Survivor. Are you watching?

These people are idiots. Tina won before. Her daughter is with her, who is totally worthless in challenges. Why are they following Tina's lead? VOTE HER or her worthless daughter OUT. Laura B has nobody. Her mate is gone. Monika has nobody. HER mate is out. Why are they not targeting the partners???? The one ruining that tribe is Tina.

Yep! They're so worried about Vytas joining up with Aras, and here Tina is already joined up with her daughter. But, I think Laura B made a dumb move of going and telling Vytas that he was the target that night without first talking to the others. Taking the lead always puts a target on your own back and that is why she is now out.

Laura B's daughter and Tina's daughter should have been voted out a long time ago. They are totally useless. Then of course Crazy Monica. Then Tina/Laura B.

I really dont actually want any of them to win because the one guy I like is boyfriends with that disgusting colton.
I am so glad Tina is on redemption island. Now her lousy daughter and that worthless Sierra need to join her.

None of them left float my boat. But I am leaning towards Tyson. Dude takes no shit and is playing wisely.
I gotta ask...what exactly do you guys enjoy about reality TV?
And not trying to insult here,but does it seem like more dems are into it then republicans?

I'll watch the cooking shows occasionally,but only to see how the pro's cook.
The whole social "who can screw who" Just doesnt do it for me.
The remaining players are pretty boring. I don't exactly miss Phillip and the other crazies they've had in the past, but I sure see why they have them.

I like Caleb and Hayden.

Tyson is a jerk! lol ;) Still not interesting enough for me to really work up any passion against. But it'll be cool if they blindside him.
I gotta ask...what exactly do you guys enjoy about reality TV?
And not trying to insult here,but does it seem like more dems are into it then republicans?

I'll watch the cooking shows occasionally,but only to see how the pro's cook.
The whole social "who can screw who" Just doesnt do it for me.

Back in 2010 a study was released showing that Republicans and Democrats tended to like different shows. Survivor was #8 in the Republicans' column. Survivor also got a pretty good score from Dems but was not in their top 15.

Republicans had several reality shows in their top 15.

Republicans and Democrats Like Different TV Shows, Study Says | Fox News
I gotta ask...what exactly do you guys enjoy about reality TV?
And not trying to insult here,but does it seem like more dems are into it then republicans?

I'll watch the cooking shows occasionally,but only to see how the pro's cook.
The whole social "who can screw who" Just doesnt do it for me.

It's not so much about "reality TV" as it is about Survivor. I wouldn't watch Honey Boo Boo, and certainly not Bachelor/Bachelorette.

Survivor is very interesting because you can see that most humans in society are very much alike in many ways. The fact that we are able to see what a participant is like by the way he acts and the things he says behind the backs of the others, and how quickly the other players, even though they are not privy to those talks, are sometimes able to pick up on a person's true self proves that out. Observing the dumb moves that some of them make and the wise moves that some make is interesting in trying to determine who you think is the best player and whether or not they end up winning.

Sometimes you really don't care for one of the players, but if they are playing a smart game, you have to realize that they deserve to win, and often those players that the winner stepped on to get to the end, realize that the winner did indeed played a better game and are willing to vote for them.

Then, there are the challenges, which are fun to watch, and the beautiful setting and prizes they often win when a team wins a challenge.

I don't really think it has anything to do with Policitcs - if you only want to watch something that your party approves of, you're way too controlled.
The remaining players are pretty boring. I don't exactly miss Phillip and the other crazies they've had in the past, but I sure see why they have them.

I like Caleb and Hayden.

Tyson is a jerk! lol ;) Still not interesting enough for me to really work up any passion against. But it'll be cool if they blindside him.

True there is no bickering and sneaky things going on that adds more interest to each weeks episode, but I think that some members are heading for a rude awakening.

Ciera and Tina's daughter, Katy, should have been voted out long ago, but somehow they have been able to float along, which often makes you wonder if they will end up being one of the finalists!

I too, don't like Tyson, mostly because he is conniving and controlling, but sometimes that is what ends up undoing them. He may be in for a surprise, soon. Or, he could end up going to the end. He's certainly being smart about not letting on that he has the idol, the mistake that many players have made by trusting someone only to be stabbed in the back by that very same one.

My favorite is Hayden.....but if Calef won it, I wouldn't mind either.
I gotta ask...what exactly do you guys enjoy about reality TV?
And not trying to insult here,but does it seem like more dems are into it then republicans?

