Survivor. Are you watching?

What is the damn deal with Colton? He has essentially controlled every person in the game except for 3 girls and Jeff. Truly the season of complete idiots lead by an even bigger idiot. What a riot
This season of Survivor sucks, imo. It's boring, most of the players are idiots and I can not abide that Colton ass.

Why do they always tell someone when they find an immunity idol? Why did that big-boobed chick with the red top (srsly honey, cover it up) go along with Colton and vote off Kim, not only a woman - less women means men get majority at merge - but also their strongest player? They just got done yapping about how strong the other team is then they vote off their strongest player? Have these people ever watched the show? Do they not understand that you keep the strongest players around to (hopefully) win immunity so you can go into the merge with a bigger number? What's with the midget? Are they just portraying him as a complete idiot or is he really a complete idiot?

I'm so unenthused about this season . . . . .
This season of Survivor sucks, imo. It's boring, most of the players are idiots and I can not abide that Colton ass.

Why do they always tell someone when they find an immunity idol? Why did that big-boobed chick with the red top (srsly honey, cover it up) go along with Colton and vote off Kim, not only a woman - less women means men get majority at merge - but also their strongest player? They just got done yapping about how strong the other team is then they vote off their strongest player? Have these people ever watched the show? Do they not understand that you keep the strongest players around to (hopefully) win immunity so you can go into the merge with a bigger number? What's with the midget? Are they just portraying him as a complete idiot or is he really a complete idiot?

I'm so unenthused about this season . . . . .

Ganging up on somebody with an idol has proved fatal to players in the past. You target the person and then they play the idol, and your name is in the jar, you're on your way home with only one or two votes. You rarely see them target somebody with an idol. I still smile when I remember the episode that Paverty (sp) happened to acquire two idols. And gave one each to two other girls who had been targeted throwing an unlikely member out. Was brilliant. Of course it blind sided Russell too, who wasn't pleased, but it was an interesting move.

I'm not finding this season all that boring I guess. I just like watching the dynamics and I don't mind Colton either as the story usually does need a villain.
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He got exactly what he deserved, the whiny-assed bitch. Did you see how kind Christina was being to him? She's nicer than I would have been.

Now they need to kick that Alicia wench out . . . I would smack her if I were on there. True story.

How dumb is that blond?? 'What's appendicitis' and the whole time you can just see that she's dying to ask 'is it contagious'? :lol: What a dope.
He got exactly what he deserved, the whiny-assed bitch. Did you see how kind Christina was being to him? She's nicer than I would have been.

Now they need to kick that Alicia wench out . . . I would smack her if I were on there. True story.

How dumb is that blond?? 'What's appendicitis' and the whole time you can just see that she's dying to ask 'is it contagious'? :lol: What a dope.

After Alicia, Tarzan needs to swing on out.
Okay, we finally got to watch our recorded segment of Survivor last night, and it did trigger some thoughts. You have Colton experiencing what appeared to be acute appendicitis, which can absolutely be life threatening by the way, and a camera crew filming him crumpled up in agony in the jungle. And it is Christina who has to find him in order to summon the doctor? Really?

Does that strike anybody else as contrived?

I know a lot of you guys are happy to see Colton go, but I honestly will miss him. He was the only rreally interesting or compelling personality in the whole bunch even though the response to him (by us) was very negative. He didn't seem to affect any of his comrades the same way but of course they supposedly are not privy to what he was telling us 'privately' on camera.

But with him gone, this season doesn't have a Boston Rob or a Coach or a Russell or anybody else who is different, quirky, outrageous, compelling.

But even though we aren't liking this season all that much, I bet we all keep watching just the same. :)
Okay, we finally got to watch our recorded segment of Survivor last night, and it did trigger some thoughts. You have Colton experiencing what appeared to be acute appendicitis, which can absolutely be life threatening by the way, and a camera crew filming him crumpled up in agony in the jungle. And it is Christina who has to find him in order to summon the doctor? Really?

Does that strike anybody else as contrived?

