Survivor. Are you watching?

Well, while as a Christian I don't fault anybody for expressing their belief and trust in God or giving God credit, I still have a hard time thinking that God is involved directing players in a game in which you lie, cheat, and manipulate people to win. Albert was dead on accurate last night when he said he puts no importance on truth, honor, integrity, etc. in the game of Survivor. And in truth, as we have seen, there really isn't any.
Well, while as a Christian I don't fault anybody for expressing their belief and trust in God or giving God credit, I still have a hard time thinking that God is involved directing players in a game in which you lie, cheat, and manipulate people to win. Albert was dead on accurate last night when he said he puts no importance on truth, honor, integrity, etc. in the game of Survivor. And in truth, as we have seen, there really isn't any.

Oh, well said FF!! That's exactly how I feel about it.
Survivor tonight!

Survivor tonight!


Ohhh thanks for the heads up Amelia. I too often miss the finale and have to get it days later 'on demand' because they move it from its regular time slot to Sunday night. I will be watching though. Should be a good one.
Not gonna lie . . . . I'm so bummed that Ozzie didn't get to the end. For sure he would have won, the jury just said so (they didn't need to, it's obvious he rocked the game).

I still don't like Coach and am glad he didn't win, although I don't think the other two particularly played the 'best' game. Hoping they poll the jury to see who voted for/against him. Brandon's face when he found out Coach b.s. him about finding the immunity idol? Priceless. Rick was just pissed as hell at Coach.

Overall just an ok season, I've watched better.

No more former players. Period.
Of all the winners from previous seasons this one ranks as one of the most undeserving.

As far as bringing back previous players I don't mind. It's just funny to see the noobs are so stupid that they never vote them out.
I just watched Brandons interview. I feel sorry for him. Tough life. I've been there. No supporting family without the million dollars.
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Yeah at the end I was rooting for Ozzy but he choked on the puzzle. So of the final three, I thought Coach played the best game and I would have thought Albert might get at least some votes but I guess he just didn't make any friends. I did not think Sophie deserved the win but oh well.

Now waiting to see who gets the $100k. I'm rooting for Cochrane. :)
Not gonna lie . . . . I'm so bummed that Ozzie didn't get to the end. For sure he would have won, the jury just said so (they didn't need to, it's obvious he rocked the game).

I still don't like Coach and am glad he didn't win, although I don't think the other two particularly played the 'best' game. Hoping they poll the jury to see who voted for/against him. Brandon's face when he found out Coach b.s. him about finding the immunity idol? Priceless. Rick was just pissed as hell at Coach.

Overall just an ok season, I've watched better.

No more former players. Period.

I feel the same way about Ozzie. It was disappointing that he won so many challenges but lost the last one, the one that would have given him the prize. Oh well, at least he got the $100,000.

Coach portrayed himself as the noble warrior, but he was nothing but a dishonest, double-talking, back-stabbing phony. I'm glad the jury saw through his facade and gave the prize to a more deserving person.

Not my favorite season either.
I thought Ozzie had one of the best comments on the game. You can't stab 5 people in the back out of a 9 person jury and expect to win. Maybe it's a good example of how much stress you go through, that even a Harvard student had trouble counting that high!

As far as Sophie winning goes, seen better, seen worse. Congratulations, the proof is in the check. :clap2:
I thought Ozzie had one of the best comments on the game. You can't stab 5 people in the back out of a 9 person jury and expect to win. Maybe it's a good example of how much stress you go through, that even a Harvard student had trouble counting that high!

As far as Sophie winning goes, seen better, seen worse. Congratulations, the proof is in the check. :clap2:

Jim said that as well during the live finale. Too true.
Survivor is largely a contest of who could lie the best.

The one who survives is the most disagreeable of the lot. Who can you promise and then betray the easiest. That's the contest.
i switched to homeland at 10....i didnt even care who won and sophie had the lock with the was so full of himself....had he been a real dragon slayer......he would have volunteered to go to redemption island and get rid of ozzy but he was not that big a dragon slayer....
Survivor is largely a contest of who could lie the best.

The one who survives is the most disagreeable of the lot. Who can you promise and then betray the easiest. That's the contest.

If you're going to be disagreeable, then you have to make sure the people you bring along are disagreeable, too. There have been several instances where strategic players have lost out to hangers-on, just because people hated them so much. Russell, anyone?

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