I'll watch the cooking shows occasionally,but only to see how the pro's cook.
The whole social "who can screw who" Just doesnt do it for me.

I tink you have to be a student of human nature and enjoy something that is sort of real interaction rather than fully scripted and directed. It's like the difference between romance novels and non fiction. Some folks like one genre; others like the other. Reality show viewers I would guess mostly prefer non fiction.
I gotta ask...what exactly do you guys enjoy about reality TV?
And not trying to insult here,but does it seem like more dems are into it then republicans?

I'll watch the cooking shows occasionally,but only to see how the pro's cook.
The whole social "who can screw who" Just doesnt do it for me.

It's not so much about "reality TV" as it is about Survivor. I wouldn't watch Honey Boo Boo, and certainly not Bachelor/Bachelorette.

Survivor is very interesting because you can see that most humans in society are very much alike in many ways. The fact that we are able to see what a participant is like by the way he acts and the things he says behind the backs of the others, and how quickly the other players, even though they are not privy to those talks, are sometimes able to pick up on a person's true self proves that out. Observing the dumb moves that some of them make and the wise moves that some make is interesting in trying to determine who you think is the best player and whether or not they end up winning.

Sometimes you really don't care for one of the players, but if they are playing a smart game, you have to realize that they deserve to win, and often those players that the winner stepped on to get to the end, realize that the winner did indeed played a better game and are willing to vote for them.

Then, there are the challenges, which are fun to watch, and the beautiful setting and prizes they often win when a team wins a challenge.

I don't really think it has anything to do with Policitcs - if you only want to watch something that your party approves of, you're way too controlled.

I didnt suggest that you watch "Party approved" TV. Whatever that is....
I just dont understand how watching people backstabbing and lying to each other could be considered entertaining.
I will say I dont watch much TV other then news,football,The Military channel,History channel,Discovery channel and the like, so that may have something to do with my apathy towards those type of shows in general.
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I gotta ask...what exactly do you guys enjoy about reality TV?
And not trying to insult here,but does it seem like more dems are into it then republicans?

I'll watch the cooking shows occasionally,but only to see how the pro's cook.
The whole social "who can screw who" Just doesnt do it for me.

It's not so much about "reality TV" as it is about Survivor. I wouldn't watch Honey Boo Boo, and certainly not Bachelor/Bachelorette.

Survivor is very interesting because you can see that most humans in society are very much alike in many ways. The fact that we are able to see what a participant is like by the way he acts and the things he says behind the backs of the others, and how quickly the other players, even though they are not privy to those talks, are sometimes able to pick up on a person's true self proves that out. Observing the dumb moves that some of them make and the wise moves that some make is interesting in trying to determine who you think is the best player and whether or not they end up winning.

Sometimes you really don't care for one of the players, but if they are playing a smart game, you have to realize that they deserve to win, and often those players that the winner stepped on to get to the end, realize that the winner did indeed played a better game and are willing to vote for them.

Then, there are the challenges, which are fun to watch, and the beautiful setting and prizes they often win when a team wins a challenge.

I don't really think it has anything to do with Policitcs - if you only want to watch something that your party approves of, you're way too controlled.

I didnt suggest that you watch "Party approved" TV. Whatever that is....
I just dont understand how watching people backstabbing and lying to each other could be considered entertaining.

Maybe to you it isn't, but what are you suggesting? That you are more intelligent or superior because you don't like to watch people acting like people?
I will say I dont watch much TV other then news,football,The Military channel,History channel,Discovery channel and the like, so that may have something to do with my apathy towards those type of shows in general.

Good for you.....I watch those too, on occasion, but when I sit down to watch TV, which isn't that often, I want to be entertained, and different people find different things entertaining, so trying to understand why some may like something and others don't is an effort in futility - unless by your comments you are trying to indicate that you are a better person because you don't watch such! You're not.
It's not so much about "reality TV" as it is about Survivor. I wouldn't watch Honey Boo Boo, and certainly not Bachelor/Bachelorette.

Survivor is very interesting because you can see that most humans in society are very much alike in many ways. The fact that we are able to see what a participant is like by the way he acts and the things he says behind the backs of the others, and how quickly the other players, even though they are not privy to those talks, are sometimes able to pick up on a person's true self proves that out. Observing the dumb moves that some of them make and the wise moves that some make is interesting in trying to determine who you think is the best player and whether or not they end up winning.

