Survivor. Are you watching?

Survivor. Are you watching?

Still not watching..never have..never will. This kind of television viewing is a waste of what little time you have left on this earth.

That is all.

As compared to arguing with complete strangers on the internet?


Ya... Something like that. :lol: Now if the contestants on Survivor yelled at me...ya might be on to someting! :lol:
It is interesting to watch the human dynamics. The little gay guy, Conrad or whatever his name is, will be the first to go out of the guy's camp. He obviously identifies with the girls and will be seen as a traitor. What was interesting is the women immediately thought to get fire from the men, who made it rather than make it themselves. The men accepted already that one of them will be the winner, after they knock off all the women.
It is interesting to watch the human dynamics. The little gay guy, Conrad or whatever his name is, will be the first to go out of the guy's camp. He obviously identifies with the girls and will be seen as a traitor. What was interesting is the women immediately thought to get fire from the men, who made it rather than make it themselves. The men accepted already that one of them will be the winner, after they knock off all the women.

While we were watching last night I commented to Hombre (Mr. Foxfyre) that all these people had obviously watched at least a season of Survivor as they all were pretty savvy as to how it works. So, you apply to go on Survivor and you get the word that you have been accepted. You certainly wouldn't pack your bags and leave within the hour. You would have time to call your friends and family and tell them the good news. There are testimonies of folks who booted up their strength training and a couple who began conditioning themselves to function effecvtively on less food etc.

And wouldn't one of the skills you would want to take with you be how to start a fire?
how to start a fire and how to fish....or what to fish for....i would know ever food source i could it all....cause nothing is wrong on the net
Totally lame that anyone who tried out for Survivor couldn't start a fire.

And totally lame that the girls (started to change that to 'women', but I really do mean 'girls') acted like only the men could give them fire.

I'll cut them a little slack for being thrown off by the girl/guy split and the guys being right next door to them.

But ... dang ... they should have known how to make fire.
how to start a fire and how to fish....or what to fish for....i would know ever food source i could it all....cause nothing is wrong on the net

LOL. Yeah, just this morning I was reading on the net that some scientists have already learned how to create worm holes in space to allow time travel. :)

But yeah, I would have spent some time at the lake or beach learning how to spear a fish. I would know how to start a fire. (I used to be able to do that; I suppose I haven't lost that skill.) Assuming that you know where the Survivor location will be, I would research what was edible and what was not. Since you never see the tribes going after the local critters or birds, that must be an automatic no no?' I would know how to build a shelter and angle the roof to shed water away from the fire and camp.

And I would sure as heck know not to pick a personal fight with a team mate in the first week. :)
I've seen every season and cannot remember a weirder first episode. The men should not have taken a victory on the challenge as that will come back to bite them. Also, I don't believe that I have ever seen someone more gay than the gay dude.
I've seen every season and cannot remember a weirder first episode. The men should not have taken a victory on the challenge as that will come back to bite them. Also, I don't believe that I have ever seen someone more gay than the gay dude.

You don't watch Project Runway do you. :)
It is interesting to watch the human dynamics. The little gay guy, Conrad or whatever his name is, will be the first to go out of the guy's camp. He obviously identifies with the girls and will be seen as a traitor. What was interesting is the women immediately thought to get fire from the men, who made it rather than make it themselves. The men accepted already that one of them will be the winner, after they knock off all the women.

I'd have no problem stealing fire after an axe had been stolen. If you don't have flint, it's tough to do.
After what, 20 season's of Survivor, how does anyone go on this show without knowing how to make a fire? Why would you depend on winning flint or stealing it from the other team (I've no prob w/the stealing part, it just isn't necessary). Srsly. Bring a pair of glasses and start a fire that way. It just isn't that hard to do.
It is interesting to watch the human dynamics. The little gay guy, Conrad or whatever his name is, will be the first to go out of the guy's camp. He obviously identifies with the girls and will be seen as a traitor. What was interesting is the women immediately thought to get fire from the men, who made it rather than make it themselves. The men accepted already that one of them will be the winner, after they knock off all the women.

I'd have no problem stealing fire after an axe had been stolen. If you don't have flint, it's tough to do.

They should have stolen the axe back too.
After what, 20 season's of Survivor, how does anyone go on this show without knowing how to make a fire? Why would you depend on winning flint or stealing it from the other team (I've no prob w/the stealing part, it just isn't necessary). Srsly. Bring a pair of glasses and start a fire that way. It just isn't that hard to do.

Well. . . .seriously it ISN'T that easy to do from scratch and it is an acquired skill. But I would be damned if I went on Survivor without the skill to make fire, to build a shelter, to know what among the native plants were edible and what were not, etc.

One thing I've always wondered about are the chickens which the tribes generally do not eat, at least at first, but keep for the eggs. Now it's been awhile since I dealt with chickens, but I seem to recall that the best laying hen laid approximately one egg a day. So at most you're going to get a couple of eggs a day from two chickens and even that is iffy. How does a tribe of six or more people divide up a couple of eggs?

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