Survivor. Are you watching?

And letting him spew his hatred for blacks is also good tv?

Jeff: Do you have any black people in your life?
Colton: Yes, my housekeeper.

His power will be nullified, watch it happen over the next two weeks.

What hatred? What spewing? At least with regard to blacks.

Bill is the one who brought race up, pretty much out of the blue, and as you noted just now Jeff is the one who asked the question - generating the TV. Edit to add: I remember the ghetto comment earlier. So I guess Colton did bring it up in a way. But that doesn't make me think that producers will try to hustle him off for the honor of the show.

If Colton leaves, my guess is that he'll do it through his own hubris - perhaps by not playing an idol when he should - not because the producers engineer it to "put him in his place".

You clearly didn't pay any attention. Bill didn't have any input until after the gay boy ranted about rebel flags, trailers, his life at the country clubs and how he doesn't associate with any of those kinds of people with the exception of his maid (who is the ONLY black person he associates with) The kid is an intolerant punk. And the irony of it is his own minority status but he is too full of himself to care. So full of himself in fact that he risked the game for every man in his tribe just so he could have his way.

Tarzan simply said stop he had heard enough about race!

If you can defend this kid, his words and actions then you're no better than he is.

And I didn't say he would be gone. I inferred that the producers will mix it up to remove his power.

As noted before, it seems like you and I are watching different shows. I remember it as Bill's remark about race being part of what prompted Colton's rant and Jeff's question about blacks in Colton's life.

But ummm ... what do you have against people who don't like rebel flags? That seems a funny thing to object to about him.
What hatred? What spewing? At least with regard to blacks.

Bill is the one who brought race up, pretty much out of the blue, and as you noted just now Jeff is the one who asked the question - generating the TV. Edit to add: I remember the ghetto comment earlier. So I guess Colton did bring it up in a way. But that doesn't make me think that producers will try to hustle him off for the honor of the show.

If Colton leaves, my guess is that he'll do it through his own hubris - perhaps by not playing an idol when he should - not because the producers engineer it to "put him in his place".

You clearly didn't pay any attention. Bill didn't have any input until after the gay boy ranted about rebel flags, trailers, his life at the country clubs and how he doesn't associate with any of those kinds of people with the exception of his maid (who is the ONLY black person he associates with) The kid is an intolerant punk. And the irony of it is his own minority status but he is too full of himself to care. So full of himself in fact that he risked the game for every man in his tribe just so he could have his way.

Tarzan simply said stop he had heard enough about race!

If you can defend this kid, his words and actions then you're no better than he is.

And I didn't say he would be gone. I inferred that the producers will mix it up to remove his power.

As noted before, it seems like you and I are watching different shows. I remember it as Bill's remark about race being part of what prompted Colton's rant and Jeff's question about blacks in Colton's life.

But ummm ... what do you have against people who don't like rebel flags? That seems a funny thing to object to about him.

I never said I had a problem with the flag. Taken in context with the rest of his comments its clear his is a racist pig. Ie, a gun does not represent evil or death until some freak uses it for that purpose.

Sorry to hear you excuse his racism. Were done here.
The look on Jeff's face when they entered TC was priceless.:lol:

Wonder how long he practiced that. I have a hard time believing he didn't know.

I've wondered about that too. Since the show probably wouldn't work all that well in syndication, but has become a fixture in the Anerican culture, I suspect after the last Survivor season, somebody will write a book or we will otherwise be advised of all the stuff going on that we don't see. And since we don't watch any of it live until the final vote, it is rather amazing that the 'secrets' are kept so very well.

Re the dynamics between Colton and Bill, I didn't see it as a racial issue to the extent that Grandpa saw it. I saw it as Colton resenting the class warfare aspect of it, though I'm finding myself less sympathetic with Colton but grudgingly developing a respect for his obvious leadership skills. I'll have to go back and listen more carefully to see if the racism angle is there that set Granpa M. off. I'll confess that I didn't pick up on that.
The look on Jeff's face when they entered TC was priceless.:lol:

Wonder how long he practiced that. I have a hard time believing he didn't know.

I've wondered about that too. Since the show probably wouldn't work all that well in syndication, but has become a fixture in the Anerican culture, I suspect after the last Survivor season, somebody will write a book or we will otherwise be advised of all the stuff going on that we don't see. And since we don't watch any of it live until the final vote, it is rather amazing that the 'secrets' are kept so very well.

Re the dynamics between Colton and Bill, I didn't see it as a racial issue to the extent that Grandpa saw it. I saw it as Colton resenting the class warfare aspect of it, though I'm finding myself less sympathetic with Colton but grudgingly developing a respect for his obvious leadership skills. I'll have to go back and listen more carefully to see if the racism angle is there that set Granpa M. off. I'll confess that I didn't pick up on that.

There's also the matter of him knowing exactly how many tribal councils there have been, off the top of his head! :doubt:
Sure he knew about it - all the tribal councils are planned beofrehand, to the point that they dictate the order of who sits next to who, who leaves first, etc.