Sometimes you really don't care for one of the players, but if they are playing a smart game, you have to realize that they deserve to win, and often those players that the winner stepped on to get to the end, realize that the winner did indeed played a better game and are willing to vote for them.

Then, there are the challenges, which are fun to watch, and the beautiful setting and prizes they often win when a team wins a challenge.

I don't really think it has anything to do with Policitcs - if you only want to watch something that your party approves of, you're way too controlled.

I didnt suggest that you watch "Party approved" TV. Whatever that is....
I just dont understand how watching people backstabbing and lying to each other could be considered entertaining.

Maybe to you it isn't, but what are you suggesting? That you are more intelligent or superior because you don't like to watch people acting like people?
I will say I dont watch much TV other then news,football,The Military channel,History channel,Discovery channel and the like, so that may have something to do with my apathy towards those type of shows in general.

Good for you.....I watch those too, on occasion, but when I sit down to watch TV, which isn't that often, I want to be entertained, and different people find different things entertaining, so trying to understand why some may like something and others don't is an effort in futility - unless by your comments you are trying to indicate that you are a better person because you don't watch such! You're not.

I'm not implying anything. But it sounds like you know about the stigma attached to reality shows in general.
If survivor was really about survival situations ...? I'd probably watch it.
But when your survival depends on how well you can deceive? Sounds like people playing politician and I get enough of that crap in real life.
But to each his own I guess.
I didnt suggest that you watch "Party approved" TV. Whatever that is....
I just dont understand how watching people backstabbing and lying to each other could be considered entertaining.

Maybe to you it isn't, but what are you suggesting? That you are more intelligent or superior because you don't like to watch people acting like people?
I will say I dont watch much TV other then news,football,The Military channel,History channel,Discovery channel and the like, so that may have something to do with my apathy towards those type of shows in general.

Good for you.....I watch those too, on occasion, but when I sit down to watch TV, which isn't that often, I want to be entertained, and different people find different things entertaining, so trying to understand why some may like something and others don't is an effort in futility - unless by your comments you are trying to indicate that you are a better person because you don't watch such! You're not.

I'm not implying anything. But it sounds like you know about the stigma attached to reality shows in general.
Yeah, to programs such as Honey Booboo, Housewives of where-ever, but Survivor has been around for a long time and doesn't get the criticism that those shows do.

If survivor was really about survival situations ...? I'd probably watch it.
But when your survival depends on how well you can deceive? Sounds like people playing politician and I get enough of that crap in real life.
Little you's not all about deceipt, but about gaining the trust of others, being liked by others and how well you are able to perform in tough situations. They are on limited resources, so there is also the matter of how nice can you act when extremely hungry. There is deception, but it isn't the type that affects the lives of others such as in real life.
But to each his own I guess.
That's right. You come into a thread about "Survivor, Are You Watching" - most any sensible person would know that it would be to discuss it, not to dis it and try to make those participating feel less of a human being for doing so. And, if you didn't know you were doing that, than you are more arrogant than you realize.
I would recommend Survivor to anyone who needs lessons in how to cope with tricky work environments. Lots of lessons about picking battles and cooperating with adversaries when needed. Survivor strategies are applicable to many real life situations.
I gotta ask...what exactly do you guys enjoy about reality TV?
And not trying to insult here,but does it seem like more dems are into it then republicans?

I'll watch the cooking shows occasionally,but only to see how the pro's cook.
The whole social "who can screw who" Just doesnt do it for me.

It's not so much about "reality TV" as it is about Survivor. I wouldn't watch Honey Boo Boo, and certainly not Bachelor/Bachelorette.

Survivor is very interesting because you can see that most humans in society are very much alike in many ways. The fact that we are able to see what a participant is like by the way he acts and the things he says behind the backs of the others, and how quickly the other players, even though they are not privy to those talks, are sometimes able to pick up on a person's true self proves that out. Observing the dumb moves that some of them make and the wise moves that some make is interesting in trying to determine who you think is the best player and whether or not they end up winning.

Sometimes you really don't care for one of the players, but if they are playing a smart game, you have to realize that they deserve to win, and often those players that the winner stepped on to get to the end, realize that the winner did indeed played a better game and are willing to vote for them.

Then, there are the challenges, which are fun to watch, and the beautiful setting and prizes they often win when a team wins a challenge.

