Survivor. Are you watching?

My son's room mate's sister and bil are contestants. Room mate is a drunk and a bad influence on my son. Sis is a babe. Second time on Survivor. Met her at my sons condo. Didn't meet the bil. I think they're still on. I might watch tomorrow and let you know.

So, which ones are they? Candice and John, or Monica and Brad?

Candice & John. I will call my son today and see what he knows.

Candice and John are both on Redemption Island, along with a third person. They're having to compete against each other in the last chance phase. Whichever one of the three loses that battle each show goes straight home. Candice has been there since the beginning of the show and keeps hanging on. John joined her two tribal councils ago. In their first competition against each other John won, Candice came in second and a girl named Marissa was the one who had to go home. This past time, Brad Culpepper joined them on Redemption Island. There is bad blood between John, Candice and Brad, so tonight will be a good night to start watching even if you haven't seen the rest of the season.
So, which ones are they? Candice and John, or Monica and Brad?

Candice & John. I will call my son today and see what he knows.

Candice and John are both on Redemption Island, along with a third person. They're having to compete against each other in the last chance phase. Whichever one of the three loses that battle each show goes straight home. Candice has been there since the beginning of the show and keeps hanging on. John joined her two tribal councils ago. In their first competition against each other John won, Candice came in second and a girl named Marissa was the one who had to go home. This past time, Brad Culpepper joined them on Redemption Island. There is bad blood between John, Candice and Brad, so tonight will be a good night to start watching even if you haven't seen the rest of the season.

Ayup! Tonight will be a really hoot, first seeing Monica's reaction to Brad being booted out, and also to see who wins the competition. John is pretty good, has shown himself to be a good challenger, a little bit better than Candice, even. Brad's going to be trying really hard.
what this show is about reality???

It is a psychological experiment. Bring people together in a strange environment where they are competing for one big prize. They are working together and fighting against each other -- at the same time.

Only one person can win in the end. Some of the people who are ejected from the game will go to a jury. When there are only three players remaining, the jury will vote to decide who wins.

Along the way the final 3 players will almost certainly have told lies and broken promises but they still have to convince members of the jury to vote for them to win. So even when you lie you have to try to make sure you're doing it in a way which won't make the jury members hate you.

So you need to be good at competitions, at strategy and at getting along with your fellow competitors.
what this show is about reality???

Yeah, about the reality of being on an island with little resources and a few other people and trying to survive, while trying to remain likable so your own team doesn't eat you up.
So, which ones are they? Candice and John, or Monica and Brad?

Candice & John. I will call my son today and see what he knows.

Candice and John are both on Redemption Island, along with a third person. They're having to compete against each other in the last chance phase. Whichever one of the three loses that battle each show goes straight home. Candice has been there since the beginning of the show and keeps hanging on. John joined her two tribal councils ago. In their first competition against each other John won, Candice came in second and a girl named Marissa was the one who had to go home. This past time, Brad Culpepper joined them on Redemption Island. There is bad blood between John, Candice and Brad, so tonight will be a good night to start watching even if you haven't seen the rest of the season.

What's it been? 3 weeks now? The show has been on here but I haven't been paying much attention. I think I missed one show. Must have been cruising for babes. Son gets off work at 5. I'll call him before it starts. I've been told everyone is sworn to secrecy but I'll see if he knows anything.
Was glad to see the other tribe win one finally. Was also glad to see the rude bitch on redemption lose. Brad has more character than I thought he did and laura felt the "sting" again.....irony
Got called to a meeting tonight and didn't get home until after 9. Can someone please give me a recap?

Candice and John were very happy to see Brad show up. He was all about "no hard feelings". They were not.

John won the Redemption Island competition. Was very close at the end. Brad came 2nd. Candice went home. John's reward for winning was another clue to the location of an immunity idol. Just like last week he gave it to Monica, to try to paint a target on her. And just like last week she tossed it into the fire to knock the target off of her.

The newbie tribe won the immunity challenge.

The returning players talked like it would be an easy decision to get rid of Rupert's wife Laura. Instead the other Laura -- Laura Morett from Survivor: Samoa -- was voted out.
Was glad to see the other tribe win one finally. Was also glad to see the rude bitch on redemption lose. Brad has more character than I thought he did and laura felt the "sting" again.....irony

Well, I wanted that rude presumptuous Brad to lose, I think John and Laura M. will definitely beat him. He's as arrogant as his wife, and they both need to pack up and go home.
Got called to a meeting tonight and didn't get home until after 9. Can someone please give me a recap?

Candice and John were very happy to see Brad show up. He was all about "no hard feelings". They were not.

John won the Redemption Island competition. Was very close at the end. Brad came 2nd. Candice went home. John's reward for winning was another clue to the location of an immunity idol. Just like last week he gave it to Monica, to try to paint a target on her. And just like last week she tossed it into the fire to knock the target off of her.

The newbie tribe won the immunity challenge.

The returning players talked like it would be an easy decision to get rid of Rupert's wife Laura. Instead the other Laura -- Laura Morett from Survivor: Samoa -- was voted out.

I think the decision to send Laura M was not so much to get rid of her, because she is a stronger player than Kat and Laura B, but because they think she can beat Brad, and hopefully she will. I don't think the tribe likes the idea of Monica and Brad, both arrogant and fairly strong players being together at merge time, and I think they are right in their thinking.
I am thrilled Candace is gone. Obnoxious bitch. I like her husband though. And I wasn't too thrilled with Brad at first, but he knows it is just a game. They aren't there to make bestest friends. They are there to win the prize. He said no hard feelings, he said they made the smart move in voting him out, he told them all it was ok what they did. And he meant it. He has more integrity than the whole lot of them.
I am thrilled Candace is gone. Obnoxious bitch. I like her husband though. And I wasn't too thrilled with Brad at first, but he knows it is just a game. They aren't there to make bestest friends. They are there to win the prize. He said no hard feelings, he said they made the smart move in voting him out, he told them all it was ok what they did. And he meant it. He has more integrity than the whole lot of them.

It may sound sincere, but I think he's just sucking up. Both he and his wife are arrogant and I think her tribe is realizing it.
I wasn't a fan of Brad, and I'll have to say that I was rooting for Candice and John to beat him. And was disappointed when Brad won. But oh well. It will just make Redemption Island that much more interesting. As I keep saying, every good plot needs a villain. :)

It has been interesting to me that as much as I have hated Redemption Island in the past, it is the most interesting dynamic of the experience to me now.
I wasn't a fan of Brad, and I'll have to say that I was rooting for Candice and John to beat him. And was disappointed when Brad won. But oh well. It will just make Redemption Island that much more interesting. As I keep saying, every good plot needs a villain. :)
I felt the same way. For the first time I was rooting for the noobs to win the competition, and what do you know! They won it and without Brad.:clap2:

It has been interesting to me that as much as I have hated Redemption Island in the past, it is the most interesting dynamic of the experience to me now.
This new twist of having kin in opposing team makes a big difference. I was sad to see Candice go, I kinda liked her spunk, and her hub is a hunk. I hope he continues to beat Brad at every challenge.
Last week's teaser made it sound as if Caleb might let the power shift go to his head.

Apparently that was just smoke the editors were blowing at us. Glad to see he's still calm and thoughtful.
Last week's teaser made it sound as if Caleb might let the power shift go to his head.

Apparently that was just smoke the editors were blowing at us. Glad to see he's still calm and thoughtful.

I like Caleb. I was glad that he won over Brad, he's not controlling like Brad was.

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