Survivor. Are you watching?

I'm so glad that Brad lost and was sent packing!

Poor Kat, she's right about Monica strategizing - but Tina, trying to take the focus off her, since she failed royally in the challenge, had to go and blab to Monica, and Kat got sent to Redemption Island.

She'll probably be going home, John and Laura M. are much better players......

I can sleep peacefully tonight, Brad is gone, good riddance.
Yeah, that one was almost no contest so far as who would win on Redemption Island. Both guys are just too big and awkward doing work on the balance beam. There is a reason that is a a female only event in gymnastics. :)

But I was a bit sorry to see Brad go. However much he might be unlikable, he was a compellng and interesting character and it was a better season with him in it. Like I keep saying, I love a good villain. :)

Of all the people on either tribe, Caleb is the most likable and so far, the most honest so far as I can tell. If he makes it to the final three, I think he has an excellent chance of winning. Even if Colton does get to share in the rewards.

Kat should have been smarter. She did it to herself this time. Had she kept her cool and not tried to make the 'big move' on her own, I don't think she would have been targeted this week.
Yeah, that one was almost no contest so far as who would win on Redemption Island. Both guys are just too big and awkward doing work on the balance beam. There is a reason that is a a female only event in gymnastics. :)

But I was a bit sorry to see Brad go. However much he might be unlikable, he was a compellng and interesting character and it was a better season with him in it. Like I keep saying, I love a good villain. :)

Of all the people on either tribe, Caleb is the most likable and so far, the most honest so far as I can tell. If he makes it to the final three, I think he has an excellent chance of winning. Even if Colton does get to share in the rewards.

Kat should have been smarter. She did it to herself this time. Had she kept her cool and not tried to make the 'big move' on her own, I don't think she would have been targeted this week.

Yeah, she made the mistake too many make - they try to convince others about the way they are reading another player, and end up putting themselves at risk. Kat should have used better tactics, try to find out what Tina thought of Monica, feel her out to see if maybe someone else was feeling like Monica needed to go instead of just jumping in with both feet. She probably won't last on Redemption island.
I don't get the hatred for the football player. He seemed likeable enough to me.

Not hatred. But especially those of us gals who spot condescension and passive male bullying when we see it did see some of that in Brad which made him somewhat unlikable at times. But he also had some redeeming traits including being a good sport. Once Rupert and Colton were gone, Brad emerged as the most compelling personality--the person that could not be ignored. The person that attracted the most attention. The face, name, and personality you remember whether you like him or not.

Which is what made him valuable to the show.
I don't get the hatred for the football player. He seemed likeable enough to me.

Hatred? Not liking someone doesn't equate to hate. He was arrogant, bossy, and a control freak. He also back-stabbed someone that trusted him, which seem a little selfish considering his team was losing every challenge and they needed John's strength. The fact that he was a former football player doesn't mean anything on Survivor - it's how well you are able to get along with others while being productive to the team, helping win challenges and not just thinking about yourself, especially at the very beginning, when it's more team play as opposed to individual play, which comes later.

Brad wasn't very good at some of those points. He showed his selfish side when he insisted they voted Marissa off, instead of weak Ciera, just to get back at Gervase. He was willing to hurt his own team just to gain some self satisfaction over having lost the first challenge.
I don't get the hatred for the football player. He seemed likeable enough to me.

Hatred? Not liking someone doesn't equate to hate. He was arrogant, bossy, and a control freak. He also back-stabbed someone that trusted him, which seem a little selfish considering his team was losing every challenge and they needed John's strength. The fact that he was a former football player doesn't mean anything on Survivor - it's how well you are able to get along with others while being productive to the team, helping win challenges and not just thinking about yourself, especially at the very beginning, when it's more team play as opposed to individual play, which comes later.

Brad wasn't very good at some of those points. He showed his selfish side when he insisted they voted Marissa off, instead of weak Ciera, just to get back at Gervase. He was willing to hurt his own team just to gain some self satisfaction over having lost the first challenge.

In other words he played the game. He then got played and took it like a good sport.
I don't get the hatred for the football player. He seemed likeable enough to me.

Hatred? Not liking someone doesn't equate to hate. He was arrogant, bossy, and a control freak. He also back-stabbed someone that trusted him, which seem a little selfish considering his team was losing every challenge and they needed John's strength. The fact that he was a former football player doesn't mean anything on Survivor - it's how well you are able to get along with others while being productive to the team, helping win challenges and not just thinking about yourself, especially at the very beginning, when it's more team play as opposed to individual play, which comes later.

Brad wasn't very good at some of those points. He showed his selfish side when he insisted they voted Marissa off, instead of weak Ciera, just to get back at Gervase. He was willing to hurt his own team just to gain some self satisfaction over having lost the first challenge.

In other words he played the game. He then got played and took it like a good sport.

They're all playing the game. Some smarter than others. And some just don't have the personal or social clout to have a lot of staying power as somebody has to leave at every tribal council.

What I, Mertex, and others are saying, however, is that Brad has demonstrated some personality traits that simply did not endear himself to a lot of us or his teammates. Boston Rob, for instance, did the same sort of things that Brad was doing, but he did them with more finesse, without coming across as an authoritarian bully, and therefore he didn't make enemies. Brad simply wasn't as good at it as Rob was and, if you piss off enough of your fellow tribe members, the vote can have as much payback as strategy built into it.
It's not just playing a control game, its a social game as well. That is why culpepper sucked. He could be related to hantz as far aa I am concerned. I hope the girls have the sense to get rid of Monica.
These people are idiots. Tina won before. Her daughter is with her, who is totally worthless in challenges. Why are they following Tina's lead? VOTE HER or her worthless daughter OUT. Laura B has nobody. Her mate is gone. Monika has nobody. HER mate is out. Why are they not targeting the partners???? The one ruining that tribe is Tina.
These people are idiots. Tina won before. Her daughter is with her, who is totally worthless in challenges. Why are they following Tina's lead? VOTE HER or her worthless daughter OUT. Laura B has nobody. Her mate is gone. Monika has nobody. HER mate is out. Why are they not targeting the partners???? The one ruining that tribe is Tina.

I agree from a pure strategic advantage. Those without partners have one strike against them going into the merge with those who do have partners. Of course looking at it that way, it made sense breaking up Kat and Hayden. But Kat wasn't much help with challenges either and no great loss to the tribe. But Vytas was the bigger threat in that regard. If I was among the 'singles' I would definitely be targeting the couples and not other singles.
"There are fewer girls than guys and Laura is a weak player and not much of a threat going into the end game, so let's take her out instead of a strong male player with strong ties to other strong male players. What could go wrong?"
These people are idiots. Tina won before. Her daughter is with her, who is totally worthless in challenges. Why are they following Tina's lead? VOTE HER or her worthless daughter OUT. Laura B has nobody. Her mate is gone. Monika has nobody. HER mate is out. Why are they not targeting the partners???? The one ruining that tribe is Tina.

I agree but she is basically harmless. So was Kat. Monika is a shot caller with or without her asshole husband being there. Get rid of Monika then the two gay brothers.

Oh and honestly, I think Calib will win this whole damn thing and that is not good. I HAT COLTON.

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