tribes and despite giving Cochran the impression that he'd stick around longer. Coach is a phoney who buys his own b.s.

He's also a dope. If he truly wanted to win the bucks he'd be looking to take Hanz to the final 3. Hanz is a loose cannon and no one seems to really like him. Coach w/have a better chance of beating him rather than Ozzy or Albert, imo. He should take Rick and Hanz, he could give a better argument as to why he (Coach) should win over those two.
Actually it isn't like Cochran was any kind of saint though. His appeal to Upolo was to honor his birthday which he freely admitted (to the cameras) had happened six months before. And he did his damndest to break up the alliance of five. I didn't really know until the council whether he had succeeded. If I was playing though I would have taken Hanz and Edna to the vote on the theory I would have been more 'popular' than both. :)
I like having all newbies, but they do 'survive' better with a veteran with them. Somebody to show them where to find water, what they can and can't eat, how to catch fish, how to build a shelter, the importance of getting a waterproof shelter built, etc. I think without those skills they may have really have had some health problems in the past and that would be a concern. Probably a concern for the well fed camera crews too who had to watch them be hungry, thirsty, etc. and unable to help them. The Survivor All Stars was good too with all veterans who knew the strategies from Day One.

So I don't know. It is all a different dynamic. I would be happy to go back to all newbies and ditch Redemption Island. After two seasons I still don't like it and resent giving up the 'rewards' challenge to make time for it. The only redeeming feature of it is that getting voted out isn't the game ender anymore.

For me, part of the fun of the show was watching them learn to SURVIVE. Hence the name.

Oh and at this point, before you try to get on a show like this, wouldn't you hone your skills on how to build a fire, fish, make shelter etc? Do they really need vets to show them or could they get a local professional near their hometowns before they go on the show.

Oh and here is a question for all of you. Have you ever seen Coach win a challenge, ever? If not, how can such a horrible player have this much power? Technically he was as useful/weak as cochran.

I think Coach has won one or two but his main strength is in creating an illusion that he has power. Hence they don't dare cross him. And he has been an absolute master in creating that illusion though he hasn't bragged about it like Boston Rob did. Not a bad strategy actually. :)

But yeah that is a good point. Maybe they don't give anybody any time to do their homework once they are selected for the program???? Evenso, I think I would know how to do that kind of stuff before I put myself up for consideration. However having been a Den Mother and Brownie leader and being mom to a Scout and a dozen of his friends and being married to a Scoutmaster has allowed me to learn a lot of those skills almost by osmosis. I even started a fire with a flint one time but it took a LOT of time and whether I would still be able to do it before everybody starved I dunno. :) When I was MUCH younger, I did try to spear fish once. The fish were in absolutely no danger whatsoever during that exercise however. It is NOT easy. I do think I could build a decent shelter from materials at hand though. I know how to thatch a roof.
You know how they always win flint in one of the first challenges and the losing team is all 'oh, we lost we don't have fire'? Are they daft? Nearly every one of them wears glasses. Glasses, sun, kindling = fire. It always amazes me that so many never figure this out. Once or twice but mostly not.

Oh, and why doesn't someone steal the idol from Coach? Unless he keeps it in his pocket I'd sneak in and steal the thing - and keep my bloody mouth shut about it! - and play it if I thought I was being voted off.
Next week's preview was making it look like Edna beat Ozzy. :eek: I hope it was just teaser stuff cause Edna does not deserve to get back into the game.

So they're talking Coach, Ozzy and Albert as the final three? Coach wants that because he wants the final choice to be between the 'best, most honorable' players. And yet, for all his 'integrity' talk he isn't any different than most other players. He talks the talks but fails to walk the walk He gave Cochran the boot despite Cochran putting himself totally on the line by jumping tribes and despite giving Cochran the impression that he'd stick around longer. Coach is a phoney who buys his own b.s.

He's also a dope. If he truly wanted to win the bucks he'd be looking to take Hanz to the final 3. Hanz is a loose cannon and no one seems to really like him. Coach w/have a better chance of beating him rather than Ozzy or Albert, imo. He should take Rick and Hanz, he could give a better argument as to why he (Coach) should win over those two.

