Survivor. Are you watching?

Pretty good episode. Brad was a good sport there at the end. Recognized he did it to himself.

But if you were Brad, how much would you look forward to going to Redemption Island and confronting Candice AND John? :)

That is going to be interesting. I think John and Candice will be able to beat him. Brad is cunning, but not necessarily as sharp as he thinks he is.
I missed a few crucial seconds of last night's tribal council. Went back and watched that part.

Caleb was so cool! So steady.

I hope he doesn't let the new power go to his head in a bad way like the teaser suggested he might. He seems to have a calm, thoughtful personality, so maybe the teaser was another red herring. lol. I'm cynical about some of the editing on this show in case you didn't notice. :D
Hayden's Big Brother experience is surely useful to him. He's a Survivor newbie but he's no newbie when it comes to reality show power struggles, timing and targets.
Hayden's Big Brother experience is surely useful to him. He's a Survivor newbie but he's no newbie when it comes to reality show power struggles, timing and targets.

I think you're right. The Big Brother strategy is to one by one eliminate the threats but do it in a way you don't make any more enemies than absolutely necessary. So Hayden has that technique down pat.

The Blood vs Water theme is especially interesting in the regard that you not only have to consider how your own tribe sees you, but also the dynamics within the opposing tribe where your loved one at least emotionally has your target's back.
I just watched this week's Survivor After Show where Parvati interviewed Marissa and they said that's the kind of move that Jeff lives for.

Speaking of the After Show -- I am now watching last week's where Parvati is interviewing Colton. I'm still only partway through but Colton made a good point. He was blindsided by Jeff's accusation that he quit the first time around so he didn't have a good defense then. One thing he said in the interview was how illogical the accusation was because it's not like he thought he was going to be voted out ... he had an immunity idol. Anyway, other things were said and more will be said. I'm still listening to the interview.

Here's the link in case anyone else wants to see it:

Survivor After Show Video - Survivor After Show - Tough Love! -
Colton is pond scum. I am so glad he is gone. And I hope Caleb wakes up and kicks the loser to the curb.
Colton is pond scum. I am so glad he is gone. And I hope Caleb wakes up and kicks the loser to the curb.

Caleb seems like a nice fellow, can't imagine him paired up with Colton. Reminds me of Rachel and Brandon on BB - he seemed nice at first, then Rachel rubbed off on him. Maybe it's a good thing that Colton is gone, for Caleb, and for viewers!
Great movie on Survivor, but I think Monica will take his place from what it looks like in next week's episode. I wonder how the other tribe will react to Brad.

Good link. The money paragraph from that link:

Jeff is talking:
We do the vote and we have a tie. When we have a tie, we do one re-vote and the rules are that if nobody changes their vote and we remain tied, then the two people tied are now immune (yes, immune) and the rest of the tribe must draw rocks to see who goes home. The person who draws the odd rock is out. So it’s a massive move to “go to rocks” — you really have to feel it is your only way to last in the game, otherwise somebody is going to change their vote. We did the re-vote and the girls stayed with Caleb and voted Brad again — they were willing to draw rocks because they felt they had nothing to lose — but Vytas changed his vote sending Brad home and shattering the male alliance. Hayden had the heaviest head as he left tribal realizing that he just lost his entire alliance. Brad was out, Caleb had defected, and Vytas had caved. Even though Survivor is just a game and the stakes are only as big as you allow them to be, those kind of moments definitely excite the crew and you can see that it excites the players too — big moves are very fun.


EW: Brad’s downfall can be traced back to his decision to vote out his alliance-mate John, just over the small chance that Candice might make it back into the game. Had you been in that all-dudes alliance, would you have trusted Brad after that?

PROBST: No, for the reason you state. If he’ll do it to John, he’ll do it to me. You have to think that way because it’s really all you have to go on. Brad made several mistakes, but most people do. Survivor is a really tough game to play, but boy is it easy to back seat drive! I do it every week at Tribal Council. I think Brad’s biggest adversary is his own personality. He wants it so much and he is so used to being in competitive situations where amping people up is a good thing that I think he just didn’t realize the impression he was making on others.


EW: Continuing with our all-Culpepper edition this week, what did you make of Monica’s move to put the hidden immunity clue that John gave her into the fire rather than risk it making her a target. What would you have done in that position?

PROBST: I thought it was a brilliant move given what had happened to John and also given her perceived place in the tribe. She felt safe and knew it would only draw attention
Great movie on Survivor, but I think Monica will take his place from what it looks like in next week's episode. I wonder how the other tribe will react to Brad.

I think it would be a good experience for him, I don't think Monica's tribe will put up with his control freakishness.
Hayden's Big Brother experience is surely useful to him. He's a Survivor newbie but he's no newbie when it comes to reality show power struggles, timing and targets.

I cant go for a person who already won a reality show. Lets get some real fans on this show.

Real people. Not models.
My son's room mate's sister and bil are contestants. Room mate is a drunk and a bad influence on my son. Sis is a babe. Second time on Survivor. Met her at my sons condo. Didn't meet the bil. I think they're still on. I might watch tomorrow and let you know.
My son's room mate's sister and bil are contestants. Room mate is a drunk and a bad influence on my son. Sis is a babe. Second time on Survivor. Met her at my sons condo. Didn't meet the bil. I think they're still on. I might watch tomorrow and let you know.

So, which ones are they? Candice and John, or Monica and Brad?
My son's room mate's sister and bil are contestants. Room mate is a drunk and a bad influence on my son. Sis is a babe. Second time on Survivor. Met her at my sons condo. Didn't meet the bil. I think they're still on. I might watch tomorrow and let you know.

So, which ones are they? Candice and John, or Monica and Brad?

Candice & John. I will call my son today and see what he knows.
My son's room mate's sister and bil are contestants. Room mate is a drunk and a bad influence on my son. Sis is a babe. Second time on Survivor. Met her at my sons condo. Didn't meet the bil. I think they're still on. I might watch tomorrow and let you know.

So, which ones are they? Candice and John, or Monica and Brad?

Candice & John. I will call my son today and see what he knows.

I'm glad. I like Candice and John, Monica and Brad, not so much!

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