Survivor. Are you watching?

This season has sucked from the beginning. No personalities. Colton wasn't special and brought nothing but hate and bigotry to the show. A bunch of weak players with no spine. I suppose if feeding off negativity is your thing then Colton was a plus.

One world as w concept failed. It did not allow strong bonds to be made and then an early reshuffling of the tribes just made it worse. The men all deserve to be gone after being stupid enough to follow the bigot. In the end Colton wins because he caused the men to be decimated and that's just what he wanted from day one.

The season is a fail in my opinion and if next season is no better the show has found its end.
This season has sucked from the beginning. No personalities. Colton wasn't special and brought nothing but hate and bigotry to the show. A bunch of weak players with no spine. I suppose if feeding off negativity is your thing then Colton was a plus.

One world as w concept failed. It did not allow strong bonds to be made and then an early reshuffling of the tribes just made it worse. The men all deserve to be gone after being stupid enough to follow the bigot. In the end Colton wins because he caused the men to be decimated and that's just what he wanted from day one.

The season is a fail in my opinion and if next season is no better the show has found its end.

I've said this before, but a twist I'd like to see is one where people are selected for the show in pairs, but put on different tribes. At the merge what wins out, tribal loyalty or personal loyalty?
This season has sucked from the beginning. No personalities. Colton wasn't special and brought nothing but hate and bigotry to the show. A bunch of weak players with no spine. I suppose if feeding off negativity is your thing then Colton was a plus.

One world as w concept failed. It did not allow strong bonds to be made and then an early reshuffling of the tribes just made it worse. The men all deserve to be gone after being stupid enough to follow the bigot. In the end Colton wins because he caused the men to be decimated and that's just what he wanted from day one.

The season is a fail in my opinion and if next season is no better the show has found its end.

I agree. I've found this season to be boring at best . . . not even sure why I bother to watch.

As a side note --- I saw an commercial on A&E yesterday. Apparently they gave Russell his own show. Something about flipping or fixing up houses or something. I think it's called Flipping Out. From the little I saw he still seems like an angry little leprechaun.
I think you guys are missing an important component to almost all good story lines. There has to be a villain. Somebody that it is okay to righteously hate even when there is a sympathetic element to the character. Russell fit that role which is why Survivor with him on it was so compelling. Colton also fit that role. I can appreciate that ya'll don't like either character. But the fact is, the show was far more interesting with them on it. The show simply needs one or two or more compelling, polarizing figures. They aren't there to be loved. They are there to add flavor to the soup.

Ditto for the nerdy players that you identify with and find yourself pulling for. Think Cochrane. Or the truly mysterious and wierd. Think Coach. Or the talented beautiful people that you just like to look at. Think Boston Rob.

This season doesn't have any of those since Colton left. The closest to it is Tarzan, but even he isn't a compelling personality.
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Yikes, Tarzan is a nut. If he truly is a Dr I'm shocked. Talk about 0 personality.

I hope the oriental girl wins. Beyond that I couldn't care less.

I do get your bad guy/good guy thing. However that does not require the bad guy to be hateful. Being devious does not require hate. If that's all its about I could watch any reality show on mtv.
Yikes, Tarzan is a nut. If he truly is a Dr I'm shocked. Talk about 0 personality.

I hope the oriental girl wins. Beyond that I couldn't care less.

I do get your bad guy/good guy thing. However that does not require the bad guy to be hateful. Being devious does not require hate. If that's all its about I could watch any reality show on mtv.

Yeah, the bad guy has to be a little hateful to be a bad guy. Otherwise he won't be a villain. It requires an odd mix of wanting him/her to get his/her come uppance along with a begrudging admiration for how s/he finds ways to beat the odds and a frustration that he/she always seems to be able to do so.
Well, Jay's trusting nature and loose lips got Troyzan's idol flushed AND himself voted off.