I know a lot of you guys are happy to see Colton go, but I honestly will miss him. He was the only rreally interesting or compelling personality in the whole bunch even though the response to him (by us) was very negative. He didn't seem to affect any of his comrades the same way but of course they supposedly are not privy to what he was telling us 'privately' on camera.

But with him gone, this season doesn't have a Boston Rob or a Coach or a Russell or anybody else who is different, quirky, outrageous, compelling.

But even though we aren't liking this season all that much, I bet we all keep watching just the same. :)

This stuns me from you. You're mistaking cruelty for personality.

Colton doesn't possess an ounce of unique personality. 100% average punk ass bully.
Okay, we finally got to watch our recorded segment of Survivor last night, and it did trigger some thoughts. You have Colton experiencing what appeared to be acute appendicitis, which can absolutely be life threatening by the way, and a camera crew filming him crumpled up in agony in the jungle. And it is Christina who has to find him in order to summon the doctor? Really?

Does that strike anybody else as contrived?

I know a lot of you guys are happy to see Colton go, but I honestly will miss him. He was the only rreally interesting or compelling personality in the whole bunch even though the response to him (by us) was very negative. He didn't seem to affect any of his comrades the same way but of course they supposedly are not privy to what he was telling us 'privately' on camera.

But with him gone, this season doesn't have a Boston Rob or a Coach or a Russell or anybody else who is different, quirky, outrageous, compelling.

But even though we aren't liking this season all that much, I bet we all keep watching just the same. :)

This stuns me from you. You're mistaking cruelty for personality.

Colton doesn't possess an ounce of unique personality. 100% average punk ass bully.

Oh come on. Do you really think Colton is all that much worse than any of the others who want a million dollars and/or bragging rights for winning Survivor and are willing to lie, cheat, manipulate, and stab people in the back to get it? Was he any worse than Russell who got similar camera time to tell us how he was lying to and playing the others. Even Boston Rob was on camera describing the other players on his tribe as dumb as rocks. Do you think the camera crews only coincidentally singled out Colton for more camera time than almost everybody else combined got? He was the only one who was interesting.

It keeps people tuning back into the show to sometimes watch their adopted 'hero' but also to see what antics their favorte villains are going to be up to next.

I have wondered too--maybe some of you know?--whether those who are voted out and join the jury can then watch the show on television and see what these people are saying out of earshot of the others? That could certainly affect who they voted for in the end wouldn't it?

Edit: Though I'm thinking that none of the show is aired until it is all over. So never mind. :)
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Okay, we finally got to watch our recorded segment of Survivor last night, and it did trigger some thoughts. You have Colton experiencing what appeared to be acute appendicitis, which can absolutely be life threatening by the way, and a camera crew filming him crumpled up in agony in the jungle. And it is Christina who has to find him in order to summon the doctor? Really?

Does that strike anybody else as contrived?

I know a lot of you guys are happy to see Colton go, but I honestly will miss him. He was the only rreally interesting or compelling personality in the whole bunch even though the response to him (by us) was very negative. He didn't seem to affect any of his comrades the same way but of course they supposedly are not privy to what he was telling us 'privately' on camera.

But with him gone, this season doesn't have a Boston Rob or a Coach or a Russell or anybody else who is different, quirky, outrageous, compelling.

But even though we aren't liking this season all that much, I bet we all keep watching just the same. :)

This stuns me from you. You're mistaking cruelty for personality.

Colton doesn't possess an ounce of unique personality. 100% average punk ass bully.

Oh come on. Do you really think Colton is all that much worse than any of the others who want a million dollars and/or bragging rights for winning Survivor and are willing to lie, cheat, manipulate, and stab people in the back to get it? Was he any worse than Russell who got similar camera time to tell us how he was lying to and playing the others. Even Boston Rob was on camera describing the other players on his tribe as dumb as rocks. Do you think the camera crews only coincidentally singled out Colton for more camera time than almost everybody else combined got? He was the only one who was interesting.

It keeps people tuning back into the show to sometimes watch their adopted 'hero' but also to see what antics their favorte villains are going to be up to next.

