Survivor. Are you watching?

Anyone who aligns with colton is a fool. After 6 or 7 days of doing NOTHING and then spending all his time with the girls? His idol is now utterly useless because like most idiots before him they seem incapable of keeping such a powerful weapon secret. Just dumb.

And the girls? Wow, I don't even know where to start with that disaster. Kicking out a cop to keep a kid? WTF common sense anyone?
Can't wait for The Merge.

The setup of men vs woman is assine on-it's-face.

The men will win the immunity challenges at least 75% of the time on average. And decimate the woman tribe.

(just like a tribe made up of young people would do against older people)

Do they think these things out???

Not necessarily. They did it before and the women destroyed the men, until there was only one left. Then they started feeding on each other and the lone guy ended up winning because the woman sitting next to him was loathed by the rest. Season 9, I believe.
Can't wait for The Merge.

The setup of men vs woman is assine on-it's-face.

The men will win the immunity challenges at least 75% of the time on average. And decimate the woman tribe.

(just like a tribe made up of young people would do against older people)

Do they think these things out???

Not necessarily. They did it before and the women destroyed the men, until there was only one left. Then they started feeding on each other and the lone guy ended up winning because the woman sitting next to him was loathed by the rest. Season 9, I believe.

Actually, that's the dynamic of the game that fascinates me the most. It is almost necessary to lie, cheat, and manipulate to make it to the final two at the end. But at that point, it has consistently been a popularity contest so if you make too many enemies on that jury, you aren't going to be the winner.
Can't wait for The Merge.

The setup of men vs woman is assine on-it's-face.

The men will win the immunity challenges at least 75% of the time on average. And decimate the woman tribe.

(just like a tribe made up of young people would do against older people)

Do they think these things out???

Not necessarily. They did it before and the women destroyed the men, until there was only one left. Then they started feeding on each other and the lone guy ended up winning because the woman sitting next to him was loathed by the rest. Season 9, I believe.

Actually, that's the dynamic of the game that fascinates me the most. It is almost necessary to lie, cheat, and manipulate to make it to the final two at the end. But at that point, it has consistently been a popularity contest so if you make too many enemies on that jury, you aren't going to be the winner.

That's why you never go against your original tribe, even if there's a switch. Look back through voting records over the seasons and it's apparent that it means much more what they think of you than the other tribe. That's why Cochran's move last season was so strange, considering he was supposed to be so smart and a student of the game.
Not necessarily. They did it before and the women destroyed the men, until there was only one left. Then they started feeding on each other and the lone guy ended up winning because the woman sitting next to him was loathed by the rest. Season 9, I believe.

Actually, that's the dynamic of the game that fascinates me the most. It is almost necessary to lie, cheat, and manipulate to make it to the final two at the end. But at that point, it has consistently been a popularity contest so if you make too many enemies on that jury, you aren't going to be the winner.

That's why you never go against your original tribe, even if there's a switch. Look back through voting records over the seasons and it's apparent that it means much more what they think of you than the other tribe. That's why Cochran's move last season was so strange, considering he was supposed to be so smart and a student of the game.

So how do you explain that nobody on Russell's tribe voted for him? :)
This season is proving to be a weak one. The females are not working together. The young woman should have been sent home.
Actually, that's the dynamic of the game that fascinates me the most. It is almost necessary to lie, cheat, and manipulate to make it to the final two at the end. But at that point, it has consistently been a popularity contest so if you make too many enemies on that jury, you aren't going to be the winner.

That's why you never go against your original tribe, even if there's a switch. Look back through voting records over the seasons and it's apparent that it means much more what they think of you than the other tribe. That's why Cochran's move last season was so strange, considering he was supposed to be so smart and a student of the game.

So how do you explain that nobody on Russell's tribe voted for him? :)

Nobody on Russel's tribe voted for him, he didn't win. What's to explain? :confused:
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That's why you never go against your original tribe, even if there's a switch. Look back through voting records over the seasons and it's apparent that it means much more what they think of you than the other tribe. That's why Cochran's move last season was so strange, considering he was supposed to be so smart and a student of the game.

So how do you explain that nobody on Russell's tribe voted for him? :)

Nobody on Russel's tribe voted for him, he didn't win. What's to explain? :confused:

But Russell didn't go against his own tribe is the point I think I'm making. (With Survivor it's pretty hard to make a point actually. :)) Cochran was a target from the beginning. His tribe had a huge target on his back early on and he knew it. So he accepted acceptance and kindness from the other tribe. Human nature. I don't think that hastened his departure. He was top of the list to be voted out in his own tribe and he had little or no chance to win immunity. (I was emotionally pulling for him more than anybody else though.)

