Survivor. Are you watching?

Maybe so. I have no problem with him being a hated, despised, and villified villain. He asked for that. But he was still the most compelling and interesting character just the same. The one everybody is talking about. That he was a snotty, viscious, elitist only enhanced that.

But then I'm a writer who was trained in the importance of a good villain too. :)

If they were ever going to bring someone back its worries about that.

Maybe, but Jeff seemed pretty adament that if he was medi-vaced out, he would be out of the game. It was interesting though that this last segment had a reward challenge but no immunity challenge. Just the merge.

So you may be right.

No, i mean they will bring him back for another season. Funny thing is... when he was taken out and the male/female numbers were even...i excreted a merge.
I don't mind people on Survivor who are cut throat, but Colton really was just a nasty and cruel person. It is an interesting case study though, because it makes me wonder that if as a gay person, has he really lived that sheltered of a life, or is his hateful disposition a coping mechanism to deny others any perceived power over him...because he certainly lacks empathy as someone who you'd expect to have been exposed to discrimination and bigotry.
Edit: Though I'm thinking that none of the show is aired until it is all over. So never mind. :)

True, they could put Colton in the very next season and the new players still wouldn't know what he said before, because the next season is being shot while this one is being aired. That's why Russell got away with his bully antics for two straight seasons, but got booted in the third, because by then everybody knew his game and didn't like it.
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If they were ever going to bring someone back its worries about that.

Maybe, but Jeff seemed pretty adament that if he was medi-vaced out, he would be out of the game. It was interesting though that this last segment had a reward challenge but no immunity challenge. Just the merge.

So you may be right.

No, i mean they will bring him back for another season. Funny thing is... when he was taken out and the male/female numbers were even...i excreted a merge.

Could be. Russell, scoundrel that he was, was in his own way more lovable than Colton and actually had a following of admirers which I doubt Colton does. But as somebody everybody loves to hate, Colton definitely filled that slot, so you could very well be right that they'll bring him back for that reason if nothing else.

Colton being gay probably didn't have much to do with his temperament//dispostion/empathy though. Ever watch Project Runway? Most of the guys on that show are gay and you frequently see one or two just as ruthless and even cruelly blunt as Colton; but that is certainly a trait you find with some straight people too. So I think if anything, it reminds us that we can't stereotype people even in a good way based on sexual orientation. There is just so many inconsistencies with Colton, however--his bluntness which is uncharaceristic even in a cutthroat game like Survivor--his spoiled, ugly, hately rich kid persona--his self identification as a Republican, etc. etc. etc.--all raises my suspicions that a lot of that was intentional and contrived. I would like to think the Survivor producers/director would not intentionally do that, but hey, without ratings they don't make money.
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I believe there's a goodly portion of this show scripted and heavily edited . . . for our viewing pleasure, of course! lol

Jeff: "Colton, it's me Jeff with the medics here".
Medics ask Colton questions . . does it hurt more here or here, etc.
Jeff: "Medics, what exactly do you hope to discover with these questions"?

Uh, how about they're trying to figure out what's wrong with Colton, Jeff. Duh. :lol:

I don't care if players play the lying/deceiving/thieving game . . but Colton and Alicia were nothing but nasty to other players, personally insulting them time and again. He views some of the other players with such disdain . . .he said the same thing about Bill and Christina . . I can't even stand to look at them, their voice is sooo annoying, I can't even stand to be around them, they have to go, blah, blah, blah. And to Christina . . you have three choices, stay for two more days then go, leave now or jump in the fire . . and his little airhead sidekick Alicia is right there beside him, yammering away. My, my how quickly she changed her tune when the tables were turned. The only smart thing Colton did was to keep the immunity idol as a souvenir . . and he that because he's a selfish, self centered prick, not out of some smart game move.
I believe there's a goodly portion of this show scripted and heavily edited . . . for our viewing pleasure, of course! lol

Jeff: "Colton, it's me Jeff with the medics here".
Medics ask Colton questions . . does it hurt more here or here, etc.
Jeff: "Medics, what exactly do you hope to discover with these questions"?

Uh, how about they're trying to figure out what's wrong with Colton, Jeff. Duh. :lol:

I don't care if players play the lying/deceiving/thieving game . . but Colton and Alicia were nothing but nasty to other players, personally insulting them time and again. He views some of the other players with such disdain . . .he said the same thing about Bill and Christina . . I can't even stand to look at them, their voice is sooo annoying, I can't even stand to be around them, they have to go, blah, blah, blah. And to Christina . . you have three choices, stay for two more days then go, leave now or jump in the fire . . and his little airhead sidekick Alicia is right there beside him, yammering away. My, my how quickly she changed her tune when the tables were turned. The only smart thing Colton did was to keep the immunity idol as a souvenir . . and he that because he's a selfish, self centered prick, not out of some smart game move.