If he hadn't blabbed and the men had stuck together .....
I think you guys are missing an important component to almost all good story lines. There has to be a villain. Somebody that it is okay to righteously hate even when there is a sympathetic element to the character. Russell fit that role which is why Survivor with him on it was so compelling. Colton also fit that role. I can appreciate that ya'll don't like either character. But the fact is, the show was far more interesting with them on it. The show simply needs one or two or more compelling, polarizing figures. They aren't there to be loved. They are there to add flavor to the soup.

Ditto for the nerdy players that you identify with and find yourself pulling for. Think Cochrane. Or the truly mysterious and wierd. Think Coach. Or the talented beautiful people that you just like to look at. Think Boston Rob.

This season doesn't have any of those since Colton left. The closest to it is Tarzan, but even he isn't a compelling personality.

Oh Boston Rob and that wicked Boston gave me butterflies.:redface:

stray thought ... how long has it been since they've had people eat gross stuff in a challenge?

I started watching a few seasons ago and remember one episode where they drank slimy aquatic animals which had been put into a blender. But can't remember anything terribly awful since then. I kinda expected more super gross stuff. Did it used to happen more frequently in the early seasons?

stray thought ... how long has it been since they've had people eat gross stuff in a challenge?

I started watching a few seasons ago and remember one episode where they drank slimy aquatic animals which had been put into a blender. But can't remember anything terribly awful since then. I kinda expected more super gross stuff. Did it used to happen more frequently in the early seasons?

it used to happen every season.... it was something you could count on. I don't thing its happened in a good 5 years now .....
That's the impression I got from overhearing little things back when I thought I'd never watch reality TV. :eusa_angel:

I just checked out a list of seasons on Wiki. This is Season 24. Looks like I only started watching in Season 19. So I really am a latecomer. I don't know what pre-Russell-Hantz Survivor was like. :lol:
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Early survivor was a lot better. The show as of late seems like actual surviving is no longer a focus. Hell they get food all the time now. It's just not the same. They used to have to actually struggle to "survive" More of a personality show now.

I liked someones idea of couples survivor.

stray thought ... how long has it been since they've had people eat gross stuff in a challenge?

I started watching a few seasons ago and remember one episode where they drank slimy aquatic animals which had been put into a blender. But can't remember anything terribly awful since then. I kinda expected more super gross stuff. Did it used to happen more frequently in the early seasons?

Those were awesome...last season though when they all had to swap spit on that roast thing that they had to chew on, and Cochran pointed out they'd all end up with herpes, was totally gross!!:lol:
it is bad enough they dont wear shirts but really the speedos on the old guy really?

No kidding. There are some things that you just don't want to see, and once seen, there is simply no way to un-see them. But I did find myself looking at almost anything else to avoid looking at that. :)

The pink shorts on the 'federal agent' last season were bad enough, but funny. Not Tarzan's speedos.
Early survivor was a lot better. The show as of late seems like actual surviving is no longer a focus. Hell they get food all the time now. It's just not the same. They used to have to actually struggle to "survive" More of a personality show now.

I liked someones idea of couples survivor.

I want to know how these guys are constantly munching on coconut and not in dire straights. Coconut acts as a laxative.

Early survivor was a lot better. The show as of late seems like actual surviving is no longer a focus. Hell they get food all the time now. It's just not the same. They used to have to actually struggle to "survive" More of a personality show now.

I liked someones idea of couples survivor.

I think they're giving them more food because in some of the early shows people got so weak all they did was lay around. Now there's more strategizing and scrambling going on. While there is a survival against the elements aspect to the show, it's really about surviving the social part of the game, i.e. Big Brother on the Beach.
I had wondered about that in some of the earlier shows. There was one in which nobody had drinking water until they were able to make fire and boil the water to decontaminate it. One of the contestants was so afraid of becoming dehydrated that she drank the contaminated water. (With no apparent ill effect it seems.)

But excessive food deprivation for people of normal weight and dehydration for anybody can have serious effects on one's health. And apparently they were't allowed to catch and eat the crabs and other sea creatures????? There are some 'rules of the game' that apparently are never brought up.

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