I have wondered too--maybe some of you know?--whether those who are voted out and join the jury can then watch the show on television and see what these people are saying out of earshot of the others? That could certainly affect who they voted for in the end wouldn't it?

Yes, I believe colton was worse than the other players you mentioned. Colton targeted those he deemed weak and PERSONALLY and REPEATEDLY insulted, taunted and harassed for PERSONAL PLEASURE, not to further his game.

He personified a typical high school bully.
This stuns me from you. You're mistaking cruelty for personality.

Colton doesn't possess an ounce of unique personality. 100% average punk ass bully.

Oh come on. Do you really think Colton is all that much worse than any of the others who want a million dollars and/or bragging rights for winning Survivor and are willing to lie, cheat, manipulate, and stab people in the back to get it? Was he any worse than Russell who got similar camera time to tell us how he was lying to and playing the others. Even Boston Rob was on camera describing the other players on his tribe as dumb as rocks. Do you think the camera crews only coincidentally singled out Colton for more camera time than almost everybody else combined got? He was the only one who was interesting.

It keeps people tuning back into the show to sometimes watch their adopted 'hero' but also to see what antics their favorte villains are going to be up to next.

I have wondered too--maybe some of you know?--whether those who are voted out and join the jury can then watch the show on television and see what these people are saying out of earshot of the others? That could certainly affect who they voted for in the end wouldn't it?

Yes, I believe colton was worse than the other players you mentioned. Colton targeted those he deemed weak and PERSONALLY and REPEATEDLY insulted, taunted and harassed for PERSONAL PLEASURE, not to further his game.

He personified a typical high school bully.

Maybe so. I have no problem with him being a hated, despised, and villified villain. He asked for that. But he was still the most compelling and interesting character just the same. The one everybody is talking about. That he was a snotty, viscious, elitist only enhanced that.

But then I'm a writer who was trained in the importance of a good villain too. :)
Oh come on. Do you really think Colton is all that much worse than any of the others who want a million dollars and/or bragging rights for winning Survivor and are willing to lie, cheat, manipulate, and stab people in the back to get it? Was he any worse than Russell who got similar camera time to tell us how he was lying to and playing the others. Even Boston Rob was on camera describing the other players on his tribe as dumb as rocks. Do you think the camera crews only coincidentally singled out Colton for more camera time than almost everybody else combined got? He was the only one who was interesting.

It keeps people tuning back into the show to sometimes watch their adopted 'hero' but also to see what antics their favorte villains are going to be up to next.

I have wondered too--maybe some of you know?--whether those who are voted out and join the jury can then watch the show on television and see what these people are saying out of earshot of the others? That could certainly affect who they voted for in the end wouldn't it?

Yes, I believe colton was worse than the other players you mentioned. Colton targeted those he deemed weak and PERSONALLY and REPEATEDLY insulted, taunted and harassed for PERSONAL PLEASURE, not to further his game.

He personified a typical high school bully.

Maybe so. I have no problem with him being a hated, despised, and villified villain. He asked for that. But he was still the most compelling and interesting character just the same. The one everybody is talking about. That he was a snotty, viscious, elitist only enhanced that.

But then I'm a writer who was trained in the importance of a good villain too. :)

If they were ever going to bring someone back its worries about that.
Yes, I believe colton was worse than the other players you mentioned. Colton targeted those he deemed weak and PERSONALLY and REPEATEDLY insulted, taunted and harassed for PERSONAL PLEASURE, not to further his game.

He personified a typical high school bully.

Maybe so. I have no problem with him being a hated, despised, and villified villain. He asked for that. But he was still the most compelling and interesting character just the same. The one everybody is talking about. That he was a snotty, viscious, elitist only enhanced that.

But then I'm a writer who was trained in the importance of a good villain too. :)

If they were ever going to bring someone back its worries about that.

Maybe, but Jeff seemed pretty adament that if he was medi-vaced out, he would be out of the game. It was interesting though that this last segment had a reward challenge but no immunity challenge. Just the merge.

So you may be right.
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