But then shortly after we have those images of the 'sick' Colton being cradled against Christina's chest, not being comforted by Alicia or anybody else.

Didn't anybody else see that as a little odd?
I believe there's a goodly portion of this show scripted and heavily edited . . . for our viewing pleasure, of course! lol

Jeff: "Colton, it's me Jeff with the medics here".
Medics ask Colton questions . . does it hurt more here or here, etc.
Jeff: "Medics, what exactly do you hope to discover with these questions"?

Uh, how about they're trying to figure out what's wrong with Colton, Jeff. Duh. :lol:

I don't care if players play the lying/deceiving/thieving game . . but Colton and Alicia were nothing but nasty to other players, personally insulting them time and again. He views some of the other players with such disdain . . .he said the same thing about Bill and Christina . . I can't even stand to look at them, their voice is sooo annoying, I can't even stand to be around them, they have to go, blah, blah, blah. And to Christina . . you have three choices, stay for two more days then go, leave now or jump in the fire . . and his little airhead sidekick Alicia is right there beside him, yammering away. My, my how quickly she changed her tune when the tables were turned. The only smart thing Colton did was to keep the immunity idol as a souvenir . . and he that because he's a selfish, self centered prick, not out of some smart game move.

But then shortly after we have those images of the 'sick' Colton being cradled against Christina's chest, not being comforted by Alicia or anybody else.

Didn't anybody else see that as a little odd?

Oh, totally. I said earlier . . she was being way nicer to him that I ever would have, considering how awful they were to her. Strikes me as quite 'scripted'. Who knows, maybe Colton's nastiness is also scripted (although he seems sincere with his words, imo).
They edit tons of footage and decide what fits into the narrative that they want.

Tarzan is such a prick. Which makes him the perfect person to drag to the end. Lol

Yes, he would make a great goat but there are a lot of people left and he'll have to get past all of them, and he's ripe for being off already. There are others (Michael, Leif, Alicia) that are in vulnerable positions right now as well. It's hard to believe people actually let that Tarzan person perform elective plastic surgery on them.
Well, I've always considered myself to be of normal intelligence and well enough educated to get by. But I swear I'm not smart enough to figure out the logic on Survivor. This week totally blind sided me.

But oh well. I'll just have to depend on the rest of you to splain it to me. :)
Well, I've always considered myself to be of normal intelligence and well enough educated to get by. But I swear I'm not smart enough to figure out the logic on Survivor. This week totally blind sided me.

But oh well. I'll just have to depend on the rest of you to splain it to me. :)

I've given up explaining the guys. If you're willing to give up immunity and a good meal, you'll do just about anything! :dunno:
No comments on the last show? We aren't giving up on them, are we? Guys could have gone to the merge up two, now they're down two. Wierd crew.
Still watching faithfully. Lacking the strong personalities and characters that we've had in past seasons, most espevcially since Colton left, it's all sort of hum drum now. Mr. Foxfyre and I were discussing last night that the 'one world' concept changed some of the character of the game too. You don't see the strong tribal allegiances and unwavering aliances that are usually the norm.

But the girls do seem to be allied in systematically picking off the guys now, and I get that. Has there ever been a Survivor with all women left at the end?
I was surprised that Mike got the axe. Did just the wimminz vote him off or did Troyzan (not to be confused with old guy who is a doc Tarzan) vote for Mike too?

It seems like Kim and her buddy (the pretty one) are trying to play both 'wimminz alliance' and 'salani alliance'. Somethings gotta give.
Still watching faithfully. Lacking the strong personalities and characters that we've had in past seasons, most espevcially since Colton left, it's all sort of hum drum now. Mr. Foxfyre and I were discussing last night that the 'one world' concept changed some of the character of the game too. You don't see the strong tribal allegiances and unwavering aliances that are usually the norm.

But the girls do seem to be allied in systematically picking off the guys now, and I get that. Has there ever been a Survivor with all women left at the end?

Fans vs Favorites ended that way. The last guy gave up his immunity necklace to save one of his female tribemates, then she voted him off. One of the all-time dumb moves! Never give up immunity.
Still watching faithfully. Lacking the strong personalities and characters that we've had in past seasons, most espevcially since Colton left, it's all sort of hum drum now. Mr. Foxfyre and I were discussing last night that the 'one world' concept changed some of the character of the game too. You don't see the strong tribal allegiances and unwavering aliances that are usually the norm.

But the girls do seem to be allied in systematically picking off the guys now, and I get that. Has there ever been a Survivor with all women left at the end?

Fans vs Favorites ended that way. The last guy gave up his immunity necklace to save one of his female tribemates, then she voted him off. One of the all-time dumb moves! Never give up immunity.

Ah, okay. Survivor had been running for a few seasons before Hombre (Mr. Foxfyre) and I got hooked. There of course are two games in progress. One is staying in the game long enough to be in the final three. The other is not making so many enemies on the jury, as Russell did, so that there is no chance to be voted the winner.

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