A couple things:

YOu know better than to go with that tease. Of course Edna wont beat Ozzie. The show teased us with something unpredictable, but we all know how predictable it has been for two years now.

If its down to Ozzie, Coach and Albert, Albert would win. Who does not like him? Coach wouldn't get a damn vote. Ozzie would get a few but who did Albert piss off?

Coach HAS to protect Hanz and take him to the end. Everyone, EVERYONE knows he is a nut. Coach is in a tough spot really. Everyone he has left, no one is really pissed at them except for that nut Hanz. The cowboy (who to this day, I am not sure he can actually speak :) ) is safe and I dont like her but sophie is safe as well.

Coach's best bet would have been to take Hanz and Cochran. He would have been guaranteed a win. But that wont happen now.
You know how they always win flint in one of the first challenges and the losing team is all 'oh, we lost we don't have fire'? Are they daft? Nearly every one of them wears glasses. Glasses, sun, kindling = fire. It always amazes me that so many never figure this out. Once or twice but mostly not.

Oh, and why doesn't someone steal the idol from Coach? Unless he keeps it in his pocket I'd sneak in and steal the thing - and keep my bloody mouth shut about it! - and play it if I thought I was being voted off.

I am not sure, but I think stealing it off someone is actually illegal? I never thought about that really though.
Next week's preview was making it look like Edna beat Ozzy. :eek: I hope it was just teaser stuff cause Edna does not deserve to get back into the game.

So they're talking Coach, Ozzy and Albert as the final three? Coach wants that because he wants the final choice to be between the 'best, most honorable' players. And yet, for all his 'integrity' talk he isn't any different than most other players. He talks the talks but fails to walk the walk He gave Cochran the boot despite Cochran putting himself totally on the line by jumping tribes and despite giving Cochran the impression that he'd stick around longer. Coach is a phoney who buys his own b.s.

He's also a dope. If he truly wanted to win the bucks he'd be looking to take Hanz to the final 3. Hanz is a loose cannon and no one seems to really like him. Coach w/have a better chance of beating him rather than Ozzy or Albert, imo. He should take Rick and Hanz, he could give a better argument as to why he (Coach) should win over those two.

A couple things:

YOu know better than to go with that tease. Of course Edna wont beat Ozzie. The show teased us with something unpredictable, but we all know how predictable it has been for two years now.

If its down to Ozzie, Coach and Albert, Albert would win. Who does not like him? Coach wouldn't get a damn vote. Ozzie would get a few but who did Albert piss off?

Coach HAS to protect Hanz and take him to the end. Everyone, EVERYONE knows he is a nut. Coach is in a tough spot really. Everyone he has left, no one is really pissed at them except for that nut Hanz. The cowboy (who to this day, I am not sure he can actually speak :) ) is safe and I dont like her but sophie is safe as well.

Coach's best bet would have been to take Hanz and Cochran. He would have been guaranteed a win. But that wont happen now.

Yeah, Hanz and Cochran would have been the perfect two to take.

I'm still hoping they all turn on Coach and give him the booty boot boot.

I dont think she played a very smart game and the interesting thing about that is, she is very smart. She is a damn anesthesiologist. A doctor.

Its very difficult winning the game as a coat tail rider, but it has been done. :evil:
Next week's preview was making it look like Edna beat Ozzy. :eek: I hope it was just teaser stuff cause Edna does not deserve to get back into the game.

So they're talking Coach, Ozzy and Albert as the final three? Coach wants that because he wants the final choice to be between the 'best, most honorable' players. And yet, for all his 'integrity' talk he isn't any different than most other players. He talks the talks but fails to walk the walk He gave Cochran the boot despite Cochran putting himself totally on the line by jumping tribes and despite giving Cochran the impression that he'd stick around longer. Coach is a phoney who buys his own b.s.

He's also a dope. If he truly wanted to win the bucks he'd be looking to take Hanz to the final 3. Hanz is a loose cannon and no one seems to really like him. Coach w/have a better chance of beating him rather than Ozzy or Albert, imo. He should take Rick and Hanz, he could give a better argument as to why he (Coach) should win over those two.

A couple things:

YOu know better than to go with that tease. Of course Edna wont beat Ozzie. The show teased us with something unpredictable, but we all know how predictable it has been for two years now.