I don't really think it has anything to do with Policitcs - if you only want to watch something that your party approves of, you're way too controlled.

I didnt suggest that you watch "Party approved" TV. Whatever that is....
I just dont understand how watching people backstabbing and lying to each other could be considered entertaining.
I will say I dont watch much TV other then news,football,The Military channel,History channel,Discovery channel and the like, so that may have something to do with my apathy towards those type of shows in general.

Each to their own. On occasion if there is something of particular interest on those channels you mentioned, we have watched them all.

But what is football but a game of deception, strategy, and being stronger or faster or more competent than the other guy? What coach hasn't fibbed about the status of an 'injured' player just to mess with the other coach's head and try to get him to change his strategy? Why do they go to such lengths to protect their playbook and for the other team to not see hand signals or know verbal codes or figure out just what the intentions are?

How is it not wrong to do that in sports or war and then make it wrong to do in another type of game? For that is what Survivor is. It is a game built on strategy, gaining advantage, and building alliances, and yes, there is some deception built into that. But it is also a study in relationships and ability to be creative and smart enough to be one of the three left standing at the end. AND they have to do all that while not making so many enemies or earning so much disrespect that the jury will not elect them .

There have been some so skillful at the game that they pretty much swept the jury vote AND the 'Miss or Mrs Congeniality" prize at the end. When that happens you realize that you are looking at brilliance.
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AND it really is a study in human nature and can provide a real education in how different personality types respond to different situations.
Is it just me or is anyone else getting bored with this season's Survivor?

I thought it one of the better ones and was enjoying it a lot early on. I think we have hit a bit of a lull though as the most interesting personalities are gone and we're having to get attached to or redevelop new interests going forward. But I'm still watching faithfully.
Is it just me or is anyone else getting bored with this season's Survivor?

I thought it one of the better ones and was enjoying it a lot early on. I think we have hit a bit of a lull though as the most interesting personalities are gone and we're having to get attached to or redevelop new interests going forward. But I'm still watching faithfully.

That's probably it...
The remaining players are pretty boring. I don't exactly miss Phillip and the other crazies they've had in the past, but I sure see why they have them.

I like Caleb and Hayden.

Tyson is a jerk! lol ;) Still not interesting enough for me to really work up any passion against. But it'll be cool if they blindside him.

True there is no bickering and sneaky things going on that adds more interest to each weeks episode, but I think that some members are heading for a rude awakening.

Ciera and Tina's daughter, Katy, should have been voted out long ago, but somehow they have been able to float along, which often makes you wonder if they will end up being one of the finalists!

I too, don't like Tyson, mostly because he is conniving and controlling, but sometimes that is what ends up undoing them. He may be in for a surprise, soon. Or, he could end up going to the end. He's certainly being smart about not letting on that he has the idol, the mistake that many players have made by trusting someone only to be stabbed in the back by that very same one.

My favorite is Hayden.....but if Calef won it, I wouldn't mind either.

I would not mind Hayden but he already won BB. I am sorry, but in my book, if you won, you should not be on another show. Just my opinion.
I didnt suggest that you watch "Party approved" TV. Whatever that is....
I just dont understand how watching people backstabbing and lying to each other could be considered entertaining.

Maybe to you it isn't, but what are you suggesting? That you are more intelligent or superior because you don't like to watch people acting like people?
I will say I dont watch much TV other then news,football,The Military channel,History channel,Discovery channel and the like, so that may have something to do with my apathy towards those type of shows in general.

Good for you.....I watch those too, on occasion, but when I sit down to watch TV, which isn't that often, I want to be entertained, and different people find different things entertaining, so trying to understand why some may like something and others don't is an effort in futility - unless by your comments you are trying to indicate that you are a better person because you don't watch such! You're not.

I'm not implying anything. But it sounds like you know about the stigma attached to reality shows in general.
If survivor was really about survival situations ...? I'd probably watch it.
But when your survival depends on how well you can deceive? Sounds like people playing politician and I get enough of that crap in real life.
But to each his own I guess.

Yes, yes it is to each his own. In THIS survivor fan room, we comment on the show because we are fans. You are not obviously. You seem to like politics. In this thread, there is no politics so, have a great day. C ya. God bless. By the way, we have nothing against people who dont like the show. That is fine, just stay away then. There are numerous threads you can go on. Have fun.

Now back to the show.

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