Russell was a schemer and back stabber from the beginning, but no more than many other players. But he was perceived as a scoundrel while others who didn't play it any differently were forgiven. I can't explain that by any other reason than human nature either. Some folks you just take to. Some you don't. Russell was not all that lovable, but definitely had the interest of the viewing audience.

Anyhow, so far I haven't developed any emotional attachments though I do have sympathy for the gay guy. I suppose most of us have been in the position of feeling like we didn't fit in, were the odd man out, and all that. So far, he is really the only interesting character that has surfaced.
The point I was making was that it mattered what the tribe thought of them, not that the way they went about their demise was the same.
The point I was making was that it mattered what the tribe thought of them, not that the way they went about their demise was the same.

Okay, that's a legitimate point for sure. I was just addressing the phenomenon that just being loyal to your tribe is not necessarily the way to get the million dollars. :)
The point I was making was that it mattered what the tribe thought of them, not that the way they went about their demise was the same.

Okay, that's a legitimate point for sure. I was just addressing the phenomenon that just being loyal to your tribe is not necessarily the way to get the million dollars. :)

True, being loyal is necessary, but not sufficient. Being an arrogant bully was Russell's downfall. He blew it right at the end, when he assumed he was owed the win before the vote, completely misunderstanding the nature of the game. You can't vote people out, rub their noses in it and expect to win. Cochran made his mistake much earlier, when he should have gone along with his tribe's plan and prove that he had value. Revenge for how they treated him, may have gotten him some satisfaction at the time, but someone as knowledgeable and intelligent as he was supposed to be, should have realized that wasn't going to get him the win.
This season is proving to be a weak one. The females are not working together. The young woman should have been sent home.

I like this season a lot better than the previous one . . . no "returning" contestants . . .

I take it you mean Cat. Unlike Colton, she probably makes it VERY far. After two straight seasons of pagonging, look for a swap anytime, maybe not this week but the next.
This season is proving to be a weak one. The females are not working together. The young woman should have been sent home.

I like this season a lot better than the previous one . . . no "returning" contestants . . .

I take it you mean Cat. Unlike Colton, she probably makes it VERY far. After two straight seasons of pagonging, look for a swap anytime, maybe not this week but the next.

They haven't done it in a while, so I guess it's time to bring that back. Besides, with this set up you don't get those "show-mance" lines of intrigue we all love. :eusa_drool:
The queer brags about not playing that liberal crap. Lol I'm a republican!

Yea, maybe, but a pretty stupid one. And why does he hate the black dude. He's a funny nice guy.

I give the kid 2 weeks maybe 3. He has the worst power trip of them all and that never ends well. Not to mention he bragged like an idiot about the idol. Why do they always do that? Just dumb
Cocky Matt is gone! Woot woot!

And no Redemption Island.

Pobrecito Matt. :eusa_angel:

You must be watching a different show. Up until today its been all about the women and the gay dude. Very little time on the camera for anyone else. If anything he displayed confidence with the exception of the rooster comment.

Like usual tribes decimate the strong players first then wonder why the get destroyed post merge. It's like the minute they set foot on the islands they lose all common sense.
The queer brags about not playing that liberal crap. Lol I'm a republican!

Yea, maybe, but a pretty stupid one. And why does he hate the black dude. He's a funny nice guy.

I give the kid 2 weeks maybe 3. He has the worst power trip of them all and that never ends well. Not to mention he bragged like an idiot about the idol. Why do they always do that? Just dumb

Bragged like an idiot?

He used it to form an alliance with him as a leader instead of being picked off in two moves.

AND he didn't have to play it.

He still has options.

He's the kind who can get people to like him and not seem too threatening. The kind people could think they could take out any time and then they turn around and he's the last man standing. He has what it takes to win it all.
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Cocky Matt is gone! Woot woot!

And no Redemption Island.

Pobrecito Matt. :eusa_angel:

You must be watching a different show. Up until today its been all about the women and the gay dude. Very little time on the camera for anyone else. If anything he displayed confidence with the exception of the rooster comment.

Like usual tribes decimate the strong players first then wonder why the get destroyed post merge. It's like the minute they set foot on the islands they lose all common sense.

Maybe we ARE watching a different show. In the one I'm watching, Matt set himself up as cock o' the walk at the very beginning. I didn't believe he could be taken out that early. I'm impressed that Colton's alliance had the guts to do that and not just take out one of his satellites.
I was glad to see that arrogant smuck Matt voted out........................................

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