Survivor. Are you watching?

I had wondered about that in some of the earlier shows. There was one in which nobody had drinking water until they were able to make fire and boil the water to decontaminate it. One of the contestants was so afraid of becoming dehydrated that she drank the contaminated water. (With no apparent ill effect it seems.)

But excessive food deprivation for people of normal weight and dehydration for anybody can have serious effects on one's health. And apparently they were't allowed to catch and eat the crabs and other sea creatures????? There are some 'rules of the game' that apparently are never brought up.

I can't recall a show in which they weren't allowed to fish, if fishable water was available. I do recall one island that had lots of snakes, but they weren't allowed to kill and eat them. Then there was the pig in Season 2! :D
I had wondered about that in some of the earlier shows. There was one in which nobody had drinking water until they were able to make fire and boil the water to decontaminate it. One of the contestants was so afraid of becoming dehydrated that she drank the contaminated water. (With no apparent ill effect it seems.)

But excessive food deprivation for people of normal weight and dehydration for anybody can have serious effects on one's health. And apparently they were't allowed to catch and eat the crabs and other sea creatures????? There are some 'rules of the game' that apparently are never brought up.

I can't recall a show in which they weren't allowed to fish, if fishable water was available. I do recall one island that had lots of snakes, but they weren't allowed to kill and eat them. Then there was the pig in Season 2! :D

Hey! I only watched, I was not a participant.
So I'm the first to opine this week eh. Well this week was actually somewhat exciting for a change. To see the underdog triumph is always fun. Granted it may be short lived but a win is a win. I was however stunned to see the low fruit reject such an obvious plan to further their game. Course I guess they are low hanging fruit for a reason.

Anyhow, I hope you all enjoyed the latest installment.

The show is becoming stale and formula.

Would n't surprise me if the surviros gorged themselves on food off camera.
Maybe because of liability issues, but it seems like they don't go hungry the way they used to on past seasons. Real physical hunger makes the mind work on a different level.
Tonight's episode was okay but rather ho hum for me. Once Troyzan won immunity, it was just a matter of which of the other two guys would be voted off. And even that wasn't much of a mystery since Tarzan has allied with the girls.

Where it will get interesting when the last guy plus Christine exit and then the rest of the girls have to start voting each other off.
So I'm the first to opine this week eh. Well this week was actually somewhat exciting for a change. To see the underdog triumph is always fun. Granted it may be short lived but a win is a win. I was however stunned to see the low fruit reject such an obvious plan to further their game. Course I guess they are low hanging fruit for a reason.

The major problem with that strategy is, whichever way it goes, somebody's going to be #5. If you can't convince #5 they'll be any better off, they're not going to risk jury votes screwing their alliance. That's a sure route to second place.
Maybe because of liability issues, but it seems like they don't go hungry the way they used to on past seasons. Real physical hunger makes the mind work on a different level.

agreed, I have not heard one person (except kat like week 2 and shes a moron anyway) who said they were hungry.

Frankly I cannot recall seeing them eat much all except when they caught some don't see them scrambling for food , hunting even, fishing now....

I remember the colby season specifically, in the outback I think it was, they had a big storm and flood, they ran out of rice and jeff made them trade their tarp for a can of rice and told them, that was it....thats all they would get...none of these folks seem run down or are bitching about or have lost major weight that you could see.
and on another note- this has got to be the weakest grp mentally I have seen and I have watched them all. the men are off the chart stupid, they give up immunity, then troyzan takes 3 weeks to figure our hes been played by kim and NOW hes looking to flip Elysha and Cristina..he should have been working on them, and if so I beleive this week he might have pulled it off...and tarzan? his vote for lief put him out, he could have tied it if he voted for kim, the brain dead jackass.
How many of those people are trying for a million as of this episode?

Kat seems to have awakened ... too late.

This looks to be a slow march to Kim taking the money, with a slight chance that Chelsea could pull off an upset.
I was half expecting Elysha and Christina to flip this week. Their only hope, short of winning immunity every week, is to make it to at least the final three was to go to Troyzan. They have to see the handwriting on the wall as to what the pecking order is. Forming an alliance with Troyzan and Tarzan to me was the only sane move. But I guess they blew that.
I was half expecting Elysha and Christina to flip this week. Their only hope, short of winning immunity every week, is to make it to at least the final three was to go to Troyzan. They have to see the handwriting on the wall as to what the pecking order is. Forming an alliance with Troyzan and Tarzan to me was the only sane move. But I guess they blew that.

I am going to say it right out, they are to effing stupid to flip. kat had her chance, instead the mewling dolt just followed the pack, again.

she could have had Christina out and troyzan as the lighting rod, no one sees your vote, lie dummy and blame Elysha...

I have to say this is the stupidest grp,. top to bottom I have ever seen in all 22 seasons....seriously.

and as a first, there is not one person left I WANT to see win.
Bet the editors LOVED putting this episode together! lol

They finally had some great material to work with!

Was out all evening and just now watched tonight's episode on DVR. I'll have to say that the one I most wanted to leave tonight was Kat. So this was a good night.
Was out all evening and just now watched tonight's episode on DVR. I'll have to say that the one I most wanted to leave tonight was Kat. So this was a good night.

:lol:me to, just finished it.

I have so say; If I had to draw an animated caricature of a self involved, spoiled, cretinous, face-book generation dolt, it would be Kat.

If she were my daughter I would disown her ass.

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