Next week is the swap, and the beginning of the end of Colton. I thought his old tribe should've smoked out his idol by now, but he did make the statement in episode #2 I think when he said that he wasn't going to be like James and be voted out with an idol in his pocket is a huge tip-off. Knowing how this show operates, that is foreshadowing what is to come soon.
Sure he knew about it - all the tribal councils are planned beofrehand, to the point that they dictate the order of who sits next to who, who leaves first, etc.

Next week is the swap, and the beginning of the end of Colton. I thought his old tribe should've smoked out his idol by now, but he did make the statement in episode #2 I think when he said that he wasn't going to be like James and be voted out with an idol in his pocket is a huge tip-off. Knowing how this show operates, that is foreshadowing what is to come soon.

Could be.

But it could simply have been included to add to the drama when he chose not to use it on that episode.

The look on Jeff's face when they entered TC was priceless.:lol:

Wonder how long he practiced that. I have a hard time believing he didn't know.

I've wondered about that too. Since the show probably wouldn't work all that well in syndication, but has become a fixture in the Anerican culture, I suspect after the last Survivor season, somebody will write a book or we will otherwise be advised of all the stuff going on that we don't see. And since we don't watch any of it live until the final vote, it is rather amazing that the 'secrets' are kept so very well.

Re the dynamics between Colton and Bill, I didn't see it as a racial issue to the extent that Grandpa saw it. I saw it as Colton resenting the class warfare aspect of it, though I'm finding myself less sympathetic with Colton but grudgingly developing a respect for his obvious leadership skills. I'll have to go back and listen more carefully to see if the racism angle is there that set Granpa M. off. I'll confess that I didn't pick up on that.

I have zero respect for that self-centered twerp, and I don't see true leadership skills. He's in a position of bullying people because of his immunity idol...if not for that, his pompous ass would have already been given the boot for his obvious and blatant preference towards the women and the alliances they may have made. I also have lost respect for the rest of the men who are allowing Colton to have them by the balls.
Colton is a nasty individual, I haven't liked him from the start. I figured he was a prep from the clothes he wore but never figured he was a snooty, snobby, elist, racist, Southern belle asshole too. If the men were smart (and I'm reaaalllly having my doubts about that) they'd blindside him next tribal and boot his gay little ass right outta there. His body language . . . omg, could he show any more disdain for Bill? Colton was absolutely repulsed by Bill. Colton is 100% pig. True story.
I do, and I also sometimes go here:

One World Insider Episode 4 in Survivor Spoilers Forum

to see what's cut out of the show. If you watch the video and see the trancriptions, Bill was over-gracious to Colton after Colton labeled Bill "trash" in that confessional. The sixth episode this season is supposed to be big, but it's too late for Bill, who seemed like a nice guy.
wow, so they GIVE UP immunity to take out a player? and this could not wait why?

when you go to merge you need at least majority of 2 because there is always someone who is disaffected and is wiling to turn, or a VERY VERY tight +1.

not one man there had the brains or cajones to make that statement? I hope they all go down.

and it looks like, that is appears that there is a tribe shuffle next week......coltons idol is bye bye.

Oh and if I were coltons mom or dad, I'd fucking disown his ass.
Colton is a nasty individual, I haven't liked him from the start. I figured he was a prep from the clothes he wore but never figured he was a snooty, snobby, elist, racist, Southern belle asshole too. If the men were smart (and I'm reaaalllly having my doubts about that) they'd blindside him next tribal and boot his gay little ass right outta there. His body language . . . omg, could he show any more disdain for Bill? Colton was absolutely repulsed by Bill. Colton is 100% pig. True story.

Bill threatens colton in to many ways to count;)
Its funny. The most narrow minded, hate filled person this season is the gay guy.

Oh and I love how Jeff called him out when he said blacks were a part of his life and when asked who, he giggled and said his maid.

Damn I hate this guy. I think gays call him a fag. I really think they do.
Do you watch the Survivor extras? Here's Bill's day after interview.

Survivor Video - Bill The Day After -

He's a cutie. Great attitude. He'll land on his feet.

Thanks for posting this Amelia, and it does provide a much different perspective. How 'real' do I think Bill is being? I dunno. He seems to admit he created animosity not just with Colton but with everybody. Did any of us see that coming? I didn't. He was certainly diplomatic and gracious in this interview, most especially re Colton. Does he really feel that way? Or he's just saying the right things to rebuild his image in the real world? Again I dunno, but I'll accept what he's saying and agree that he was very likable in the interview. Not so much when he was playing the game.

When Colton is voted off, it will be interesting to hear his perspective. He started out as the sympathetic character this season but by last Wednesday, I was no longer seeing him as a sympathetic character and the bloom was off that rose. I'm not feeling as much dislike for him as some of the rest of you, however, maybe because I'm waiting to see if he is for real or is just playing the game. So far he is the only stand out personality in the cast and the game is more interesting with him in it, much as Russell was when he first entered the dynamics. Maybe we all love a villain to despise. :)
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I hate when they reshuffle teams.

Partly, it seems like they're saying they screwed up in how they put the groups together to begin with, and others who have made the best of their bad deal have to pay for it. AND it's also just too much interference. Like changing the rules in midgame.

They go to council and Jeff tells them they need to learn to be a team.

And then they dismantle the teams.

What time zone are you in, Syrenn?

I thought I'd waited until people on the West Coast would already be watching.


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