If its down to Ozzie, Coach and Albert, Albert would win. Who does not like him? Coach wouldn't get a damn vote. Ozzie would get a few but who did Albert piss off?

Coach HAS to protect Hanz and take him to the end. Everyone, EVERYONE knows he is a nut. Coach is in a tough spot really. Everyone he has left, no one is really pissed at them except for that nut Hanz. The cowboy (who to this day, I am not sure he can actually speak :) ) is safe and I dont like her but sophie is safe as well.

Coach's best bet would have been to take Hanz and Cochran. He would have been guaranteed a win. But that wont happen now.

Yeah, Hanz and Cochran would have been the perfect two to take.

I'm still hoping they all turn on Coach and give him the booty boot boot.

Oh boy did I say the same thing last year against Boston Rob.


I dont think she played a very smart game and the interesting thing about that is, she is very smart. She is a damn anesthesiologist. A doctor.

Its very difficult winning the game as a coat tail rider, but it has been done. :evil:

Who was it, Stephanie? That when to the final two with Russell? He got what, one vote? Or did he even get that. But she definitely was not even seen as a contender until the very end.

The fascinating thing is that the dual between Ozzie and Brandon will be the last dual on Redemption Island. Who will the others be rooting for? Who will you be rooting for? Brandon has been pretty tough in the challenges--always a contender and never an early one to be eliminated. He has as good a chance to defeat Ozzie as anybody.

Either way it should be an interesting final elimination to determine the final two.
brandon is an idiot and god said so

i am so sick of all this god stuff

if coach is such a hard ass why doesnt he volunteer to be voted to redemption island and beat ozzie
brandon is an idiot and god said so

i am so sick of all this god stuff

if coach is such a hard ass why doesnt he volunteer to be voted to redemption island and beat ozzie

I busted out laughing when Coach hugged him and told him it was God's will...Now go win redemption, he said!

:lmao: Brandon's so dumb he probably bought it too...

I dont think she played a very smart game and the interesting thing about that is, she is very smart. She is a damn anesthesiologist. A doctor.

Its very difficult winning the game as a coat tail rider, but it has been done. :evil:

Who was it, Stephanie? That when to the final two with Russell? He got what, one vote? Or did he even get that. But she definitely was not even seen as a contender until the very end.

The fascinating thing is that the dual between Ozzie and Brandon will be the last dual on Redemption Island. Who will the others be rooting for? Who will you be rooting for? Brandon has been pretty tough in the challenges--always a contender and never an early one to be eliminated. He has as good a chance to defeat Ozzie as anybody.

Either way it should be an interesting final elimination to determine the final two.

I love the way she parlayed her major play, getting the other tribe to start voting off their own members, into the win. She put herself out as the brains behind the operation, pissing off Russell and making him show his true colors, totally turning off the jury. It was priceless and one of the best moves I've ever seen.
brandon is an idiot and god said so

i am so sick of all this god stuff

if coach is such a hard ass why doesnt he volunteer to be voted to redemption island and beat ozzie

Couldnt' agree more. The whole thing is nothing but a sham. Coach's "I prayed and God flashed a name over and over in my head". Yeah, right. imo they're just making a mockery of religion with all their 'praying' to win, 'praying' for a sign . . . shit for a freakin' game. :rolleyes:

Brandon is a moron, period. He acts as if Survivor is some great mission God sent him on . . . what is he, a Blues Brother?? And of course Coach had Brandon's name popping into his head. Not because God had anything to do with it but because Brandon was the one they wanted to send to redemption in the first place and he just handed the tribe the opportunity to send him there! Who the hell gives away the immunity necklace anyway? :cuckoo:

I still don't know why they wanted to send Brandon . . . .Sophie is an idiot as well for suggesting this (although she did stroke Coach exactly as needed by saying Brandon and Ozzie were both the most dangerous players and should compete against each other so one of them would go.) The one person I'd want next to me at the final three would be Brandon because I don't think anyone on the jury would vote to give him the money. Hell, Brandon would likely shoot himself in the foot by saying he didn't really deserve it because God told him it was so!

I still want Ozzie to kick everyone's ass and win the bucks.
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